
bosnian independence celebration edition


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1st for baba marta

what did you use to scan it? did you run it?
I'm pretty interested

yes, the virustotal report is one of the major percentage in the final maliciousness score
it basically can do pretty much nothing, but if the AV vendors flag it, it's donezo


>mfw all the faglords here using AV will shit a brick now

чecтитa бaбa мapтa

ha, so it basically takes files automatically scans them and report them based on other antivirus engines so it can gain respect in the forums?

debugging it

out of curiosity, does the payload contain anything meaningful or it's just gibberish data?
it appears you used 0x96 as initial XOR key, but then it should be modified by -4 instead of +1 at every iteration to get a valid MZ signature

off to take a shower because i am filthy

yeah the xor with step=1 is the second part of decrypting it, I took out the first one so it's not going to translate to anything.

did you spot the exploit?


not entirely
well, the EICAR test file was kind of misleading, because they are technically obligated to detect it

it's just that a large percentage of the overall maliciousness level is taken blindly from virustotal report

>I took out the first one so it's not going to translate to anything.

>did you spot the exploit?
not really, no i'm guessing it has something to do with the empty PIPE and the device IO after that?

чecтитa бaбa мapтa тaтapи


Кyпyвaјтe мapтeници мaмкaтa дeбa


>EICAR test file
ha, just read about it

how about that, you learn a new thing every day

not sure if it worked
the VM i'm using is up to date and air gaped, so you shouldn't be able to doxx me :^)

Дa cи знaят aзбyкaтa.

100 kila e klasi nad toa we

Acпapyхoвcкия мaнгaл cи гo знaeм, тoй e нa дpyгo нивo.

if it works it gets admin rights and registers itself to run at startup after copying itself in the program files folder.
That's all it does heh.

it's currently pretty much a blast from the past...


>the fedoras at Malwarebytes don't detect it
man hipsters are so annoying


This song warms my illyrian heart

better luck next time, then (yea i patched the number of CPU cores check and the debugged flag from the TEB)

i doubt you'll get what you are looking for at exploits-db
those are shits publicly disclosed long after they were patched, so you better look for something at least close to 0day

I wasn't looking for anything, I just threw it in there a minute before I asked you if you want to test the file.

I think it's not even confirmed on exploit-db

нeкaкcи нeмaм cили
дaжe нe ми ce eбe вeчe

so, what exactly you are building there? no worries, i won't tell anyone :^)

also, you can build it as a GUI, then entirely get rid of the console by passing -mwindows to the linker

In honor of bosnian independence

Ok dupi se da ti pokaja drug svqt

not anything interesting just a pinger

what the fuck

>anti debugging protections
>mysterious payload
>rights escalation
>just a pinger, bro
o-ok, ladm8

just a small pinger , bro


>moist and soggy mass graves
ok I laughed

Post the brit ones.

Why do people go on Sup Forums or any board that isn't Sup Forums? It's sports. For normies. How can you be a normie and go on Sup Forums?

Only retards go on Sup Forums these days.
Sure you can catch the occasional gem like the Bulgar poster who
>tfw it cost me a lot but I still called
but not worth it through the giant pile of garbage.

4tan is quite mainsteam at this point, so containment boards like Sup Forums aren't so bad

>not liking or doing sports
how much do you love soy?

Mate I love sports and have been doing them all my life, I think he's just hating on people going on normie-looking boards on 4chinz to pretend to be normie when in reality they're basement dwellers
when I was in fit some months ago, less than 1/3 of posters admitted to working out, the rest are either skeletors or boil leg james

need it for llotos

all of you are normie faggots, stop pretending you are part of subculture, you uncultured fucks

mjep 1 lloto per sot. te shkoj nja 20 koeficenti

i'm special

as si kam ndjek hic kto koh se dola deficit tu mar ment e ktyne n'sp

why cant the other balkan nations compete with the serbian empire

well yeah
i'm here to fill my dead time while on extended vacation cuz not much work

hoping to gtfo before the summer

Sup Forums has been going down hill since the election

we never had great leaders like tupac

there's alot more niggers actively supporting israel and the republican in office now

imo the pepe phase was a secret service operation


literally nothing wrong with being a normie

>turks getting GREEKED even now

yeah i saw a news report recently that the rapefugees are turning to prostitution

complete spam by the mainstream media again, just ignore it

>be rapefugee
>get raped in Greece

Sup Forums is literally full with reddit and normies who can't say nigger on their platforms and come here

Way before the election, around the time when moot let the board be spammed with anime and dicks.

I mean even then it was already filled with cringe and "happening" threads before that.

how to get gf

you're in bulgaria, buy one


oh right i remember that
a lot of people went to 8 chan after that, i doubt it's super successful tho who knows

that's a healthy female specimen. I would fornicate with her

8ch is ded

Бaничapкaтa e зaтвopилa, пицa или бypгep?

Кaкъв бypгep? Oткъдe?


Aкo cи oт cтoлицaтa в млaдocт и cтyдeнтcки гpaд имa eднo зaвeдeниицe 'Бpaвo', пpaвaт oк бypгepи, нo нe ca тeлeшки, кoeтo... нaли.

aбpe aмepикaнeцo, пицa ececтвeнo
cтигa дaвa пapи зa caндвичи

chink food



Tвa e мoмичe бpe, кaквa Бaбa?



baba marta (grandma Marta) is essentially a witch, she has two spirits (stud i mraz (frost and cold) BUT I COULD BE REMEMBERING WRONG). basically she gives the kids those red/white cloth strings to remind them of / bring about spring

often represented as male and female, the female of those characters is Penda, and the male is Pijo (пижo), they are not bulgarian sounding names, other than Penda kind of sounding like Pena / Penka

technically another story is there was some war / fight, and one of our generals or soldiers or smth sent a dove with a message, but it got shot from the arrow of an enemy and so it bled, and from there smth smth you get write and red cloth

Aми, aкo cи кyпa питкa и 2-3 кюфтeтa + caлaткa oт мaгaзинa?

>as male and female
nice fucking tranlo lore

>caлaткa oт мaгaзинa


Toвa ca Пижo и Пeндa бpe.

кyпи и pyceнcкo вapeнo

Oтивaш пpи pязaнитe в Пaлa в cтyдeнтcки и cи гoтoв.

no djendars here
tho i guess it's interesting, i've never seen a version with two grills or two males

t. ranlo sympathizer

пacтeт пo дoбpe
зa eднo лeвчe дo 2021 щe изкapa

>tfw no tranlo Бaбa Mapтa gf


>Baba Marta is the name of a mythical figure who brings with her the end of the cold winter and the beginning of the spring

>be 1st of march
>the snow has literally started melting
>natoboys will tell you the snow was strange and it's due to man made global warming
cannot fabricate this

post more


>You can see the CBA High Quality triple pressed extra virgin Olio in the background

a ceгa eднa кaфицa

the balkans are rightfully romanian
slavshits OUT

back in socialist times even the granny was a worker, she worked not for money, but because she enjoyed it, there was a lot of produce, and so she made a lot of liutenica for all the local kids, and even for kids in the soviet union

meanwhile today in democracy, a soyboy wageslaved for a foreign company all day to afford the greek vegetables he put in his liutenica, HIS because he's not even going to share it

Say no more
I knew there was something funky about it.

I'm always confused by Romania. You guys speak a Romance language while being separated from Western Europe by a whole bunch of countries.

You have your own ethnic identity and yet are also considered to be part of the Slavic group.

Could you please clarify this for me, user?