Monarchy Restoration Brazil

Biggest right wing party (PSDB) and probably the winner of 2018 elections are supporting monarchists and parliamentarism

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restoration is closer than we think

Good. You can get rid of your stupid flag, go back to the real og and join the club.

Good, the Empire of Brazil's flag had a very aesthetic flag

if i seriously see, in my lifetime, Brazil getting a monarchy, i will end my life.

*annex you*

will it even make a difference?
seriously brazil has africa tier corruption and inequality

communists ruling a capitalist country, what did you expect?

the empire had a 4th power, Moderator Power, along with the 3 republican ones. Which was used by the emperor to moralize the elites and the 3 powers. Basically stabilizing the state and cleansing corruption. Also they defend minimal state while being nationalistic and catholic

>Right Wing

now it makes sense
weve been there too
well, best of luck then


>right wing


they are commonly referred as right wing whether you like it or not

>tfw you're unironically a monarchist

Brazilians, would you support a constitutional monarchy in your country, like what Canada or the U.K. has?

>deep ties with the biggest communist party of south america, PT (Partido dos Trabalhadores)
>right wing

back in the empire it was like the UK already

I hope you do it.

I hope you get the monarchy back OP. Brazil was great when it was ruled by it.

Can we remake the United Kingdom of Brasil and Portugal?

I hope for an absolutist one, but if we get a constitucional again, I hope they maintain the Moderator Power.

It will not work. You do not even like us, and besides immigration would fuck Portugal.

why would you moralize something in the age of immorality? it would be too unpopular

We need to approve abortion laws and educate our scum first, otherwise they will monkeying in Portugal

Can i be the king?

because people are fed up with corruption

First, abortist should die.
Second, the Imperial Family would never approve such Law.

So they are scum.

They are trad Catholics, of course they wouldn't do such a thing.

Previous president have deep ties with communism on all Latin America

>is going to jail

What he does?

>flee to Ethiopia (no extradition accord)


this. We're basically in one step from the transhumanism, cloning and megacorporations.
What's the point of morality?..

>and megacorporations

we dont want to lose our country and culture

mate, in 20-30 years there will be special restraunts for the cannibals and brothels for pedophiles.
You can't save anything.

Since when this country has a culture? kek

kek le mene :^))))

yes we can, fuck barbarians

Wish you success then.

Just give up dude
