What's the best region is Italy and why is it Basilicata ?

What's the best region is Italy and why is it Basilicata ?

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all I see are a bunch of favelas

what's good about that place

Sardinia for life
I'm an unironicall sardiniaboo ask me anything

are you braindead

woah rude

Kill yourself wh*teoid

It's where Mel Gibson filmed the passion, you uneducated nigger

>we need a location that looks like a human city 2000 years ago
>I know just the place!

I know more about its northern cousin. What's the whole story on that place?

And? All of Europe us like that the old building coexisting with the new. We breath histrory in the cities, something you americans will NEVER EVER get to experience

at least I have electricity

Dunno man I just made that up with the first Italian region that came to my head

yes beautiful european history

Simply epic! en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Matera Educate yourself

i like tuscany better

Cinque terre is the best Tuscany spot

ah! phone poster


>settled in the Neolithic by people who spread agriculture and built rock cut necropolis, some very elaborate, Sardinia was one of the main producers of obsidian, whch was exported to France, Spain and mainland Italy
>built thousands of monuments during the bronze age (pic related) and traded as far as Cyprus and perhaps the Levant
>was a crossroad between the Western Mediterranean and the Eastern Mediterranean during the early iron age, Phoenicians began to settle in urban centers across the coasts where they coexisted peacefully with the locals
>The coastal cities got conquered by Carthage around 520 bc which marked a period of slow decline, malaria was introduced in the island and heavily limited its demographic growth
>during the roman age the Sards fought with the Carthaginians against the Romans in the first punic war and rebelled often during the second Punic war, they continued to rebel for centuries, during the Roman empire the Sards became less hostile and many served as sailors, other became knights, senators and one even made it as legatus of Judea
>The island was conquered by Vandals but Byzantines soon forced them to flee the island, in the early Christian period two Sardinian popes emerged,
>The Sards were abandoned by the Byzantines and formed their own polities known as Giudicati, they had to fend off the Arab invaders for centuries
>The Giudicato of Arborea developed its own complex civic code, the Carte de logu, the rulers of the Giudicati often married important members of the European nobility, such as Frederick II's son Enzo who was promised to Adelasia of Torres
>After centuries of wars and even a few won battles the giudicato of Arborea surrenders to Aragon that came to ruled the whole island
>under Spanish rule some Sards serve in the Spanish military and Sard sailors were present as far as Argentina, others were known as writers and poets, universities are founded and even some schools of painters

The rest is mostly shit

I went to Taranto, I wish I haven't. Worse than Soviet Union ever was.

Taranto is not Basilicata nigger. And their magna grecia museum is great

what neat little summary, thanks

a good snapshot for the mental archive

Been there, it is great, but the whole town is a creepy hellhole, a dystopia.
