He's below 234 and thinks he's white

>he's below 234 and thinks he's white

Other urls found in this thread:


i have manboobs

I'm white? Cool.

Sorry lad, 300 is the cut off

>be and*rran
>your entire population consumes 0 (cero) milk liters per year
Can't make this shit up

>drinking milk and not beer
nibbers please

White " man"

wtf I love Mountainigeria now

This. Used to drink a pint a day when i was a kid. It's probably far worse than soy.


Damn Turkey is white?

That's probably because you eat too many calories and didn't lift.


How the fuck we consume so much milk? We are KARA BOGA

Huh, turns out the Nords were the milk-drinkers all along.

Fuck me that's a lot of milk. Are they including the milk found in dairy products as well?

Wouldn't 200 be a fairer cutoff point for countries like Portugal?


>he doesnt take regular baths in milk to remove impure fumes from el goblino and jews in the air

Sorry but I only drink BROWN milk so it doesn't count

Why is she polluting that poor milk with her smelly feet

why would you keep milk in such small jars. it seems terribly inefficient

big if true

if we accepted all of these bars for whiteness do you think any country would be white or do you think somehow one country would evade all of it

384 litres a year is more than a litre per day on average and since there are lots of people like me who drink hardly any milk at all, there must be people who drink close to 2 litres a day.

Somehow I don't believe this.

I prefer cheese and yogurt, I'd rather drink coffee or booze than milk

I assume it's based off liters sold so if your countries use milk in baking or soups or sauces you'd be adding to the total

I haven't been measuring, but I'm at least at 250, not counting other dairy products.

I'm also incredibly pallid. Aside from the occasional freckle, I'm literally white.

Yeah, that sounds reasonable.

I'd say I'm around 300 Litres per year. Milk is tasty.

What's a milk drinker like you doing out here? Go home to your mother.

inspired by pure american culture


Milk industry torturing a cow's. You will reborn as a cow in the next life and you will suffer. Hahahahahahahaha lol

That's total milk consumption, is it not?

The real interesting metric is quantity of plain milk drunk (in which Finland is still #1, with 120 L/year per capita). I myself estimate my consumption at 208 L/year.

Interestingly, there's been a steep downwards trend in many Western countries.

English, please.

lol @ u all

u aint shit at milk consumption