Hungary is Turkic

Hungary is Turkic.

definitely Asian at least


More like Slavs who were steppified. If you don't look like pic related, you're not a Turk.

but wait there is more

Well with that logic Finns(äiti) are Gothic(aiþei) and possibly Etruscan(ati)
So much to wewuz and nobody willing to believe us.

Is this a kèk board?

dögölj meg te kibaszott cigány

desu hungarian sounds like turkish

Don't deny your heritage, brother.

proto-germanic influence on finnish is so blatant and easily proven that not even the most hardcore "finns didn't exist until 1809 reeee" swede could deny it though. don't know anything about etruscans so can't comment on that.

but if you really want to make people upset point out the possibility of shared ancestry between the sumerian and finnish languages. that really gets them going.

t. török erőszakcsemete

a történelmedet nem tagadhatod meg

The Etruscan connection is not that far fetched IMO.
Runegifter Etruscan sandniggers from Italy probably travalled to the Oder and taught Germanic snowapes how to write in Old Italic alphabet. I could imagine them teaching them a few sandape words while getting raped by ungrateful snowniggers.

lmaoooo we wuz sumerians n shieed

>all of those sl*void rapebabies larping as nomads

Vietnam is WHITE


>That flag picked to represent the English language

i am a nomad larping as a slavoid
