Just bee yourself bro

Just bee yourself bro

me on the left

>Chubek will never get a girlfr-

me behind

>Pay a prostitute
>Kiss her
>I have a girlfriend... guys

Looks are everything, stop lying yourself.

>Looks are everything
t. virgin

that doesn't look like a prostitute

How many more of these are you going to post?

nice tits but lesbian threads should be on /gif/

Why not? She could be perfectly one, She is only showing her face.


there are only 2 factors women care about in a man:

- physical appearance
- money

Would you fuck a stinky whale? It is the same for both women and men, We only care about the physic.

It's just the way she looks idk, those clothes, that face, she kinda looks like a typical teenage girl. Prostitutes typically look trashy.

body scent could be arousing

>Kissing underaged girl
well i guess he is smarter than everyone here

You don't have to be a stinky whale, just work out & shower

He's smarter by default than anyone here even if he doesn't have a girlfriend because he doesn't spend his time on this site.

Okay, to explain this to the people in this thread who are confused.

There will always be a small percentage of people who are attracted to what main-stream people would consider to be ugly.

It's more common for thin men to be into really fat women, but sometimes it goes the other way - and this is clearly one of those examples.

There could be several reasons why people like what they like, maybe she was molested by her fat hairy dad when she was a kid and now she fills the void by chasing that same experience again (see Daddy-issues), or she could just have found someone she likes.

Also look at fucking Torbe, he literally is a stinky whale but manages to get all the hot girls

Where did I say I am a Stinky whale? I am 70 kg kek.

I was telling the romanian the reality of the "women´s mindset". the reality is that It is not that different from men´s mindset. Both want to fuck attractive people and if you lose the genetic lottery even if you are a women, you will not fuck even if you threaten someone with a shotgun.

How is Torbe so cool?

Because He is filthy rich. Power is attractive too.

That's wrong though. I've seen ugly people fuck attractive people. But it clearly must be a jewish conspiracy again! Those damned jews!

>the reality is that It is not that different from men´s mindset. Both want to fuck attractive people and if you lose the genetic lottery even if you are a women, you will not fuck even if you threaten someone with a shotgun.
I will kill myself. I cant take it anymore. Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa

nice cope fag

Just go outside and talk to girls

Money and power can influence too as I said here>muh jewish conspiracy

I have not said anything about jews. In fact, I would rather having jews than your stinky race in my country.

Ah yes, because that turned out so well for Poland. Eitherway you're obviously too deep into your self loathing to understand that if you actually went outside and tried to talk to women you could score pretty easily. I'm pretty autistic but I can get girls interested in me. It's not that hard.

I have done it but I have never fallen in love with someone. I am pretty autistic too so I dont get the indirects very well. The only thing I have felt for another human being is unironically hatred, the purest kind of hatred.

me on the right

Get off Sup Forums. I know you probably won't, but if you really want to actually improve your life then this is a pretty decent first step. And read books on social behaviour and storytelling.

What books would you recommend on storytelling?