Do you love Albania

Do you love Albania

Actually, no, i do not.
Albania is one of those countries i feel that if it dissapeared of the face of the earth not a single fucking person would notice any impact socioeconomically worldwide.

Duwa Liba

I really don't give a shit about this meme country, but I adore their flag.

Why is her tongue out. Is it some sort of subliminal message she's trying to give.

god I wish that were me

Do you wish to be every woman you see?

they're ok but god i FUCKjing love dua lipa

how can white girls even compete?

Just become it already, you're worse than the "your mom" fag

yes, my gf is albanian

My gf is from Kosovo so yes.


I do now

only the hot ones
bonus if they have dark hair, look dumb and submissive

Balkan females are godtier.

I LOVE Albania!!!

what the fuck she's as tall as the average Dutch woman

I thought Albanians were malnourished and poor? Are they just genetically superior to other humans?

balkan people are tall as fuck

>you will never be a dumb slut taking thick cocks in all of your holes

i read that she was shorter than most girls so started to play basketball and grew taller

i mean when she was like 14, obviously