What kind of girls post on Sup Forums?

What kind of girls post on Sup Forums?

The ones with penises

post the webm of her dancing

Girls? On Sup Forums?
lol no, we all like to discuss about boobies, beer and football, right fellow guys?

That one chilean girl who posted her face ~5 days ago is what i imagine the average Sup Forums girl looks like

>on Sup Forums

One ginger, three to five mutts, one viking, one gengis khan and then theres me.

H-haha right, my dude.

>on Sup Forums

fat whores

Girls like this.

>girls (male)



if they're real they're ugly and/or fat

At least one girl has posted in this thread.
Who could it be?

I have barely even seen a girl in real life, so I doubt that they exist here.

Ah, ya got me!

this is a girl

This, the gender ratio seems fucked here. See maybe 1 woman for every 30 or 40 men

god I wish that were me

That's what i was ganna say.

Seriously, are there more much more men than women in Sweden? In Eastern Europe I was surprised by how almost everyone was female.

Is this thread a ruse to make us post faceapp pics?

We'll myself female (female) I am antisocial so idk antisocial bitches? I’m only here because I have no friends and have to pass the time with something.

30+ year old grandmas that go to the meme frog site

girls on b>girls on Sup Forums>>>>>>>>"girls" on /soc/

>ITT we pretend to be men
I'm strong man I push thing with my penis

>Sup Forums

Hola hermana :3

males girls

gib spanish gf


spanish girls are ugly

When you are Anonymous everyone can be a girl, but in reality there are no girls on Sup Forums, i'm 99% sure

and overrate

As unicas espanholas que valem alguma coisa

med women have princess complex and are sjw whores


The qtest girl I've ever met was a Spaniard.

>med women have princess complex and are sjw whores
this french guy knows

And the French girls aren't? (genuinely curious)

>The qtest girl I've ever met was a Spaniard.
t.never visited Spain

How about knitting?:^)

French are meds

Ok but besides Finland

fucking virgins get a hold of yourselves almost as bad as /r9k/ who pretend to hate girls then go absolutely bat shit crazy when one makes a thead.

Here on Sup Forums we all love girls (except the weebfaggot homossexuals, of course)


Better pic of her


Barely any negative things about girls in this thread

Hell eyea niga



a lot of the older males are dead

Yes, because "refugees" and 3º world migrants are all men

the cool and super pretty ones
t. not a girl

i'm a girl but i don't know what kind i am.
been on Sup Forums for too long and come back here when bored to mess with americans

You are a homossexual weebfaggot male trying to get attention form men, kind of """"""""""""girl""""""""""""""""""

stop projecting your fantasies

i don't care if there are girls on Sup Forums because they will ignore me anyway, why bother

i think you're sweet

To me, yes. I'd say the ratio is at least 1.5 men per 1 woman in the city, on the countryside it's probably 5 men per 1 woman


I wouldn't date anyone that uses Sup Forums hehe :). I'd want for myself a handsome, tall, smart man that truly makes me feel a woman in all sense sexually, physically and intellectually.

Girls posting on Sup Forums? At this time of year? At this time of day? In this website?



you're all stupid

maybe look at actual data
google and you'll see that in 2017 we reached an equal ratio of men and women after long having had an excess of women.

Sweden Yes!

May I see it?

1990: 0.9 men per 1 woman
2020 1:1
2050 5:1


Among kids and youth you have a lot more males, if I remember the reports correctly. Because of refugees.

Is it true that Swedish men love Thai girls?

buying one (1) gf