What do you get to drink at the cinema? I get a nice cold Bang's™ root beer

What do you get to drink at the cinema? I get a nice cold Bang's™ root beer

Red Wine. Only the best vintage of drinks for the best kino of movies

oh yeah name one friendo

a nice cup of gravy

It's Barq.

Anyway, I like homemade spruce beer (not kidding). It's not like the shit you can buy in stores. It's fucking delicious and my grandma taught me how to make it.

if the movie is 2 hours or more I save my saliva in a small jug that I'll carry into yhe theater with me so as to refill my depleted spit glands without swallowing any liquids and risking having to go to the little boys room during the climax. Usually collect my spittle after dindin for a little extra flavor

>What do you get to drink at the cinema?
I normally bring in a empty cup. When I get thirsty, I poke the nearest person to me. I politely request that they urinate in my cup, a request that is generally obliged. There you have it, OP. An endless supply of free hydration!


bang's has bite

You new here, friendo?

Me I'd drink drawn butter

Every Sony film goes well with the nice, cool taste of Coca Cola™!

aaaaah, refreshing!

A bottle of Paul Masson™ wine

For me, it's the chicken sanwich.


I can't because I'm a pleb

Puffcorn and some hotdog with catsup

I never buy anything because I am cheap.

Ha that made me laugh

Blended crab legs

>Bang's™ root beer


>not Cherry Coke