Can yrop be saved?

Can yrop be saved?

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Nobody can save us from America

Go away Texas

Why only 83%? If Albania is 99% European some of Russian ethnic groups should be considered European as well. For example, Ossetians, also known as Alans, who participated in creation of barbaric kingdoms in France and Spain during 4-5th ages. Catalonia (Goth+Alania) is one of their remnants.

le 83% percent face

I always assumed the 17% non white in that map were literal steppe mongols from central asia in the middle of your country.

These 17% are: Ukrainians, Belarusians, Tatars, Ossetians and a lot of other groups. As you can see, even if you consider Ossetians and others to be Asians, it's still more than 83%.

Looks like a Pole to me, but a HUGE one.

17% bear

>Ukrainians, Belarusians
But the map says "european origins". Wouldn't Ukranians and Belarusians be included? The 17% are supposed to be non-european whites.

Sorry, I fucked up. I thought Russia has 83% of ethnic Russians and therefore this map was wrong. I factchecked now and it's only 79%. So yep, they included them.

No, Ukrainians are Belarusians are calculated as part of the 83%.

yurop iz doomed desu

What up

The real number of non-whites is much higher than what the census indicates


Yes, maybe. We had a fire at the shoe factory few months ago, there were about 20 dead and 18 of them were illegal Chinese immigrants.

>By Mark Yuray
>Bullshit sources



There are more examples but you get what I mean

If Albanians are white, than so are various North Caucasian ethnic groups like Chechens and Circassians. In that case, our percentage of European population should be above 83.

Central Asia has large Russian minority. We don't even if these people are Ethnic Russians returning to ther homeland or muslims.

How is your migrant relationship with China now? Considering your demographics and the fact that you share a border, they could theoretically easily overwhelm you and take part of your territory just by encouraging immigration.

>Albanians are not white because they're poor and some of them are Muslims
Don't embarrass yourself, potato.

*we don't even know.

The United Kingdom will be saved by islam Inshallah!

>We don't even if these people are Ethnic Russians returning to ther homeland or muslims.
Unlike Western countries, Russian sources always look at ethnicity first and nationality second.

What are you talking about? Albania is 80-90% muslim.

Siberia and Far East are mostly populated by European Russians. Most immigrants usually go to Moscow or St Petersburg.

he has the same eyes as putin

Right now we are too poor even to think about that scenario, they have nothing to do in Russia, we have too bad economy and infrastructure, especially in Siberia.

>What are you talking about? Albania is 80-90% muslim.
According to the 2011 census they're 59% Muslims and 17% Christians


I meant the strategic movement of people on their part. I heard they are starting to make large settlements near their russian border.

Albanians are often considered non-white because they are quite swarthy, not because they are predominantly Muslim. Nobody doubts that Bosniaks are white, for example.

China is even bigger shithole than Russia. They are a rich version of North Korea.

>Albanians are often considered non-white because they are quite swarthy
They're not swarthier than the average Balkanian. Probably even whiter than the average Greek.

The Chinese will become the dominant ethnicity in eastern Russia within the next 20-30 years (see ). You won't hear about it because the Russian census is faking statistics (see ).

I must say that some 12 years ago all Russian politicians always said about how fearsome these Chinese are to us and that we should improve our birth rates in order to fight them back. But after Crimea they never say such things again, China turned out to be our """""ally""""".

I can say that many Russians don't think that our relationships with them are going to benefit us. I know that some of that settlements you are talking about are actually made on our side of border, because Putin just gave them parts of it as a present.


How the fuck is hungary 95%? I mean there are some vietcongs and chinks in Budapest, also some foreign students but this doesnt make sense

Gypsies maybe? I heard you have a lot of them.

Just like Islam will become dominant in Western Europe.

Ethnic russians seem pretty woke about their national identity, though. Moscow would be pressured to start sending people and removing excess chinese before allowing them to replace their locals.

We probably are at around 70% white desu.

40% of the newborns in 2016 had at least one parent from Africa and it's been like that for a couple of years

Ossetians are Iranian/Caucasian peoples
Albanians are European

It's not faking anything, you just cannot count illegal immigrants in the census. All these people you mentioned are living here illegally, they have no Russian citizenship.

Yes, but they seem to be titled 'European origin' on this map, see Romania or Slovakia or the whole balkan

And Hungarians and Finns are Finno-Ugric, so they must be even less Europeans than Iranics, don't they?
Define European.

>Why only 83%?
2/3 of Russia is Asia you retard

>because Putin just gave them parts of it as a present.
That seems like something he would do. Is he still playing the soviet game, seeing the chinese as an old ally? How legitimately nationalist is he percieved to be by russians?

That dude has gigantism.

Eeeeehhhhh... from a genetic perspective including Caucasians would necessitate including Turks, because they're closer to Europeans than any Caucasus population except a few like the Adygei. Which I would see as justified desu but most people would have a problem with.

>Siberia and Far East are mostly populated by European Russians

Live on the European continent and trace their heritage to Europe. Yeah Hungarians and Finns weren't Euros thousands of years ago but you also have to be realistic here. I really don't like the whole deconstruction type of argument because its just a never ending series of "whys" and "but how about x" - just a waste of time. Not accusing you of being malicious or anything but just talking in general here.

and that's why 83% European , 17% asian

>Is he still playing the soviet game, seeing the chinese as an old ally?
Chinese never were ally to USSR though. His logic is that EU/USA are our enemies, USA is a concurent for China, so China is our friend because "enemy of my enemy is my friend" and Putinist Russia need at least some allies, and China is the only option for him.

>How legitimately nationalist is he percieved to be by russians?
He never was considered nationalist in Russia. He started to use some nationalistic rhetorics only during elections of 2012. He's a populist and you can never say what's really on his mind, he's always lying, never participates in any debates and it's impossible to ask him any not moderated question if you are a journalist.

More and more organizations and people these days are considering Georgia and Armenia as European but not Turkey or Azerbaijan (Turkey whose history is far more European than the others). It's obvious that it's a result of bigotry.

>the Turks in Bulgaria (literally Bulgarians who converted to Islam several centuries ago) are from non-European origin

Here's how I classify people living in Russia:

Europeans- Ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, Belarusians, Finnic people, Moldovans etc.

Asians- Native Siberians. They only make up small percentage of the population. kinda like Native Americans.

Eurasians- Tatars and Central Asians

Neither Asians nor Europeans: Chechens, Georgians, Armenians , Jews etc.

>even though you've lived in europe for thousands of years you're not really european
never get tired of hearing this tbqh

I agree. It's worthless and arbitrary. Been like 3000 years since the migrations.

I wonder if you would still consider Ossetians not Europeans if medieval Alania wouldn't be destroyed by Mongols in XIII century. In fact the only friendly relationships they had were the relationships with European countries. Even though neither Byzantine nor Rus weren't considered European at that point.

>Been like 3000 years since the migrations.
For Hungarians it was only 1000 years though.

Don't really know much about Ossetian history but i figure Armenia falls into a pretty similar spot despite them very obviously not being Europeans.


>How legitimately nationalist is he percieved to be by russians?

This video is the weirdest thing you may see in your life:


>Moscow would be pressured to start sending people and removing excess chinese before allowing them to replace their locals.
Moscow mayor is literally mongol.

Don't forget that census count self identity not actual ethnicity, we have 100 elves to apparently

>has to pretend he thinks Europe is one state like a real clapistani so he can keep clutching on straws

2018 version when?

>this waffle maker has to pay the highest taxes to mohamed and his 10 kids

Only Kazakhstan has a really big Russian population desu
How does that make you feel?


t. literal invader in muttland

We're all immigrants anyway

I live in the south west, this part has been Spanish or mexican before it was american, so Im rightfully here.

Only South Colorado had Spaniards

Are you ossetian?

youre ignorant , I live in Texas and it had plenty of Spanish settlements

meant for

How accurate is this? The top row Adyghe girl looks very Asiatic.

It's not supposed to be accurate. The photographer supposedly pick random girls.

>oн кaк oдин тpoeшник в нaшeм клacce гoвopит

>Heчeгo тyт yдивлятcя, Aлeкcaндp Heвcкий, кoгдa пpиeзжaл в Хaнcкyю Opдy, дyмaeтe гoвopил нa pyccкoм c Бaтыeм? Или хaн c ним нa pyccкoм? Кoнeчнo жe, нa кыпчaкcкoм paзгoвapивaли. Бeз пepeвoдчикa. Boт и Пyтин пoвтopяeт пpaдeдa. Bпoлнe пpaвильнo. Boт тaк пoтихoнькo пpивыкнeт гoвopить пo тaтapcки.


>yчёных нaдo ? нa, дepжи- Meндeлeeв кpeщeный тaтapин. Гepoйcки зaщищaл бpecтcкyю кpeпocть мaйop Гaвpилoв - кpeщeный тaтapин.Хиpypг Pинaт Aкчypин - тaтapин.Caгдeeв Poaльд - физик.Eщё пpoдoлжить?

>, I live in Texas and it had plenty of Spanish settlements

They all look so weird in this project. There were two Oss girls in that project and another one was much prettier (for my taste).

>Only South Colorado had Spaniards

what the fuck was youre incorrect point then?

Top row looks more Circassian than another girl tbqh

Is it true about their beauty?

I never understood why are euros such humongous crybabies about immigration. Literally 80% of the country's population here is foreign born yet we're still doing amazingly well. There are better things to worry about than this.

Don't know what to answer tbqh. Do you like that girl on the picture? If you do, you will like them.

>le 99,8% faec
>implying we need to be saved

Qatar is a shithole. Mini Saudi Arabia.

>Qatar is a shithole
>free healthcare
>good insurance
>one of the highest GDP

it's not. as a country to live in, yeah I agree, but this place isn't a shithole for sure.

The fuck brah? I thought we were cool.
