/witcher/ netflix general

Let's cast this shit.

I'll start.
Geralt- Nikolaj Coster-Waldau

Yennefer - Eva Green

10/10 user

Ciri - Rose Leslie


Geralt - Idris Elba

Vin Diesel as Letho
Whoopi Goldburg as yennifer
Opra as Trish
Amy Schumer as Ciri
Caitlyn Jenner as Geralt
Peter Dinklage as Zoltan
Patrick Stewart as Dandy Lion

sensible chuckle meets gag reflex, also checked

>Vin Diesel as Letho
I know this is bait but I'd unironically like this.

Jake Gyllenhall as Dandelion



Stop these threads. There is no need for constant generals about this, the show is not going to exist for a very long time. They are just an excuse to talk about Sup Forums and /lit/ shit on Sup Forums.

haha BASED!

The Netflix adaptation has been confirmed you fucking retard

Nikolaj would be great, but holy shit, why do people get a boner over the game voice actor? Literally the most stale voice acting performance ever. Nikolaj would have a difficult time being that monotone and boring

Zach McGowan as Geralt

he can be the stunt cock

Do you think they'll go for cleanshaven Geralt, bearded Geralt or book-accurate giant polish moustache Geralt?

Eva Green isn't THICC enough to play Yennefer though

None of you guys know how casting actually works, you look at just the facial structure, the hair and everything can be changed

The actor for Cercei with hair dyed black would actually make a better Yennefer than Eva Green


Karl Urban as Geralt
Eva as Yennefer
Poots as Ciri
Scoot Mcnairy as Dandelion
Deborah Ann Woll as Triss
Mark Strong as Emhyr

Geralt could be literally anyone taller than Patton Oswalt. He's an extremely generic character. White hair, gruff voice, he could be pretty much anyone. Like those movies where Jason Statham isn't allowed to have any fun with his character: that's Geralt.

Anson Mount - Geralt
Lex King - Triss
Jaimie Alexander - Yennefer

You're sort of right.
While Geralt is a "generic" character he has a very tangible world-weariness to him that might seem deceptively easy to convey or completely miss the mark.

For instance Mads has that quality, while this guy here
definitely does not and would lower Geralt's character to that of a stock protagonist.

Perfect for a younger Geralt.

Kiera knightly as the main character.

>cast a guy because of his white hair
>he's fucking BALD

Doesn't matter. The important thing is that he's NOT WHITE
