Why Italians joke only about themselves?

Why Italians joke only about themselves?

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Why Hungarians joke about Scotland?

because self deprecation is found only in smart people

Because as a ''''nation'''' we're 157 years old and we spent the last 1500 years fighting each others

why are Italians so smart?

Why Belarusians make fun of...........

Feels good to be respected amongst all.

why Italians are both smart and momma boys then?

> Portugal
Bullshit, our jokes are about regional stereotypes - Catalonia, Lepe, Basque country, Andalusia, Galicia and so on. I know zero jokes about Portugal.

>jokes about Catalonia
are you joking of them that they cannot into sovereign state?

After Ukrainians we also joke about Estonians (who are believed to be slow and retarded), chukchas (who are also retarded) and Finns (hot Finnish guys).

And also we have a lot of jokes about Germans which main point is: What is good for a Russian is death for a German. It's a common Russian joke.

And pretty much all jokes about Ukraine are based on salo (their favourite dish), idiotic insults about pigs and jokes about their ""nezalezhnost'"" (independence) and "svidomost'" (self-awarness). It's just that both that words are frequently used by Ukrainian patriots and they sound absolutely dumb for Russian ears.

Because we're 61 million people in a territory that can maximum sustain 45 and the smallest little shitty flat/apartment costs € 500.000

why scandinavia makes fun of Sweden?

what's their fucking problem?

it's the pc version of jews

Belarus make no joke. Such is power of white russian man. Serious business.

Why do Hungarians laugh at Scotland? Also Lol at all other Scandis all laughing at Sweden.

Partly, but Catalans are mainly stereotyped as cheapskates, as the Swabians, Jews or Scots of Spain. For example:

A Castilian man walks into a bar in Barcelona and orders a coffee.
Waiter [in Catalan]: "that will be 1 euro"
The customer takes out coins that make up 0.95€ and proceeds to drink his coffee.
Waiter [in Catalan]: "excuse me sir, 5 cents are missing."
The customer keeps sipping his coffee.
Waiter [in Catalan]: "I'm sorry but there are 5 cents missing"
The customer opens a newspaper and sicks to his coffee.
Waiter [in Catalan]: "haven't you heard? I'm telling you that you still have 5 cents to pay"
The customer finishes his coffee and keeps reading the newspaper.
Waiter [in Spanish]: "look sir, you heard me perfectly. I have a business to run. You know exactly that you didn't pay full price so please pay the missing five cents before we make a scene!"
The customer takes out a five cent coin as he tells the waiter:
"You know, you bastard... deep down I knew that for five cents... you would speak Spanish"

Cute dress you're wearing there Jock. Gonna go play your bagpipes and eat haggis? haha

Who do you kill first: a German or a Russian?
A German. Duties first, pleasure later :^)

We don't make jokes about spain btw.

We don't have jokes about fucking Portugal. Stop posting this shitty map.

I think russians joke most about jews. But Ukraine is 2nd place for sure.
Btw there is no jokes in Belorusia exept jokes about potato

Hey I heard Spain was talking shit about Portugal
Hey I heard Portugal was talking shit about Spain

What do you call a room with flickering lights?
An Irish disco

That`s a nice one.

Question of the day: why hungarians joke about Scotland?

jokes in Belarus are punished with imprisonment

Gee i wonder why

I thought Belarus was the joke itself

Oy hungary, fuck off ya bloody gobshite.
Also: Lose some weight ya fat fucks.

Fuck Fr*nce
also based Sweden

you know that the biggest enemy of dictatorship is laugh

That's fucking dreadful.

How do you sink a Norwegian submarine? You swim down and knock on the door. How do you defeat a Norwegian submarine squadron? You do the same thing, they'll open the door saying "Stupid Swedes, we're not falling for that shit again"

I'm pretty sure that if this map was honest, it would be filled with flags of the USA, China, and MENA countries.

the virgin separatist vs THE CHADSTILIAN CONQUISTADOR

This map is much better

God I fucking love Belgians

>hot Finnish guys
Without context this sounds really fucking gay.

Scots are stereotyped as cheap, stubborn drunks. I can translate one I remember if you'd like.

>An old Scot lays on his deathbed. He calls to his wife if she's there. She responds "Of course I'm here, love". He calls to his son "My son, are you there?". The son responds "Yes father, I'm here". The old Scot then asks if all his friends and family are with him, and they all say yes. In his last breath, the old Scot says: "Then why the bloody fuck are the lights still on in the kitchen?!"

A Swede goes up to a guy, says "You wanna hear my joke about Norway?"

The guy smirks and replies "You sure? I'm from Norway, and so are those three guys over there."

The Norwegian points to a couple of angry-looking bikers sitting in the corner. The Swede sighs and says "No, I suppose not."

The Norwegian starts laughing and says "What, are you scared of us?"

The Swede replies "No, I just can't be arsed to explain the joke four times."

Why? Jokes about neighbors are staple of comedy, jokes about countries you mentioned exist as well but quantity is different.


At last I truly see.

That was pretty good

are you joking


Because the Italians are racist against the terroni


Is that a type of ham?

I guarantee you're number 1 on America's list.

Because its Sweden :DD


towel jokes?

Meme map. We don't make jokes about spaniards.

>number 1 on America's list.
It just gets better and better

The map is completely inaccurate.


It would be 1)Mexico 2)France 3) UK I think

I'm kinda surprised. We make Austrian jokes but they're mostly very tame. On the other hand we have a lot of polish, yugo and jew jokes that are pretty hard but are a okay to tell everywhere.

We are momma boys because we are smart.

#1 on my list of favorite euro countries

You can tell that there is something seriously wrong with Bosnia, Belgium and Sweden just by looking at this map.


>What is good for a Russian is death for a German
life in poverty and misery?

Unironically it's a joke about Vodka.

Yeah, I actually intended to make it sound gay, lol.

There's a lot of jewish jokes in London due to the high jew population
>Why were jews wandering the desert for 40 years?
>one of them lost a penny

that's not a joke but a stereotype, like your moustached women

An African, a Belgian and a Dutchman sit together in a train. A fly lands on the knee of the Dutchman and he sweeps the fly away immediately. The fly flies straight to the Belgian, but he also sweeps him away. When the insect lands on the African's knee, he catches it and eats it. The Belgian and the Dutch look at each other in surprise. Not much later another fly comes at the Belgian. He immediately sweeps it away again. Now the fly comes back at the Dutchman. He catches the fly quickly. "Wanna buy a fly?" he asks the African.

maybe there's a lot of regional humor. The one Italian dude I knew said half his jokes wouldn't translate properly into English because they were all about how humorless and cheap Genoans are.

Im not smart

>wouldn't translate properly into English
I mean, wouldn't translate properly across cultural barriers, because most people in the Anglosphere don't even know what Liguria is.

No, #1 here is Mexico. By far. All in good fun of course...

Why don't they just joke about their homeboy George Soros?

A Dutchman and a Belgian man are both pissing next to a canal. “Wow, what a nice stream you have!” the Belgian says to the Dutchman. “You could have the same if you opened your zipper” says the Dutchman

An American, a Frenchman, and a Briton all wake up on a plane together and none of them can remember what happened. Disoriented and unable to find their tickets, they quickly try to figure out where they are.
The Briton is in the window seat and sees the ocean, so he says, "Must be an international flight."
The Frenchman sees his native tongue on the flight menu and decides, "Must be going to France."
The American looks at his wrist and says, "Must be from Mexico."
"Why do you say that?" asks the Briton.
"Because someone stole my watch."

Why do Albanian babies get slapped on the ass twice when they come out?

The first is to make sure they're breathing.

The second is to make them let go of the doctor's watch.

Italians? more like SHITalians!

>Poles joking about Germans
can't make this shit up

In your little world only rich allowed to joke about poors but not vice versa?

Here's one of my favourites.

One day, Stavros (a Greek) tells his wife that he is going to collect the olives they have at their village home.

"I'll be back in 3 days", he tells her.

Two days later he returns home, badly beaten and with torn clothes.

"What happened?!", his wife asks.

"I asked a couple of Turks to help me collect the olives, but instead they beat me up, stripped me naked and fucked me in the arse, for 3 days in a row."

"But it's only been two days", his wife replies.

"I know, I'm going back tomorrow as well."


when do you think Estonia will join russia again?


equally rich or equally poor people are also allowed to joke about each other, when poor people "joke" about rich ones it will just never be funny, only pathetic

forgot the picture

>Europe is THAT fucked


>Why Hungarians joke about Scotland?
They're an easy target desu

>we can never joke about americans
don't be buthurt Hans

So that's why Germans have no sense of humor.



Most of our jokes involving Germans are in context of WW2/concentration camps, not even kidding

They say write what you know.

Tell us a good one.

Not surprising t bh.
We joke about you guys stealing our shit. especially cars.

to draw that conclusion you would have to assume that Germans are the materially least well off people on the planet which doesn't make sense when you look at Detroit or London

Sweden confirmed most bullied.

I wonder where that stereotype comes from