When Americans unironically post maps to 'fix' Europe

>when Americans unironically post maps to 'fix' Europe.

my ancestors :)

is suicide a option?

mine isn't that bad, is it?

there's only one way to fix e*rope

dios mio...

6/10 not GROSS enough

What's with all the autistic memes in this place? I posted a game with Germany yesterday and I got swarmed by "HAHAHA GROßGERMANIUM XDDD" posts. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT A NEW PLAYER TO POST YOU FUCKING AUTISTS??

And before that I asked a simple question on how I crack the game and I again got swarmed by fucking autists with all their unfunny inside jokes. Fuck you and fuck those games, they are literally one of the most boring shit I've ever touched. Also fuck the guy in /twg/ who suggested I try out those autistic map painting simulators and "ask for guidance on the /gsg/ general and they will help you". Bunch of manchildren.

la creatura del velho mundo

una vela...

La République française est une république indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale.
La République française est une république indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale.

um sweety

La République française est une république gay, gay, ultra gay.

Germany's eastern border should be at the Volga.

t. 46204729/749274204729th Preußische

La République française est une république indivisible, laïque, démocratique et sociale.

are you on the spectrum?

The French Republic is an indivisible, secular, democratic and social republic.

It's funny to see how little people know when they "fix" maps.
Give Wallonia to France. We don't need that part oetz.

which one? west east or central?

All of it. Separatism barely exists in France.

i'm sorry about your autism

i fixed europe




The only way




*kill you with a katana*


This is a white only board

stop posting

Oh no, they're going to steal the bikes again. Flee!

>g*rman austria still exists

not far enough


No you caused world war 3



have fun in prison dieter

h8 canadians

bump :)

el macaoANO...

it's macANO to you


execute yourself post haste

>I posted a game with Germany yesterday and I got swarmed by "HAHAHA GROßGERMANIUM XDDD" posts. WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU EXPECT A NEW PLAYER TO POST YOU FUCKING AUTISTS??

Reminder that the Russian ruling elite prior to (((c*mmunism))) was Germanic


>this thread again
I rarely use the word perfect, but...