Tfw your ancestors got on the america boat

>tfw your ancestors got on the america boat

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Thank god.

that's trashy as fuck you cathoshit wog

tell them to get off

That’s not catholic you uncultured anglo

it's trashy as fuck you wog
there happy now?

That's probably ordodogs, so that's even worse, he's prob one of those hipsterdox muh russkaya dusha larpers

Orthodox are not real Americans. They are mutts LARPing as old fashioned Europeans, very cringey.

>tfw your ancestors didn't get on the america boat

>complaining about living in what is objectively the best country on the planet

>tfw mine didn't

>tfw your parents got onto the boat to italy

>tfw your ancestor got on the macaco boat and then came back with enough money to start a successful business

Must suk man

>tfw your ancestors got on the Chile boat during the great depression and then returned during the beginning of WW2 to visit family, and then some of your ancestors got drafted and died in the war while the others waited for them to return
Welp, at least I don't live in Chile. Also another branch of my family migrated to Connecticut in the early 20th century and I think opened a chocolate manufactory there, that would've been a sweet gig.

>your ancestors got on the brazilian boat

Was it the biggest ruse of all times? Fucking assholes could have stayed in Italy.

>tfw your parents fled to Sweden instead of Canada or Australia

Shieeet my mom's cousin got married with the son of a literal nazi general they had a schnauzer and everything, they also got a crate with german food every month and shit
If you are done with life, there's not a single best place on earth to live than comfy Valdivia bro
You gramps fucked up

>tfw have to muh heritage because of somebody else's choices

>Rich Anglo family comes to USA to capitalize on it
>Stays very rich for generations
>Great-grandfather inherits wealth
>Is a gambling addicted alcoholic and spends it all in a couple years, knocks up some random prostitute, beats the shit out of her, runs away, and drinks himself to death at age 40, living alone in an abandoned building
>Just barely missed out on being a millionaire at birth

Shoud've stayed at China
I could be enjoying some Asian century right now

>Tfw your ancestors got on the boat out of Africa

>Ancestors were Ukrainians and Irish so they were treated as subhumans everywhere they went

>tfw my ancestors got on a boat from England, a boat from France, and walked in from Siberia

who cares? do you want reparations or something you dumb fuck?

No but I'll take them if you're offering

But I'm not done with life. My grand grandfather when the family lived in Chile during the 30s was a lecturer for woodcrafts at some technical college in Valparaiso.

My parents never thought they would stay in Canada long. Thought they could get into America. I’m kind of glad they didn’t.

>not being a dual American and Canadian citizen

what's wrong with Irish though

The Irish were treated like subhumans by most of the American populace for a long time. This is why places like Boston have such a strong Irish identity, because nobody really let them assimilate into mainstream Americana for a long time

>we didnu nuffin :(((((
Micks were thugs and gangsters we let in because you were starving. Stop crying you dumb potato eating Cossack

>tfw mine didn't
My Polish great grandparents from Krakow got on the America boat right before WW1 and avoided two world wars (two sons fought in WW2 though) and communism.

this means your ancestors were probably the eldest and inherited the family farm, much more comfy than scraping out a living on some flat, scrubby frontier

but if your family no longer owns the farm than you've fucked up

>great grandparents decided to come to murrka to be peasant wageslaves here
>could have been /comfy/ in some old italian city sipping espresso right now
>didn't even preserve family language, grew up monolingual, even grandparents cannot speak italian

>my terroni ancestors didn't get on the america boat
why even live

unironically glad that there's that many fewer guineas here because your ancestors didn't come


>Also another branch of my family migrated to Connecticut in the early 20th century and I think opened a chocolate manufactory there,
There is still one called Munson's in the state. It's pretty good. My German side just went to Western Mass and ran the rail station for one of the cities.

More like skipped being miserable and poor in some shitty commieblock in the Turin hinterland

My ancestors got on the canada boat thankfully.

I can't imagine my ancestors getting on the macaco or niggertina boat and mixing with natives.

Great grandparents moved to Michigan from Canada
Mfw I was almost born a fucking leaf.