Tim Heidecker


holy shit... wtf happened to him? At some point you have to wonder if he's embarrassed. I haven't been around in a year. WTF happened to him?

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Is it me or Tim's eyes are upsetlingly death? Eric looks just about the same but the glee inside Tim's eyes seems to have banished.

Its like everything above his nose cant express anymore, maybe it is the fact that they look older now but it looks sad now for some reason.


He's at the point where he's doing a parody of himself and T&E
The whole, grrr those darn 4channers is an act

I seen it too at 19 seconds in you can see him "turn it off" as he slides to the side, kind of upsetting.

>An act
Nah I think the irony mask slipped and he revealed that he's a sensitive child who can't handle being hated

did Sup Forums really fuck him up that bad?

Hey MDE how's season 2 going :^)

>Tim is infinitely more successful than every Cuckservative ITT combined

you're seeing what you want to see
face it Sam: World Peace is never coming back. You blew your one shot.

Oh man i had heard of a revival but was hoping i was being lied to, what a waste to see them comeback, some things are beatiful on its finite nature Awesome Show was one of them/

I don't get it. I'm no Tim and Eric fan but that video seemed just like all their other stupid shit.

what's the joke here?

Am I missing something? This is the same garbage this two have been producing for years, whats JUST about it?

m8, they're driving cars that are much too small fit them! hahahaha!

literally circus clown tier

>all those Sam Hyde fanbois comments

parody or tribute?

No, I noticed it too. Tim just looks "off".


Triggering you reddit boy?

Not really.

Tim's a sociopath.

Still miles better than Sam Hyde and mde

this seems exactly like all the other LOLSORANDUM shit he's done

why is this supposed to be so much worse?

Tim's like 42 now with 2 kids. You can see it in his eyes in OP's video that he's clearly embarrassed by what he is doing.

t. riggered polbaby