The average european desu

the average european desu

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An Asian girl once told me I have a pointy nose. Should I have filed a harassment complaint against her?

why do they do this
we don't have big noses :(

Indeed, you, me and the hohols worked really hard to make it so.

lol took me a second

Oh ney, this is like another mongol Turkic invasion.
Delete this slant eyes!

If you don't want her to say so, you should complaint against her.
Because she will say so also in other place.

We know it.
Japanese evil TV productions just make these unpleasant things.
Their regret is not enough.

>didn't tape her eyes open and apply a fake sunburn


Pretty sure they keep shitting on those gooks lately, i don't think it's relevant anymore.

Tell her she's a slit eyed cunt

why is this bird woman so angry

Japs are so fucking pathetic that even them attempting to taunt other races is hilarious and sad to watch.

Realtively spoken we do. But I wonder how they portray races with actual huge noses such as Arabs/Jews or Blacks

see you say that,
but another pearl harbor's gonna happen and japanese autism will have to be put down again

kek why are white ppl so easy to trigger? ayyyy

You wouldn't know, Berber.
Chinese autism will outrank theirs and blow Japan to shit.

Cool, could you fucking gook chink nip slanted eye retards stop building factories in my town then? Fuck off I don't want your yellow rice skin to promenade on my historical town square that my ancestors built. Sincerely white piggu

You like big black cock, ay yeah you gluttonous Italian little slut.
I will make your tiny love hole stretch out the size of the gates of Babylonia, you little whore. You will become Milano's prostitute when I'm done with you, polenta eating cumdumpster.


Depends. Are you Jewish?

They have nigger-tier noses so I don't understand why they would mock ours