/v4/ + /freunden/

Swedish edition


>this edition
why Jacek? why?

I forgot to add I'm gay as fuck and have AIDS :3

>t. Brownie

Simple, traffic accident is your friend. Go to Bierdronka, buy groceries, and on your way home walk straight into traffic and let nature run its course. That way your death will be ruled as an unfortunate accident. One of many taking place every week. Your parents may even get some money from your social security.

And ruin someone's car and mental state
If you plan to kys, do it yourself



love you all friends
you are a awesome

chaos and destruction

also marcel

Remember when /v4/ was just that with no extra autistic "edition xd" shit
op is a faggot also


and no

That's of course true. However, it's not so easy trying to kill yourself and make it look like an accident at the same time. One way or the other someone is going to have a bad day.

Fuck off subhuman.

>being a p*lack

I think it's really creepy that everyone on this board recognizes eachother when it's anonymous, it shows intelligence yeah but it shows how small (and honestly, autistic) the poster pool really is

yes and yes you faggot

>Remember when /v4/ was just that with no extra autistic "edition xd" shit
v4 threads always had some edition as far as I remember
but feel free to get butthurt about posts on mongolian noodle rolling site

no one can recognise me because i am too mysterious

>le dab meme
Swedes aren't white.

slavs are not human edition when then?

as soon as you get you sore ass back to the apple thread

whiter than you Muhammad, we were Vikings we bravely killed many unarmed monks, Odin watches over me, I'm a berserker and live for the hunt

An*me should be bannable at this point
Not just on Sup Forums, but also on Sup Forums

Should be, cuz its cancer
But Sup Forums seems kind of the place that anime should be in

>le funnay nigger gesture AND an*me blobs
Pure cancer

No, Sup Forums shouldn't even have images
Or text

Then what should it have? :D

why are poles so smart?

>we were Vikings
Swedes weren't vikings, but shitty and poor peasant farmers.

Danes and Norwegians were actual Vikings.

When Europeans travel to other European countries what are the natives to them like usually?
Do they have sincere polite social interactions or does it rapidly go into nationalistic autism after exchanging hellos? I'm sure these interactions happen often since you can go across Europe in like a day via train

I only ever had normal interaction and I don't think it would go autistic as long as you don't visit football matches where your country plays against the country you're visiting.

nobody talks about politics with strangers anywhere, what the fuck is wrong with you
most of natives you usually interact with as a tourist are services workers which are obviously polite to you because they want your money

>Swedes weren't vikings
what the fuck do you think Varangian Guard or norse mercenaries used by kievan princes were?

*bashes chests together*
The blood of the jötnar courses through my veins.

>talking to strangers

Is most communication between other Europeans in English? Or is this very subjective to region and whom borders each other

Not Swedes.

I wish I was Polish

literal retard but that doesn't surprise me, I will post The Best of Polish Education I've read so far
>sabres are good for thrusting
>you can defeat a man in plate armor by trying to push him with a spear
>Marathon run was created by the only surviving Spartan of Thermopylae
>poland saved Europe
>Lechite Empire
>poles wuz Slavs, Sarmatians, Vandals at the same time
>Hitler respected poles

I fully expect some polish retard to claim pyramids were built by slavs at this point

Still doesn't make them Swedish.

good night lads

only if you go back to polska literal slavszar

they were more Swedish than polish rulers were polish

Which still doesn't make them Swedish.

good night anonku

polack retard who got patritioned 3 times in a row and is a round headed, bald and has 80 IQ somehow believes danish vikings were Danes but swedish one suddenly weren't Swedes

no wonder you charged tanks on horseback and now clean toilets with your tongues for 5 euros

just why?

>round headed, bald and has 80 IQ
Doesn't work that way.

>we were Vikings
sure you were, Marcel

Hey Slovakbros, how do you feel about being the Real Manly Men who left the country when it was bought by Germany?

An empty catalog and a solid electrocution every time someone lurks it

In English usually, but in Czech Republic we both speak our own languages and this also occurs in Poland and Croatia, but there only for simple things, and with middle age or older people who don't understand English. In Czech Republic we always use Slovak and normal conversation using our native languages is possible there.

I think that new shitposting polack I've talking shit recently is actually the swedopole who got a proxy after being shat on by literally everyone

Forgot to say many people in Slovakia, esp. those who worked in Austria also know German and they'd use that in Austria, Germany and Switzerland.

remember when slavs had that one successful country?

Me neither.

remember when slavs were not enslaved by all their fucking neighbours?

Me neither.

remember when that one hot girl said
>I wish I had slavic boyfriend

Me neither


because Poland is awesome

>3 milion polacks left
plenty of room for me then, yay!

Is it worth visiting? It's 35 km from Budapest so pretty close.

for me it's going to be like being in civilization for the first time

I think your house has autism

this but unironically

they banned marcel reeeeeee

he was probably reported

Good, he's a mentally deranged trash.


that shit is even making its way to our news

You're far worse
Marcel is at least amusing at times, you're just obnoxious

Fan kacklar du om gubben?

t. marcelek

/v2/ when?


>be slovakia
>have euro instead of your own currency

This is what Poland should've aimed for ages ago
Selling out Jadwiga to Jagiełło instead of that Habsburg prince that she liked was the gravest mistake we ever did

>krauts on a polish throne

better than polacken

going to a grills to do her homework

>chaos and destruction
I like it


Better than easterners

Inferiority complex.


>associating yourself with easterners
Now that's a real inferiority complex


I wish you were polish


im back
probably, or just bored

I wish you were Slovak
sheng long

balkan is of importance
birthplace of the western culture
britain is degenerate
delet this image!


but that happened anyway
and yes, it mostly wasn't good

fucking hell im freezing to death in my own home

then go get some wood to put in the fireplace

I inherited the Slavic facial structure and most of my genetic traits from my mom
I think I got it from my Norwegian dad's side, since I might have Saami ancestors

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