Be the first to colonise Iceland

>Be the first to colonise Iceland
>Have the biggest settlements of all on the Baltic coasts
>Found Russia
>Prevent the Byzantine Empire from collapsing (thus also slowing the spread of Islam into Europe)
What did your ancestors do?

my male ancestors destroyed the pussies of my female ancestors

Cucked yours and put one of them on the Swedish throne.

raised pigs
killed monks
stuff like that

Rode a horse backwards while doing archery

Raped Swedes

my female ancestors were ravaged and sometimes raped by my male ancestors

fought off muslims and got betrayed and backstabbed by their fellow europeans

Your grandson Carlos Hernandez will say the same thing

Literally when?

>>Found Russia
How do you live with the guilt?

Russia wasn't founded until about 600 years later and by then the rurikid dynasty wasn't Swedish. They also never founded anything, they shared power with Slavs and intermarried.

It's not easy.

If your ancestors were so great, why are you such a cuck?


we wuz kaizaz n shieet

The founder of Russia was swedish
The first coloniser of Iceland was swedish
We destroyed you during the 30 years war


>it's another episode of

Swedes take credit for what others did

>>Be the first to colonise Iceland
will you swedes fucking stop claiming this? wintering on iceland does not equal settling it

share some of your drugs good man

swedes are gothic germans of origin, they never sailed during their shitty history

my paternal grandfather was a senator or some shit in honduras
my great uncle however was irish (no relation) and fought at normandy or something

my mom's side were swiss colonists to brazil who settled in nova friburgo

go to sleep jakob

My country did important things 400 years ago, he says as 30% of his country is now African or Arab

Big thinking