Get a new job in the project management field

>get a new job in the project management field
>end up with a team full of spaniards and people from portugal
>"Hey this will be fun working in a multi-cultural tea..."

>have to listen to the worst sounding language in the entire world every day
>Fucking coffee and cigarette break every single hour for 20 minutes
>"Meeting at 10 a.m? Lets start going there at 10.05 a.m!"
>Launch takes 1 1/2 fucking hours. First eat, then another fucking coffee break and after that a coffee and cigarette break
>People just come and go as they please. Yeah, dont tell anybody where you are going....
>Too much talking about football
>Too much talking about not work related stuff while working

And you know whats the worst thing? Everything is a fucking suggestion.

They dont tell you "Finish this task in 3 days." Its "It would be perfect if you could be done with this job sometimes this week".

No wonder they need dem sweet EU GIBSMEDAT.

pls fix yourself.

Not your blog.

>>"Meeting at 10 a.m? Lets start going there at 10.05 a.m!"
literally everyone does this and it pisses me off to no end

gib hidden tax money first.

Did they find out who killed that journalist?

>50 years old German lady moves next door
>Gets fucked by a horse while eating a turd out off a Turk's ass
>Her husband loves to watch
>Apologizes for the holocaust everytime instead of saying good morning

Why are Germans like this? Pls fix yourself

Only if you buy me coffee.

They have three suspects going in court, suspected of handling the bomb but no idea who ordered it.

southern Europeans are lazy, unproductive and incompetent as fuck
I once also had to go to one of our Italian factories as a strategic manager and I immediately understood why our southern European factories are doing much worse than our northern European ones

lmao autistic germ

You have to impose yourself and show who is the boss:
>Shout at them if they do something wrong
>Reunion at 10.00 a.m, lock the door at 10:05, so they can't enter
>Fire someone who tries to stand up to you

I really don't understand corporate slaves like you.

Get a life. Seriously. If you had something to live for besides your work, you'd understand that there's so much more out there, waiting for you, that work just keeps you from enjoying them.

> coffee and cigarette break every single hour for 20 minutes
> Launch takes 1 1/2 fucking hours. First eat, then another fucking coffee break and after that a coffee and cigarette break
Wtf are all your coworkers addicted to caffeine and nicotine?

That German workaholic autism

Ahh yes, so this is the greatness of the Aryan man...

do this germ it works

Ah yes...the famous german autism.

The earlier you're done, the earlier you can go home. Hasn't anyone ever told you, Pedro?

>end up with a team full of spaniards and people from portugal
What a lucky fellow. We Iberians are a buch of amicable friendly people.

>The earlier you're done, the earlier you can go home
How does this mindset insure quality control?

That explains Volkswagen exhaust systems.

How does spending a third of the time on coffee breaks ensure quality control?

>We Iberians are a buch of amicable friendly people.

Kek, Iberians are probably one of the most bitter people of Europe. Not even kidding, every single time I am out of this shitty peninsula I try to stay away from anything that is slightly Iberian.

I will give you that. The people are all friendly, very welcoming and nice just not very efficient.

I just dont know if they are really nice or if it this fake friendliness where you have to be friendly for cultural reasons even if you strongly dislike the other person. Its very hard to tell.

They could be discussing quality control on the coffee/smoke break.

> just not very efficient.


Not that



Release a bull into the office and throw tomatoes at everyone.
The Spanish love that sort of thing.

>if it this fake friendliness where you have to be friendly for cultural reasons

It depends on the region, what You described is perfectly the cause for my region (andalusia) so if they are andalusian then It is a big yes.

You're Belgium, better go back to basics and get yourself a police force that isn't a joke.

You sound upset

that you never run out of things to do and work is never done

Work is never done? Sounds like German heaven

>I just dont know if they are really nice or if it this fake friendliness where you have to be friendly for cultural reasons
you got it damn straight but it is still better than being an autistic kraut

Oh shit !¿another andaluciANO in Sup Forums?!

Show them who's boss of your gym

There are andalusians in Sup Forums though most of us are from eastern andalusia. Eastern andalusia is Sup Forums in real life so It makes sense that there are a few of us in Sup Forums.

You are trying too much to make your own wishful thinking real. Ask any company (even in your country) about portuguese workers and you will see their answer,usually they are on the top. But yes, could be your own experience

I didnt say that they are good or bad workers i said that their working habits are very confusing for me.

Other than Seville Andalusia is Portugal-tier

Portugal in culture and how people behave are different from t spanish. you speak much more louder than us, we are usually more calm and cold

>tell german I'm going to be there by 22
>arrive at 22h30, before the hour is over
>"hurr durr you're late!"
why can't you dumb autismos understand that saying you'll be there in a certain hour means you have to arrive before the hour is over?

You have to "work" for 7.5 hours a day to bill the customers to the max and get paid. Otherwise your hour bank gets depleted and you're fucked.

yeah, yet They rely on Almería and Málaga like a bitch from a cock.

i now wish for portugal to fall off of the Iberian peninsula into the atlantic like a modern atlantis

I have recurring wet dreams of genociding Germans

>“the Portuguese soul must forever be at the side of its sister, the Germanic soul”by Fernando Pessoa

>Many of the artillerymen in service of the Portuguese crown during the 16th century were Germans

>There was probably not a single Portuguese overseas holding in Africa and Asia in which there weren’t Germans there fighting alongside the Portuguese in its defense

>Is estimated around 10.000 German men and women died in service of the Portuguese crown

>In the 19th century, a German prince prevented Portugal from going to a civil war and protected many of its monuments to which are still standing

>Two Portuguese princesses were Empresses of Germany

>There were 11 royal marriages between Portugal and Germany

Me too.

>get a new job in the project management field
you get what you deserve, bourgeoisie

>>“the Portuguese soul must forever be at the side of its sister, the Germanic soul”by Fernando Pessoa

Is this how the world wars started?

i feel you user. i really do. i work in a multikulti team with with one spaniard and one portuguese. they are the worst people i have ever worked with.

and as i don't want to get into a major shit flinging here on int i'll list the best people i have worked with and then just go away: swedes, romanians and russians

OP I feel your pain, Spanish and its derivatives are ear cancer. They should be expunged from this planet without mercy.

Try to deliver something to an address in Spain OP, I dare you.

>insulting Pessoa
get the fuck out of here


Thanks friend

This is the attitude of a person who doesn't have anything and never will


I've been working in Germany for 2 and half years, in a company where everyone but me and another gut were germans.

There were days were we literally sat on office doing literally nothing, because (always according to them) there was noting to do.

Also many days there was simply no lunch. Nothing. We would work the fucking entire day without eating, or maybe my german mate would drink coffee and nothing more.

Constantly got embarrased by weird as fuck jokes that were supossed to be funny.

Most of them had shitty-to non existant english, and much less any other language besides german, and sometimes even got mad at me for misspelling some shit in german while talking.

And I won't say anything about "normal" people outside of the job. Seriously it's literally Autismland The Country.

Alberto Barbosa

Here's an honest look at work efficiency by ethnicity

Being white americans the best and jews the worst.

Oh and niggermericans better than germs. Pretty reliable.

Here your bump ,mr Hans

>honest look

You're far too anal with time, I get it that Portuguese are the complete opposite, it bothers me too, but your system isn't ideal either.
Last time I had to deal with German time during erasmus, even if made sure that I was getting there on point, when I entered the room it would seem like the class had been running for 15 minutes.
It's fucking surreal. Fuck you.
I don't know why a German is complaining about language.
Lunch time is important. Hot meal. Sitting down. Fuck anyone that says otherwise.

No way portuguese and spaniards would work together

wow how can europoorcuckshits even compete?