How do you explain Germanic superiority?


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They are faggots, sorry. Baltic race is better.

Bunch of degenerates.

We're just naturally superior.

Being civilised by Rome and the catholic church first and having relative peace in comparison to other parts of Europe over the past 1000 years. Combine that all together and it lead to the development of a superior civil culture, while the east's history shaped it into a more barbaric culture of strongmen and despots.

All G*rmanics should be eliminated completely

Protestant work ethic and

we are not germanic, but gaelic instead

>Being civilised by Rome
GERMANICS kicked Rome's ass when Rome invaded, then crossed the Rhine later to put the m*doids down.

>Protestant work ethic
>A number of leading contemporary historians, including eminent historian Fernand Braudel (d. 1985) and British historian Hugh Trevor-Roper (d. 2003), assert that the existing consensus among scholars is that Protestant Work Ethic theory is false. They refer to the pre-Reformation existence of rapid economic development of Catholic capitalist communities.

The ethic came from the Krautshits who developed protestantism not Luther the sperglord.

>GERMANICS kicked Rome's ass when Rome invaded
Uhm, no, they got BTFO for centuries and civilised, until Rome's internal struggles weakened her for invasion.
Some of the greatest Germanic leaders that fucked Rome over were actually incorporated into the Roman military, Roman life, and Roman civilisation, and defected to destroy Rome. Some of them were even born in Rome.
And whose culture did they take for themselves after Rome was destroyed?

Read the article it states that Calvinists were the primary influence. Anyway, the whole idea of the Protestant work ethic is no longer supported by any objective historians.


Favorable geographic conditions.

Yeah, I was joking.
Latvians and Estonians are also protestant and look at them.

you don't because that would be racist

Rome was militarily dominant, but after Teutoberg Forrest Rome never realistically was wanting to/going to conquer Germania.
It is true though that Rome defused a lot of it's culture into Germanic folk, especially in places like Gaul with the Franks, and Italia and Hispania with the Goths.
It was overall though a net loss, especially seeing Britannia go from a Romano-Briton culture to a predominantly Anglo-Saxon one, and all the historically Germanic lands before the Migration Period remaining totally Germanic (Northern Germany + Scandinavia)

>It was overall though a net loss, especially seeing Britannia go from a Romano-Briton culture to a predominantly Anglo-Saxon one, and all the historically Germanic lands before the Migration Period remaining totally Germanic (Northern Germany + Scandinavia)
No it wasn't, the act of native Britons being civilised was not negated by Anglo-saxons conquering them (who were themselves inheritors of rome in the form of the Catholic church). Who do you think civilized the Anglo-saxons and gave them Christianity you numpty.

Please go home to wherever the fuck you came from.

>stop saying objective facts about history because they destroy my Sup Forumstard conception of history
How about you read a book, dumb cunt.

I can smell diaspora a mile off. Go home.

I can smell a Sup Forumstard a mile off.

Just like you explain any other bad joke

Unreduced humans

>realistically was wanting to/going to conquer Germania.

Wanting is the right word here Germania was way too vast, unexplored and hostile and even ceasar thought of it as a too much of an hassle. Why expand to literally a place where every mile traversed could mean death and you'll be abandoning such great natural borders as Rhine and alps. Literally no reason to.

IIRC Anglo-Saxons were pagan for a good bit, and it took Frankish and Irish monks to convert them, not the native Romano-Britons.

>civil culture
Pretty sure the French did it better than both Latins and Germanics.

inherent autism

>Frankish and Irish monks
What religion where they following?

why are you mad?
What's wrong in what he said?


thats how your average dane looks like

>No sun
>No life
>Not sweden
>Not finland
>Not the UK
>Not any other country
>Cold even when the sun is shining

>So please dont come here and stay out please please please please

Denmark has awesome beaches


No that's a 1/10

pic related is a 9/10


Cry me a river. Wait, cant find land

True danish family

proof that danes are not white

also, Denmark is flat! FLAT!
