
Morning start edition

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Selamat pagi

Traffic in Quezon Ave.

Finally free today

In three months time, I’ll be free also.

1st for Chinese Winnie the Pooh

6 months 'til I'm free



Cute lesbians :3

Even free-er in 3-4 month once my ico on the exchange
Bury body
Come back a month later to rape
Sky burial

What would you do if Bitcoin collapses?

Do SEA women look like this?

Still have ico
Also i AM hoping for btc to collapse

Looks like that ladyboy who suck my cock last year

the chindians, yes
in other news
Breed more chindians

Malay-chan is not a Malay?

I look like sarawakian more than malay+chinese except my skin is golden tan

Can in mandarin means food

youtube.com/watch?v=FnAKAmLFDxk I like this song secretly

swarthy dude, what do people usually mistake you for?

He's the superior mutt, a Chinese-Indian, the epitome of Malaysia, the Malaysian race!
>Slimy like a chink doing business
>Athletic like a poo running from police
>Looks more Malay than Malays


sabah because my malay voice sounds weird like sabahan although im using KL dialect
sarawak because of my skin
thai once by a european guy when i was in thailand, he tried conversing in thai
european by my neighbour's maid when i was little because i was very white

he is truly asian

whats NOT truly asian?

'Bisayans' 'SP'


Uy Vice wag ka nang mag-overtime, okay? Kawawa naman si Julia Montes.

Can I have cute brown girl?


It seems odd that Filipino artists regularly go on tours in America, Canada, Europe, and the Middle East, but anison artists rarely do the same. Are Filipino artists more mainstream worldwide than anison artists or something?

How come people from SEA aside from filipinos dont immigrate anywhere?

We export workers. Also there are sizable Vietnamese and Thai diasporas too.

>thinking about buying a new laptop
>current laptop suddenly becomes faster


Besides Filipinos, there are also many Viets who immigrate (you know, because of the war). Other mainland SEA immigrate to Thailand. Indonesians immigrate to Malaysia (more than 2 millions of them here).

My old laptop just feels like new after I replace the HDD with SSD (I bought a used one). Worth every penny.

only cute ones please.

Isn't that the girl from Bubble Gang?

would you fuck this girl?

Yeah, that’s her.

Old and busted.

Angel is better (provided she loses weight). Or maybe Kathryn.

Peruanon, why do you like Marian Rivera so much? She's not even the most attractive or most talented Filipino actress.

She reminds me of someone


she looked so sexy at this chinese new year show. (18 feb)
I dont know, she has something special. I remember my LB gf saying that Marian was one of the hottest woman in the PH.

You mean she *was* one of the hottest women. But she's like 33 or so now.

It needs to be developed further tho but it can work

Mercenary work pays well

Play as Gitarja for creating a Capitalist country is hard, should had just played as Wilhelmina.


But she is japanese.

Great khutbah today, Arsene Wenger BTFO!

For god sake nigger stop building more tower
We only have 30m++ citizens for god sake, build some useful infrastructure instead you retarded planners

more towers
we must surpass everyone else

But towers are sign of progress! Mahathir did nothing wrong because at least he build the twin towers!

Also how the fuck developers are making money with building high rise expensive condos that only have 10-15% occupancy?

Waiting for Penang Rocket tower and Kelate Surgo Tower
Blame that mamak for starting the 'my penis is longer than yours' trend
Meanwhile, our internet is still shit
so towers > basic necessity

something something flippers something something

Maybe because there's lots of Filipinos in those places?

now you've got it
towers > humans


According to the radio, I should boogie tonight but honestly I'd rather sleep

Ugh... woke up from a nap and my head hurts.

Prove it

But MRT and ECRL is ongoing, KL needs more towers for the east coast coming to them by trains.

abe kelate dok tower
abih doh
jahanam kl jadinye

>Java EE
>renamed to J*karta EE

>Indonesia teasing Malaysia.jpg

wailao liddat I better go to temple become monk lor
even changi airport have more bump than this

Who’s the target, chief?

>not being proud of your towers
Huh Malaysia?

Make twin towers II

Java guys are always being Indoboo with their naming.

I'd take irrigation canals over more towers.

I thought Java was named for the coffee not the island?

You already have the SMART Tunnel lah.

Masalah buat loe? Ya kalo nama Jakarta itu pas banget buat programming, soalnya warga Jakarta emang pintar-pintar semuanya, gak sama kayak wong daerah kayak loe brengset!

jesus tony blank show was 8 years ago

build more HDB blocks
make HDB kampongs

Okay, which of you guys posted this?


>being proud of penis measuring contest
>being proud of something that is not really useful in a country with a small population/ workforce
I prefer the gov planning something to facilitate transport between east and west malaysia rather than using airplanes
infrastructure > phallic imagery

bangsat sial, singapore not welcome here

landed housing > sardine box

korban sinetron

*suara hati*

"Waduh, gue udah ketahuan... Gimana caranya untuk melepaskan diri gue?"

I mean agriculture use canals, right now we are still depending on using huge amounts of land to make up for lack of tech and modern irrigation.
Improved Muda canals, drone farming and new machines would enable us to reach Japan tier production instead of limiting it to just Selangor.
The drip irrigation tested recently around Kulim would also allow 1st world output but the main problem with mass production of that would be the massive loss of farming jobs.
Besides a lot of the request that came in from recent survey indicates that the main demand in my state is for the increase in rubber price not more towers.
Followed by 'I want a bride,state pls help'.


cari vietmoi, banyak cantek

jeng jeng jeng jeng
*zooms in*
*zooms out*
*zooms in*
*zooms out*

She's even worse in gold making business since her ability has little to do with generating gold, Poundmaker or Jadwiga are better at trading. Since trade route quantity depends on how many cities you have, it's best to play play wide and create as many trade routes as you can.


There is the forest city for HDB, most state in Malaysia have only 2-3million people where HDB is unnecessary.
Also for the construction vehicles to pass new roads would be needed since kampung road are rated at 5ton, 18 wheeler concrete beam carrying truck would literally rape the roads.

>not playing warmonger
just pick sumeria and laughs at everyone with your snowball

big benis

Why are Malays so chad?

kalo sinetron malaysia kayak gimana?

Suamiku abang pilot
Suamiku Tok Imam
Lakiku Abang Sado
and many others
pure cancer in visual form

Not much you can do, ships are not gonna move any faster. Its better to develop West Kalimantan as future client for Borneo since Tebedu inland port is supposed to be opened again this year.
If Jokowi doesn't change his mind of course.

Is it me or is Sup Forums slow at the moment? Seems all threads there are rather dead.