How many years would this woman get in your nation?

How many years would this woman get in your nation?.
As an American 15 years sounds fair



depends is student is mentally ill, if so then life

Absolutely none, no community service, no need for bail as she wouldn't be remanded. Hell it would probably never even make it to the news.

No she was was a teacher in an inner city school and started an affair with a student.

zero if she didn't spread an STD or get pregnant and the teenager was mentally stable

>tfw the parents probably just REEE'd and pressed charges

Its fucking rape.

Not when a woman does it. Follow the story, guarantee she won't get a day in jail.

Zero most likely, the student is just one year under the legal age.
Probably lose her job & get fined.

shit like this makes me so depressed
I have to put in so much effort to even get a girl to go out with me and somehow there are 14 y/o's out there who have so much game that they get humped by their teachers


>you will never get raped by your 10/10 teacher
What's the fucking point

I wish my qt teachers raped me.

Wish I could have fugged my teacher when I was 14 desu


In america sex with anyone under 18 is rape. This bitch ia a violent felon

they have zero game, they just handsome little shits

She taught at a majority black school and couldnt resist the bbc

That's fucked up. 15 is the legal age here.

Our prosecutors would probably find a way to throw the kidn in prison for being such a faggot

She would probably receive the Légion d'honneur.

One female music teacher who was 40 years old and fucked two kids, one was 12-13 and another 13-15 (it continued for a while, a sort of perverted relationship), got a sentence of 3 years 8 months in prison + 28,000€ in compensation.

If she was 26 and the kid was 14, and it was a short relationship, I'm guessing the sentence would've been shorter or even on probation.

AoC is 16 here. But the thing the legal age for porn (nudes) of people is 18. So I can fuck a 16 year old girl but not have her nudes because thats CP. God bless Canada.

Doesn't that depend on the state?

Woman teacher/young boy is a completely different dynamic than man teacher/young girl

14 is legal, so nothing. would be fired probably

>In america sex with anyone under 18 is rape. This bitch ia a violent felon
No it isn't. Age of consent varies by state.

Yes, he's retarded.

Any teacher who has sex with a student os a sex offender

You probably put in a lot less effort than you think, which is probably why you have this problem in the first place.

Don't worry, things will work out eventually.

Same here, though I've learned recently that it's not literally an "Age of Consent", as in, in my state the law classifies sex with an under 16 year old as a crime without reference to any diminished ability to give consent to sex

that kid is a legend


How is this happening all the time? Super hot teachers hooking up with young underage boys? Is it some fetish or what?

nobody actually cares about a pubescent male getting laid

it's spelled Reprimanded you french fuck

By the way, the student was a quarterback Chad. All of you saying "why couldn't this have been me" got your answer. Were you almost 6 feet and the quarter back when you were 14? She probably did it just to get her Stacy high, because she didn't land the quarterback when she was a mere roastling.

>American education




I was 6'1" but I was a fat social retard


One year tops, that is if nothing brutal has happened, and it is between the gender options. (the legal top is probably a few years)

They will however get noted on having broken the law of having intercourse with a "child" in their care under 18, and thus banished from all work, payed or not, of any minors ever again. Note that it is not the age of conception, it is the age of becoming an adult, and since being under age define you as being vulnerable, you would get this penalty without debate.

It is entirely possible that a case would have no prison penalty whatsoever. Or monetary, fuck that capitalist shit. Having a culture, where you can sue for being stupid, and encouraging people to fake it all the time with the dream of millions. The typical monetary payment to victims is almost always with a few thousand dollars, but, lost work time is calculated. Thus, if you have lost your income by being sued, you would get that money. But only from start to finish of the court. It would need to be a unimaginable scenario for someone to get millions. Maybe a guy forced to work in asbestos unknowingly for a long time, that might get him a lot, as it is a statistical death sentence.

No its not fucktard

it depends on the state. it’s 16 where I libe

What gender is the student?

Fuck, I wish that was me

was it her student?
If not it's legal. Otherwise there there is some issue with dependence and it depends if he was willingly taking part or not.

wtf where were all these teachers when i was in school

this thought process is precisely why we would never jail these heroes

Death penalty

>be American
>shoot someone to death with a gun
>get 15 years
>have sex with 17 year old
>get 30 years to life with permanent sex offender status
God bless America

I think about same thing.

She would become the First Lady

What do you say to people who say that underage rape is underage rape, even if the rapist is a hot woman in her mid 20s?



>As an American 15 years sounds fair
Clearly, since she can already handle 14.