
Thread died edition

Other urls found in this thread:

fuck dr*mpf and fuck white "people"

What is /cum listening to today?

i did nothing wrong

The jello boy


why did janny nuke the thread?

I thought it just 404d not pruned?

IDK was it early?
It was deleted. This isn't Sup Forums, we have an archive.

No way it was early, i thought it was thr only thread?

wtf i LOVE white girls now

do jannies hate cum?



think I shall settle for some whataburger after school

could easily dab on any living person in this thread and theres nothing they could do to stop me

say that to my face and not on the internet and see what happens motherfucker



>mfw thinking about burgers


*dabs on you*

Good luck getting across the atlantic silly

*Across the canadian border

I'm gonna fuck u

Sorry i just wanted to talk to my international friends

thoughts on asian men?

anime posters

not a fan

not a fan

they are pretty cool

>mfw there’s a non America, mexico, or even canadian flag posting in /cum
Wow cool...

I dont even watch anime but i have hundreds of anime reaction images

should I apply for this $2500 LGBT scholarship and tell them I wish to get srs but feel trapped in my own body because I'm scared of persecution from Brunwulf Blimp

I took this picture in the 20's

they make too many bad posts and not enough good posts

Ther reaction images from anime don’t even look good. I really do not understand any if the appeal.

what should I get at whataburger? a regular double cheeseburger or a mushroom swiss?

>tfw no whataburger on the west coast

>Anime reaction images dont look good
This one for example is very smug and perfect for posting with

also this one

>Emoji file names
Were living in a different era

tfw no gf

Just looks like a generic anime character with a smile. Also it’s low quality. I still don’t see any of the appeal

i just copy and pasted from ottawa. don't tell her

cats are for betas


>I still don’t see any of the appeal
because you're not a soulless weeb

He's autistic so he can't let go of the little charade


love vsauce and watched his youtube red series recently and it was amazing desu

this weather has given me a cold ;_;


need a roleplaying gf

a boy who is roleplaying as a gf or a gf who enjoys roleplaying?

>a girls who likes to dress up and have a photo session based on an specific theme/topic/character etc. is not the same as a person who likes role playing 24/7


obviously the latter. boys cannot be gfs

pisses me off this false flagging bullshit

Why? You've already been proven to be a proxy user many times in the past.

Just made an informational PSA on the dangers of eating ass on a youtube channel aimed towards teenagers.

Feel like I may have saved a life or 2 today

Nothing wrong with ass eating.

they poop from there, you sick fuck

You can get Hepatitis A from eating ass. Hepatitis A is an untreatable infection that can damage your liver.

girls don't poop


i just went to the bathroom like 5 min ago

In the first world we have vaccines (in case you enjoy getting intimate with drug addicts).
And from their vagina they bleed. So what

>dane is pretending to be a girl again

they only bleed once a month. you can penis in vajoo on the off days. Poop is a constant

The methodology applied is basically fool proof for creating pleasant harmonies, but it sounds nice nonetheless.

Shes a girl(male)

>And from their vagina they bleed. So what
You shouldn't put your mouth there either, sick fuck

reply to me

Overwatch just added their newest waifu to the game.

How do you rate her?

>playing redditwatch



>yes me play onlime gaem, much very fun

roleplaying on Sup Forums is a game too idiot

*pushes over an anime girl*

heh...that'll show ya...

Ahhhhh it's so hottttttttt helpppppppppppppppppp

the "women" here are ruining this site

>roleplaying on Sup Forums is a game too idiot

have done nothing whatsoever to prepare for my training on monday. have to go get copies of my safety tickets and a bank statement. just so lazy and depressed.

evens double cheese
odds mushroom swiss

asian girls >>>> anime girls

>school might be canceled because of the snow tomorrow


bought a beer yesterday and put it on the windowsill because it's cooler outside than the fridge..forgot about it and now that I want to drink it it's frozen solid :'-(

Can't we just nuke South Africa already?

put it in the microwave :^)

shut the fuck up negro.

kiss my cock

actually you're lucky because my cock is quite beautiful

Your cock looks like it was dipped in honey

I want to lick it all off, I want to pollinate you like a bee

*kicks your cock*


Ow! You fucking bitch! My cock is ruined! The bone is fractured! You fucking bitch! Fucking bitch, w-what am I gonna do now with my fucking cock now? I-It's broken!

*starts laughing at your broken cock*
Heh, good one cana

>Ow! You fucking bitch! My cock is ruined! The bone is fractured! You fucking bitch! Fucking bitch, w-what am I gonna do now with my fucking cock now? I-It's broken!

M-My precious dick... oh my god... *passes out*