ITT: Germans of Sup Forums tell us jokes

ITT: Germans of Sup Forums tell us jokes

Ahh yes, the wit of the Aryan man.

What is legal in brazil that is illegal everywhere else?

that german looks just like a normie or the average redditor
all they do is just like this

sounds metaphysical


Idk, what?

Other than too formal of wording, it's a funny joke.
Those replies are not.



t. 17491/371917th German

the replies are that of redditor kids if anything

>Those replies are not
The jew one is pretty funny


Don't ever post that again.




Two Poles sit on a park bench.
A policeman comes up to them: "Hello, we are looking for car thieves"
Poles quickly glance at each other and immediately blurt out "We're in!"

What do you call someone stealing bikes on the subway?

What are poles doing on ice?
Break in.

Why does a French tank have rear view mirrors?
So they can keep an eye on the front line.

There is an ad on craigslist for a french assault rifle.
Never used, only dropped once.

French army drills:
-100 hand raises
-Learn to surrender in 7 languages
-Look peaceful

List of Italian war heroes:

Why is George Bush so bad at chess?
Because he lost both his towers.

Why does Trump like to build such tall buildings?
So people can kill themselves easier.

A white guy in America is in front of the judge for driving over 2 black guys.
"Not a lot we can do here" says the judge.
"The first guy that went through your windshield, we can nail for breaking and entering, but that nigger that flew through the air 20 feet, we can get for hit and run at best"

American beer is diluted water.


>List of Italian war heroes:

I like it

this screencap is fake
that joke was originally made by an american




Here's a famous german jok translated for you Ausländer (foreigners)

Two hunters are meeting. Dead.


Doesn't really work in english, does it?

Post it on german

In German, treffen = meet but also treffen = hit the target.

please post the sandals in the mosque cap

blind cunt

>Why is George Bush so bad at chess?
>Because he lost both his towers.
this one was bretty gud

Zwei Jäger treffen. Tot




>How many Germans do you need to change a light bulb?
>One, we are very efficient and have a bad taste of humour

unfortunately they're called rooks in English, so it's not 1:1 while translated

A romanian, a black man and an arab are on a car. Who is driving?

The police


Germany comits another war crime.


absolutely DELICIA post


This, i am absolutely sure it was american.

I died

oh, we call them towers (wieże) in Polish

These are international jokes tho.

quite good

I don't get it

pointing out the obvious joke

laughed at this one

great post

That's the joke.jpg

Op post was already implying that.


Makes me really want to know what they talked about after final against Chile.

*Zwei Jäger treffen SICH (gegenseitig). Beide tot.

Didn't like the Polish ones?
Here is another one then:

Never laugh at a Pole getting into a car accident.
It could be your car!

that's actually pretty good



They re so adorable when trying to be funny

and poles don't even try.

Add me on the screencap