ITT: clever Simpsons jokes

ITT: clever Simpsons jokes

Its a clever joke because we never kick anyone out and constantly change to accomodate others

You'd thank me for raping your wife and it grosses me out

Sorry bud.

A warning to any illegal Sneeds. Canada will always be Chuck's

It's called being friendly.
Lighten up, bud.

Welcome to Chuck's Fuck & Suck
Don't try to Change it!
If you are Sneed, turn around!

Formerly Chuck's

bazinga +1 upvotes you totally arnt forcing it

Chuckfuck detected.


Feed your seed, Chucklefuck.

it's okay user, at least they're easy to filter. this '''''''''''meme'''''''''''' will die soon enough.

I bet you hotheads said the same about Baneposting :^)

Canadians are bigoted and unwilling to change?

Only on the former PM Chuck administration, but now canadians have elected Sneed

Yes, that is a stereotype associated with them.

"If you feed your enemies, they seed."

Who are yuou guys voting for?
Donald Chuck or Sneedilarly Clinton?

But if you fuck them, they suck.

I heard the suck n fucks in Canada are way better than the ones here in the USA

chuck pls go. this thread was bought out by sneed years ago

feed's sneed & chuck (formerly seed's)

chucklehead detected

t. Chuck

Formerly landowner, currently sadposter

If you kill your enemies, they win

Sneeds refugee camp