
i was watching stefan molyneux before and i paused it right when he made this face lol

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hate australians
where do you get off posting a thread that early at such a slow hour

for fucks sake

billie Jean is not my lover
she's just a girl who claims that I am the one the on

Terrified of ladders x

It’s a bit nippy out isn’t it lads

rate the game lads

there's a man
goin round
taking names

i get nervous when the post count reaches the late 200s tbf

Do you have to climb down them instead of up in australia haha x

I fucked up
I'm so sorry

british game designers are terrible

is it too late now to say sorry

isnt rockstar british

it's snowing lads

you can thank maggie thatcher for that

videogames are not british

I hope someone takes a picture of me looking as good as the Goose in this pic one day

Lads want a game of canasta?

help ive fallen in love with Yoshimi
but shes a black belt in karate and works for the city

and she knows that its demanding to defeat those evil machines

i know she can beat them though
oh yoshimi
they dont believe me but i know you wont let those robots eat me, will you yoshimi?

i like grand theft auto because i get to kill americans in it

the virgin yankoid v. the chad leaf

The fridge at work is literally packed with soy milk but I want milk for my coffee

not an argument

>tfw no friends to play D&D with

Looking sharp 2bqh. Nice colour combo as well.

The real story of that picture is how fucking awful Steve carrell looks Jesus Christ. Like a baby dressed him


It's Friday, treat yourself ;)

Whats it like in japan lads?



take the black u poof

Gravy's good tonight

alri Charlie

if you can't draw a 7-pointed star then you're stupid and probably ugly


Carrell looks better in that fit than Goose does in the original


An explanation RIGHT NOW for that image or I will dial 000

that's not gravy sir

got my first ever pair of headphones in the post today lads

been listening to experimental music for literally the last 5 hours

so far my favourite single track is probably Chalk Scrawls by Weird Dreams

Got a 12 hour shift of toil beginning in 10 hours lads

Pls kill me


>Toilberg lets me trample all the way in and then shuts the store two hours later
Ahh yes.

going to a rave tomorrow and my pet rock is dropping md


Hello how are you guys doing

can someone tell me the source for this pic?

gf said she's into necro

*blocks your path*

thought you were supposed to take breaks between dropping md


I found it here

look how flabby that arse is

give me a tight muscular butt over a disgusting saggy cellulite fatarse any day


I liked the new picture I put up on tinder but I got three unmatches so I guess it's ugly

Took 5 attempts before I nailed it



there he is

there he is with his fucking laughing eric andre image again

he's leftypol one day, he's rorke the next

always posting his shite taste in women and his shite opinions

hope malema nicks his farm and throws him on robben island the fucking smug twat


I'm hungry as fuck

[Hilarious post]



I hate those thots

alri haha

Begone, thot.

just a lolicore album cover
ecce pedo by loli ripe

Why do women think just throwing clothes on makes them attractive? It's how you wear the clothes. Case in point. Get rid of the tag you cretinous whore

not actually that funny when you think about it

me in the bottom left


can't remember if this was on flash fm or wave 103

redpound me on pill bakery



The next poster is a gay cunt

yeah that sounds about right

*disembowels white supremacy*


how do you lads feel about 80s sounding synths making a mainstream come back in the 2020s?

The next poster nonced Ant.

*eviscerates nationalism*

my £1.40p mouse from china is dying after only 3 weeks

I have it on good authority that you're a gay cunt

can't wait


actually not that funny when you think about it



yeah? who? jake? that guy's full of shit, always has been


[mildly witty post]

pirates are cool

Socialism does not work.

*disapproving look*

i actually like the song 'a cunt like you'

bloody good show old bean

The next poster is the biggest loser is the UK