Românism Recruitment

We are a group of politically-inclined third-positionist nationalist romanians who have organized into a discord server with the following goals:
> Organization for resilience against societal collapse and other destructive phenomena
> Formulation of a better ideology for the future of Romania; at the moment we are mostly situated around National-Syndicalist Distributism
> Understanding of the political arena

>discord gg EJq8Ne


nationalism is cancer
fuck off

my political knowledge is way too limited for this shit but I like the vision, godspeed

What's the name and origin of this symbol? Finnic people use it too

nazi gypsies lol

king michaels cross (an interbellum romanian king)


maybe if you nationalize you might finally have indoor toilets, radu

u wot

lasa tara sa se odihneasca-n pace user

sa-mi las slobozu in gura lu ma-ta

t. igan borat

I'd join in and spam EU flags on your channel but I'm kinda busy right now.

Muie Dragnea

nu tigan, doar deprimat

De ce boss?

Ai mei, familia, prietenii slobozari, prietena pe scurt oameni falsi. Vreau doar sa imi fac rost de un loc de munca sa pot sa imi castig o pita cinstita si sa imi cladesc un loc de tihna la tara, unde sa ma mut.

si eu as fi deprimat daca as fi t*Gan

Can I join in?

Ia si te imbata sa da-i in pula ta

No, sorry. Foreigners aren't allowed to join.

Ok :(

o sa fie bine user, tre' doar sa iti pese mai putin de ceea ce se intampla-n juru tau

>We are a group of politically-inclined third-positionist nationalist romanians

go back to pol you underage laughable autist cigány and shill your reddiscord server there