
Snow ed.

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Talking to my friends on Sup Forums is the best part of my day.

what are you gaylords reading then

>no footprints


made a video last night of myself cumming hands free

bit weird

thumbnail alone is quite lewd

the wheel of time

Sheffield loves their dicks.

>chicks with slight acne

st augustine the confessions, btw i prefer the term homosexual

the absolute STATE of Sup Forums

but how did they draw it without leaving footprints around it?

lauren southern's book

they made the image with their feet

mark levin's book



Hopped on their dicks.

don't get this aside from the yukon

currently wearing an extremely thick flannel shirt

they cut big drifts in the snow to make the cock, then left as little and as light footprints as possible
the snow filled in the prints but left the willy

Hop along the cummies until you can hop to the outer square

actually i made the image my imprinting my actual knob and balls in the snow

only 18 posts in and I have seen 2 willies wtf

why does the toilet have the retard seat

Anyone else /back to toil/ tomorrow?


You're welcome :3

no you didnt

The 90 page magnum opus

/brit/ has been fucking abysmal today
i reckon it's because all the schools are closed so there's too many kids on here

british columbians are all chinks
nunavummiut are all eskimo cavemen
saskatchewanians, newfoundlanders, and manitobans are all retards
ontarians and quebecers are soyboys
maritimers are inbred idiots with a superiority complex
albertans and northwest territorians are real canadians

it was the same aliens that did the crop circles, they have a method

i've been toiling from home
going into toil tomorrow.

looking forward to it, toiling from home is stressful because you're more conscious that you don't want to look unproductive but it is unironically more difficult to be productive.

at least at toil itself the rules are clearer.

does 90 pages count as a book?


up there with capital and the wealth of nations

didn't think those 'Autistic Child In The Area' signs were real until I started seeing them in catpcha puzzles

Why so bent?
She's in some hotel or Airbnb or whatever.
At the toil now, hence the non-flag (sorry to the Dutchmen here)
(((Baby Boomers, Immigrants, and Islam))) sounds a little cryptic.

These are the people that post on Sup Forums.

Should have raped her when I had the chance to.

I miss the girl in work

>Desperately pushing work for deadline on friday
>Snow happens
>Deadline extended to monday
This week was looking to be the worst of the year for workload but is turning out to be blessed full of miracles.

where i live theres been no snow at all, temperatures are around 2-3C, and the only reason its felt cooler today is that its been a bit more breezy than usual

just did a shit in your conservatory

>family emigrates to canada from denmark
>gets angry about immigrants
really made me think
europeans complaining about immigrants makes sense, but when americans/canadians/australians do it it doesn't

or in a mental institution

that is frighteningly close to where i live

farageposters are no better

immigrants doesnt mean white people sweaty.

>maritimers are inbred idiots with a superiority complex


anus: the man's pussy

>where i live theres been no snow at all

She needs to work on her upper body.

just look at any maritimer posting on Sup Forums

called my lecturer out today for calling Franco a fascist, which is a popular misconception

i want foreigners out of /brit/

the delusion is palpable.

honestly wish all the snow would fuck off out of our country

lancashire coast
there was very light snow a couple of days ago that lasted a couple of hours, since then just been overcast

The 19 years old protoGF started calling me daddy by herself and choking herself on my dick without me even asking. Love the Snapchat generation tbqh

Go take pics of the willy

>FINALLY get some snow
>The wind is blowing all the snow away so it doesn't land and stick

I'll never get a day off toil

he's following the law

people here who have never beat off to willies?

im deluded or farageposters are?




>tfw toilberg has already cancelled toilmorrow because it's snowing so hard

bit dark now

its also down a big hill and i dont want to fall over

yeah, 2 poppadoms, 2 veg samosas, chicken jalfrezi with a garlic naan boss.

this snows makes me wonder how men fighting in the snow at moscow, leningrad and stalingrad handled it lads
must've been grim as hell

there's a man
goin round
taking names

God sent the snow to smite Toilberg.

just got a job at woolworths

farageposters haven't been around in literally over a year since Farage became irrelevant after Brexit

we're fashy posters now

the latter obviously, given how the picture almost portrays the exact opposite of what is happening with brexit.

student? Used to live in crooksmoor meself

I have something to tell you mate...

Woolworths pay below minimum wage..

woolies mentioned


love this babe x



Weird how the best Woolies are in South Africa.

weedman best be on tonight or im gonna fucking fume

what for?

Why doesn't it make sense? A person, their parents, and their parents parents grew up in the same country with the same demography and culture. Though it had only been a hundred years or so, time before that isn't even a distant memory. That's enough permanence for an individual alive today to feel like their own nation is undergoing a radical change that they never signed up for.

But personally, I blame the lax system of integration and the absence of a Canadian culture more than immigration per se. People will pretend that we're all getting along just great but there's much to be desired - most people still live in their own enclaves and worlds and prefer their own way of life and their own people. Even if we're not shooting each other in the face, there's a distance created along ethnocultural lines that makes society feel less homey.

I think the fact that I get along really well with friends from other ethnicities (muslim, chinese, persian, etc) is testament to the fact that we can all live together peacefully, but abetting new immigrants in keeping their own ways of life and language doesn't make for a happy society. I don't like going to parts of my own city and only hearing chinese being spoken. I don't see how that's a good sort of "diversity" rather than just a massive barrier between peoples.

>snow going around east anglia like it's avoiding me personally


when i say farageposters im mostly just referring to brexiteers

nary a word

ooh arr east anglia?

toilsberg isn't obligated to give you a day off just because you can't come in.

i've been toiling from home which is like a panopticon of torture.

RIP ludders

hideously grim

just wish it was summer lads :(

or at least mid spring



Huh isn't it shut down in UK?