
comfy kot edition

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Its snowing a bit outside lads

post your favour flags



i believe in magic magic magic magic

goodbye to the people who hated on me


>Be Briton
>GET SNOW'D and die


i.imgur.com/miYe58i.png what the actual fuck is this

WTF has anyone else noticed it's snowing outside????

No but I lived there for a while.

I know what you're going to ask: Yes it's fine to just take any bicycle you see left outside the shops, everyone does it.


sick of irish cunt trying out do me in adverse weather

how many inches?

is this swede actually retarded?

he lost weight and had a shave
quite simple really

shivering my bollocks off in lidl car park but refuse to return to toil until the full hour has passed

going bald lads
FUCK hair

as a rule foreigners generally are


Has any of you actually met an Irish lad irl? If so how was the experience?

what are you lads doing with your day today

i'm living in a met office red warning zone - danger to life m8s

good to see nature coming down on top of the south western DOGS with an iron fist. it’s no less than they deserve

good song

poor brits are going to freeze to death



saw one running off as the pub was exploding but that's it

Trains are absolutely awful. Everyone packed in shoulder to shoulder, dead behind eyes. Fucking grim visit so far

success breeds jealousy
we'll get through this stronger than ever

>English "people" have unironically been given a 16:00 curfew

What a pathetic nation you are.

fat lad

Jokes on them we wont take them as refugees

I dunno if you're aware mate, but the UK is fucking swarming with the little bastards, you can't avoid them.


happy st davids day boys

any /girlfeet/ man in

parts of dublin and leinster atm have 60cm of snow, so about 24 inches

Need Wales buried in ice for the rest of time

bit cold lads

snowy as all fuck out there lads

*buys alcohol at 22:01*
heh nothing personal kid

my ancestors were from ireland but i am english

my rooms a mess

need to clean it up
i sleep first



be nice friend

based civic nationalist
come home irish man

in a red zone and going out for a cheeky spliff or 3 with the lads at 9 hehe

You on the Hull-Liverpool line?

stop confusing cm with mm

>how many inches?

24 inches of snow is seriously nothing i don't know why this pad is all in tears about it

fucking mental you are son

fucking rude

imagine the surprise on the Welshman's face as he opens his window only for pure white snow to rush in instead of 20,000 metric tonnes of jet black coal


we're getting a 4pm curfew as well lol

got in a fight with a taxi driver because he refused to let him know where he lived

nothing better than a baby dying inside a pregnant woman


that's quite a bit

lad I love you

fantastic post



>24 inches of snow is seriously nothing i don't know why this pad is all in tears about it

would love another Aberfan

what can I say i live dangerously


you've used that gimmick incorrectly mate

honestly do not fucking care about this snow business and i reckon you all would do well to stop talking about it before i turn your collective jaws into a fine particulate

Was on the Manchester-Hull line. But got cancelled to connected through Leeds

we are getting worse weather ahaha get fucked

top post


Need to do some shopping but can't be fucked to trek out in the snow.

archaic use maybe but not incorrect


oh mosh you're going on the fucking step if you carry on misbehaving like this

bet they'd feel like scarface






>try to tell brits what to do in our own general
think it's about time you fuck off

not a foot fetishist but I'd kiss those

Don't understand this coal joke

dreadful jaypost

Good luck mate, it's a fucking disaster on there even when the weather is nice.

lying confused mong

Currently on date with the Australian proto lads. She says she has work tomorrow and cannot come with me later. And there's no alcohol today because it's a Buddhist holiday. Have no idea how to pull without drinking first.

>about the storm in britain
>in /brit/

foy back to /cum/

me neither tbf but it looks like it's one in the eye for the taffies so I'm laughing along

discussing the weather is British culture
why are you even here? jog on you annoying fat cunt


and alan's here to update us on his life affairs!

in the heart of the red zone lads

what to do before i die

Aberfan disaster, a coal tip slid down the hillside into the village
destroyed the local school, killing most of the children