Stop larping as other ethnicities to ruin there reputation

stop larping as other ethnicities to ruin there reputation

shut up you dumb mexinigger ching chong brown subhuman manlet
ruining other ethincities's reputation? lmao nonwhites ruin their own reputation by their intrinsic shittiness
i pray for the day of the rope to come when we take back this country

>there reputation
Where reputation?

american tourist here
i want to say i love france, it is great here, much superior to america which is a retarded shitcountry full of subhuman inhabitants

But I am a pure BLACK BULL you wh*te dog and Egypt, Africa as a whole in fact, are ONE RACE and that race is PURE BLACK.

Im an american abroad wtf why does no one speaks english here?

They're* you f***ing r-tard

>touring a country rich in history, significance and culture.
>Instead of enjoying it, he's posting on Sup Forums
Fuck off with your obvious b8

you have down syndrome

Is this the final proof we needed to seal the deal on americans being subhumans? I think this is it.

American here
surprised I'm actually not the most German and white person in this country

>tfw on vacations in Colombia
>spent half the day browsing Sup Forums and instagram
Yeah tomorrow Ill do something for real

Hey bro
American (well, mexican about to get citizenship tbf) in Italy here, studying in Bologna. I'm literally turning gay here, men are so hot i literally started dreaming about choking on cocks.

it's fucking not pastanigger!! I also went to Italy and how do you explain that your "pizza" is so fucking thin i was starving

Usually in the south they make the crust thick. Honestly, i like it thin and crispy.

mamma mia what a shitty thread-o

>how you know someone hasn't even read the Turner Diaries

Day of the Rope was for race traitors not non-whites. At least get your retarded Nazi wet dreams right.

I bet 50 euros you're overweight

seems your south is your like ours, full of niggers
i bet 50 euros you never had more than 50 Euro in your hands


Hello I'm italian. I like to eat pizza everyday, my favourite topping is my mom's bull's cum.

Hah i knew it.

>tfw: when a muslim mentions farm animals' cum they mean it literally
Trust me i know
t. qatarianeseian

Hello everyone, i was born in Italy because both my parents love leeching off this beautiful country, but my mother is actually german and my father qatarian(or cuckarian as we say in family). I think this place is great, but people have way too much hate, much like religious people, if we could just sit around and talk I am sure we could reach a compromise and be able to make great conversations. I am very smart and i am sure you all are too, so we can have great discussion, let's not emulate the lowly common people who argue and insult each other. Strive to become more like Fantozzi, who had an IQ of over 160 and always was the greatest.
Forever enlightenment to you and happy Newton day kekistani :)


american in bongland here
fuck muttland
never going back

Oh i almost forgot I hate arab language, islam, I wish i was white and for my whole life i have been clinging to my asrab identity in the attempt to become proud abouti t , eventhough i know i wish i could have been born white, because whites are the superior race and i love you all.