
Oh my god. Warwick Davies has got a full midget family

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Big news

Bit unethical.

Where do they get their clothes from? The daughter's dress doesn't look like the sort of thing you'd find in the children's section of a clothes store.

is this the final and ultimate form of humanity?

I haven't had sex in a year, I'm forgetting what it feels like.


No wuite the opposite. It was two deformed mutants who were allowed to breed and have more deformed mutant children.

has anyone actually done/known anyone who has done soggy biscuit game?

thats cruel

memory is utter shite
lose track of thoughts I had literally 30 seconds ago

queen's dead check itv news

Nah I don't have any gay friends





Never undestood how trigger nozzle hoses work
like where does the water go when you're not pulling the trigger but the tap is turned on??

Any of you wearing boots in the snow?


yeah I have but instead of a biscuit we used your mum's face and she lost on purpose

send me that video ahahaha

Queen's dead lads fucking hell

shut the fuck up you retard

on a coffee bar bell and /brit/ binge today lads

state of london

deconstructing 'britishness' through mixed-race relations - a ethnopoliticography

ahahahahah troll status: major sucesss


2/10 made me google

The universities minister says students whose courses have been disrupted by the university strike should receive compensation for lost classes.

Sam Gyimah said this could mean a refund on tuition fees or rearranging cancelled lectures.

At the launch of a new higher education regulator, Mr Gyimah told universities this was the "age of the student" and they deserved better value for money.

would love a wife

almost witnessed an interracial fight when i went to a chelsea game last year. can't comprehend how people get even near to physical confrontation over sports

Wishing the queen was dead

the gf

i like the new royal kids but hate the rest of them desu

that is kinda the point

Growing up with dwarf parents

why are they called magapedes again?

Spent my whole life fooling figures of authority into thinking I'm a hard working, polite, motivated individual when really I'm a lazy arse good at making excuses and talking shite eloquently on the spot

Did the nigger jive

ooooh ahhh chaaa chaa cha

penis is going hogwild at r/gonewild

ah yes, middle management

does anyone know?
i'm a bit concerned over this
like surely the nozzle can't stop the water pipe from flowing. Maybe it just builds up water and the system can tell when it gets to a certain point and stops flowing

le top hat pig.jpg

the racist irish poster posts 24/7

It gets recycled down the hose pipe

fake prince marries a paki
real prince turns into a absolute drip
queen is neither here of there basically a ornament at this point and has been my entire life
charles probably the best of the bunch at this point but is def not king tier

lack of war
fights between football fans should be legalized desu

congrats u will be a father soon

A few of us actually do it in shifts

I have a job, a gf and go to uni. Its a snow day, hey, sue me buddy! heading pub later anyhwaht

Whats it like living in a cuntry that's so sympathetic to dotheads and durkas? I can barely handle buying beer from them

For us, it all started when our divorced best friend started kissing and cuddling my wife when I was out of sight. When she told me about it in bed one evening, I found that I had an immediate erection which I pressed against her. She noticed, who wouldn't, so we talked about it that evening and many other evenings. Each time she told me about it I had an erection, but being in the 1980's, I couldn't find anyone to talk about it as there was no Internet.

Eventually, I realised I actually wanted her to go to bed for sex with him, and so did she. She asked me it it would be OK, so we set limits and agreed to try it out just once. She didn't waste any time, and invited him back the next evening for a fuck, which she described as fantastic. Our own sex afterwards was nothing short of startling, we had the best lovemaking session we'd ever had, so we agreed that she should continue fucking him.

I found she was much better in herself, confident, satisfied, exciting, spirited, and even her appearance changed as she was choosing better clothes - she looked and acted sexier with him and with me.

The thought of what she was doing in bed with him was fantastic as she never ever let me be there when she was with him for sex. Helping her to get ready for him, then wondering if his hands were wandering all over her body, laying her on the bed and opening her legs, his fingers opening her pussy lips, exploring her vulva , clitoris and vagina. The thought of her groaning as he slipped his naked cock into her was wonderful, I could see them together in my mind as his cock pounded her ending in orgasm for both of them, fulling her with his cum.

I knew he was having her bareback as she presented me with many cream pies to lick afterwards, I loved licking her where his cock had been fucking her only minutes earlier.

What's not to be turned on by all of that playing in your mind when your wife has a perfect sexual partner to play with?

Just created a thread that I think will piss off a lot of JFs, lads.

people who attend lectures are thick as fuck

lectures cater to the slowest possible student and are a shit use of time

you learn infinitely more by sitting down with the textbook / course notes yourself in a quiet room, smashing it out and then attending office hours if you get stuck

If you don't like the Queen that just means you don't know enough about her.

GOOD post

I wish I was cool and stylish like Daniel Craig in The Girl With the Dragon Tattoo.

that post
that flag

*looks at you across the room and whispers to my friend when you make eye contact whilst giggling*

Charles is very much King-tier
He's a follower of the Traditionalist School
There's a reason why the media hates him, and that's because he refuses to be happy with modernity



t. left uni a friendless virgin

>t. whiter than u mohammed

is the finn a political scientist?

nobody reads leo strauss anymore

Why? He is successful and his children are likely to also be successful. It's how evolution works.

apparently Craig was miscast; the character he plays - Mikhail Blomkvist - is meant to be a normal middle-aged podgy guy yet they cast Daniel Craig fresh off the back of 007 when he was still highly thick, solid and tight

want to get a state funeral like sridevi when i die. what do

is the dragon tattoo on her bum

Used to leave in the morning to go to lectures, panic at the door and not attend them, then hang around uni for the time doing nothing so my gf didn't know I hadn't attended.

You don't go to lectures to learn course material you utter virgin.

this u go to lectures to see your friends

god i fucking love dicks

shut up or I'll shoot up this entire thread

admittedly true, however people don't make friends in lectures

they make friends in halls, societies, nights out etc (so I am told)

got shot today


planning to change to economics

was interested to see what he'd have to say

>people don't make friends in lectures

Yeah, who'd want to be friends with their coursemates for the next 3 years...

>teehee im gay btw :V

>nobody reads leo strauss anymore

nobody makes friends in lectures you fuckin virgins

you make friends in college accom and labs

btw i love willys

>lectures cater to the slowest possible student
no they don't

friendless virgins are the most powerful race

i repeated a year and i now have no (zero) friends in my lectures

how do u make friends at uni?
everyone just goes for classes and leaves and no one talks to each other
also in my course i was often the only non-international student

fuck off you attention-seeking drone

*makes strict manly eyebrow angle *
as a matter of fact i'm homosexual

>best guess for this image: senior citizen

Is that Piers Morgan on the right?


what suppliments does /brit/ take?



something that you especially don't like about him?

>having comprehensive notes and a step by step textbook with everything included

What kind of kindergarten university do you go to?

ni hao my chinese friend

Semen retention.

Once in one of my classes I had a group project and for some reason our tutor got us to make group names
and although the groups were meant to be 3 a piece i was in a group of 2 with this fob viet girl
had no idea what to call it so she suggested "Love Birds" and I was like uh ok that's a bit forward of you but sure (it turned out it was the name of a cafe she liked probs didnt get hte implications)
Then the tutor came around and saw our group name and gave us a very funny look

try some girls. they love older guys


bob dylan is welsh? u wot

retarded nonce

cultured god-beast

Centrum advance 50+ multivitamin
Tesco own brand B Vitamin Complex
Tesco Cod Liver Oil capsule
Sertraline 50mg

All 1/day, plus a second B Vitamin tablet before I start drinking