Grug's skin color better

>Grug's skin color better
>Grug smash colored tribe

Other urls found in this thread:

>grugowski no likey roach tribe no fear invasion europa cave
>grugowski fly charge wing horse
>grugowski SMASH roach tribe save da europa cave

>grugiewicz thinks lowborn grugonienko register no deserve cave life
>grugiewicz SMASH grugonienko reigster
>cave noble again

How embarrassing.

>Grug hate tea tribe
>Grug no speak Grug tribal language

>O'grug eat potato only
>potato no longer is
>O'grug blame tea tribe potato no longer is
>O'grug no know how fish catch
>O'grug die

>Grug hate cavewomen with mammoth milkers and butt
>Grug want stick women

>mammoth milkers and butt

>Grug paler than mohammad tribe

>Grug back in cave from picking berries
>Grug want paint Grug picking berries on cave wall

>"Grug more pale than sand tribe"
>Grug hate bad gruggish writing
>Grug fix you write

The only fun part about all these pictures is that it's exactly how most russians (and other thirdworlders i suppose) write in english, especially the lack of articles is on point.

Do you mean outside of Sup Forums? What makes English so difficult for Russians? I have talked with Russian tourists who have asked me directions so I kinda get what you are saying but in Sup Forums their English seems okay.

>What makes English so difficult for Russians?
Retarded anglo spelling, that's what. It's not that Slavs can't learn English, it's the fucking pronouciation that's the problem.

Pronouncing German, Norwegian, Swedish and even Italian? No problem. English? Fuck off with that tongue twiser shite.

English is the pinnacle of white linguistics. It is the ultimate test to see if you are capable of being a civilised human being.

English is a rapebaby Dutch mixed with French. It's the most subhuman language possible.

And which language are we speaking in right now, Janusz? Know your place.

>And which language are we speaking in right now, Janusz?

american ENGLISH, you knob

t. Jerry von Londonmecca

I pronounce everything in stereotypical Finnish accent (hydraulic press channel, Kimi Räikkönen) and every foreigner has understood.

>What makes English so difficult for Russians?
The fact that most people never get a chance to practice it (not on the internet but irl i mean) and they don't really need it in everyday life, so we are not as enthusiastic about learning it as people from rich nation who travel a lot.
Also don't forget that we don't really have many good english teachers and good programmes to learn it since most teachers are either from soviet era and they were teached by people from the soviet era.
And yes i do believe that wealth correlates with intelligence, so we are also a bit dumber on average than people from first world countries and are just not really capable of mastering english.

>And yes i do believe that wealth correlates with intelligence, so we are also a bit dumber on average than people from first world countries and are just not really capable of mastering english.
That's nonsensical though. 1000 years ago, every place was a shithole except Italy and Constantinople. Is everyone dumber than Italians?