That's fine, I've never had sex with a woman as ugly as you are before

>That's fine, I've never had sex with a woman as ugly as you are before.

Other urls found in this thread:

Wouldn't work, people would boo him for attacking a woman's looks.

>"is that because you've never had sex, fatty?"

can someone tell what happened there?
i usually dont follow celeb shit

french lady was overly aggressive for no particular reason

the neckbeards here like to think of comebacks

Sup Forums has been trying to think of a good comeback for almost one year.

>If you don't apologize to me right now this fucking instant. I'm going to fucking kill myself. *pulls out .45* I'm going to kill myself right here on this fucking stage. So say you're sorry or blood will be on your hands, foul wretch.

>*laugh at joke*
>co-hosts look at you with the 'awwww' look

>"No no ahah. . .it's okay its okay. Look in my position you kind of have to be able to laugh at yourself right. I know I'm chubby and I'm goofy looking and all that but in the end I'm in a life situation where literally all my wildest dreams have come true. And it's amazing, I'm so privileged. . so you kind of have to take the ridicule with that. And then look at you (point to girl) and you're sharing your wildest dreams with me. . .and it's kind of sad that they will never come true, and there's really nothing you can do about it. So I'll take the jokes in stride"

>tfw no French Stacy bullyfu

we just can't win

>Did I leave to grab my wallet?


Too long, wouldn't work, would lost meaning in the translation
There's trully no way out of it

These threads are worse and more forced than sneed chuck threads

Yes you can: laugh it off and have a little humour about yourself

t. ipped fedora

>Bitch I will shit you out! That's a fucking promise! Reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

done and done


>Whoa bitch calm the fuck down, which father of yours did I kill?

>Whoa yes Im fat but even the worst chipotle mornings are a less pain in the ass than you biatch.

>Holy shit bitch, did you switch the cornflakes and the tampax in the morning.

Idk I would be bold while asking her if she thinks that is way of talking to a stranger, you know, treat her like the bully child she is.

it... just might work

> thats the problem with french girls, they come to America and expected to get treated like an Eiffel tower

No, the best response would be this:

>Her: ... and then all of a sudden you'd bring your friends Brad Pitt and DiCaprio and you would go away.
>/ourguy/: If I brought Brad and Leo over they'd be with better looking women than you and throw you out

It's clearly just a joke. Just because Jonah is too much of a fat autist to laugh at himself, despite being famous purely for being a fat autist, doesn't mean she was being too harsh. Hollywood actors need to lighten the fuck up. If he was less of a beta bitch he'd have just laughed and said something like "I'd actually stay, but only for Brad"

>I haven't been this insulted since the last time I went to Publix.

>my fantasy is being treated with respect during an interview
simple. to the point. effective.

>I have to return some video tapes

>wow girl you're trying to start your career as a comedian here? please leave the jokes to the professionals

>I am butthurt and can't take a joke

Where's the original vid?

This has been already solved with the power of TOM:
>Why would you do that? Do you like thinking less of people, is that it? Don’t run away. That’s incredibly rude. I’m here giving you an interview and you do that ... it’s incredibly rude. You’re a jerk

this just sounds bitter and resentful

>tell me a joke then Jonah
now what?

>Her: ... and then all of a sudden you'd bring your friends Brad Pitt and DiCaprio and you would go away.
>Him: ... yes, I probably left to be in a dream of Marion Cotillard
>Audience: ... Haha, hehe

shows you still have dignity and you respect them enough to know an actress from their shithole fag country

>"actually i'd stay but only for Brad"
Holy shit thats perfect. It shows he's not butthurt, he's witty and can roll with the punches and it's short so he can just spit it out and they laugh and move on

BOOM! This is it

>well, it would be a tragedy if Mossad kidnap and torture your sandnigger boyfriend

three men enter one man leave
one women enter
two men leave

it's really embarrasing for him. first he cancels all the interviews then shows she's right and loses shit load of weight. just how btfo can you get?


Jonah should hire you as PR consultant user

>are you being a shitlord and assuming mine and Leo sexuality?


>your sense of humor
>the state of attractive women in France
>the way you all treat me in this interview
not that hard

>Jonah should hire you as PR consultant user
telling fat manlets how to behave.

is this my calling

we just need more time

Tom really handled that as well as anyone can be expected to.

Spraying water on someone isn't really funny. It's not something goofy enough to make you chuckle and it's not edgy enough to make it even kind of funny. It's something you do if you're a clown at a children's birthday party.

The guy probably went home and cried after that. He was expecting Tom to get upset, and instead of taking the bait he just straight up told him that wasn't even remotely funny and like every shitty wannabe the guy just stood there and took it.


My response would be something like
>That's nice. My dream is to end poverty in [insert some shithole country that Jonah reps] but organising a threesome with a couple of celebrities is pretty cool dream I suppose. Do you care that you said that on national television?

>me ooga butthurt, you ugly booga
wow im sure the audience would find that FUNNY

thats the whole point its fucking funny seeing the "replies"

then she asks how he plans to end poverty and gg no re

Nah she has to answer the question first

>I wouldn't have mentioned that my life's dream was to be spit roasted on national television but whatever floats your boat

it was pretty good until the last sentence. should have quit while you were ahead

maybe after that you can bend over and let her peg you

She tried embarrassing me (yes, I am pretending to be Jonah here) so I am going to give it back to her

"By considerably reducing my caloric intake."

>Ooh, okay, okay. So how much money do I tell them to bring?

>>Ooh, okay, okay. So how much money do you plan to pay them?

>Are you still sponsoring Subway?

But that one doesn't imply she's a prostitute

Even if it's with magazine models, a chick's first thought is to be offended at being paid to fuck someone

incredible how a year later the fatasses of Sup Forums are still traumatized over this event

>maybe we'll let you watch if you pay up. I'm sure you're used to that

Dude have you ever met a woman? Insecurity about their looks is numero uno

>yeah, in six games

How much dubs do you plan to bring?

Meanwhile the fatty himself was so blasted he probably ate literal worms to lose weight. And he STILL looks like a puss because that just confirms she was right.

Sad to think a french weather girl has Sup Forums beaten for over a year now

pretty sure some ribbing from a a weather lady didn't bother him too much. he gets paid to sit there and take it.

Would anyone here announce on national television that their life's dream is to be spit roasted?

what is this expression trying to convey?

>Sup Forums
No and no.

>didn't bother him too much
Is that why he lost unhealthy amounts of fat since then?

it's the last few seconds before the sneeze

>I'll leave, but I'll look through the keyhole and jerk off
See that's the right angle, it's cute and endearing and puts him back in the game.

the attempt at verbal revenge makes this one pathetic, it basically proves you're not actually taking the joke in stride.

he did it quite a few times already though.

>That's fine. I'm used to rejection. At least I never became A BULLY.
Boom right there. Makes him seem mature and sympathetic while calling her out.

>Well, we can get half that fantasy done if you want..

That sounds really sad and pathetic

>so you don't introduce me to Brad Pitt and just leave? I'm fine with that too, fat boy

>a grown man admits a female BULLIES him on national television
Squirm, you pathetic fat worm

french fucking shits

>Brad Pitt and Leo having sex with you? Yeah that sounds like a fantasy alright.

that's when you pull out your gun

>Jonah: No more threesomes.

>Host: What?

>Jonah: I said, no more threesomes. Maybe you didn't hear about it, you've been in France a long time. They didn't go over there and tell you. I don't arrange threesomes anymore.

>Host: Relax, will ya? Ya flip right out, what's got into you? I'm breaking your balls a little bit, that's all. I'm only kidding with ya...

>Jonah: Sometimes you don't sound like you're kidding, you know, there's a lotta people around...

>Host: I'm only kidding with you, we're having a show, I just came home and I haven't seen you ever and I'm breaking your balls, and you're getting fucking fresh. I'm sorry, I didn't mean to offend you.

>Jonah: I'm sorry too. It's okay. No problem.

>Host: Okay, salud.

>Host: [takes a drink] Now go home and get your fuckin' friends.

>Jonah: Mother fuckin' mutt! You, you fucking piece of shit!

>Host: [taunting] Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on, come on, come on!

He should have done the superbad shtick and gone "Yeah I'm fat alright hahaha" in a hoarse voice and then feigned crying.

You pathetic fattie, you almost had a good one. I guess there's something about you fatties that just makes unable to banter properly

>admits a female BULLIES him on national television
you wut? Are you 15? He doesn't have to admit it everyone saw it.
What's even shameful about getting bullied? If i call you a faggot it says something about me not you.


That doesn't really work because they totally would have sex with her


>oy vey, another shoah

Why is Sup Forums identifying with a fat kike?

>What's even shameful about getting bullied
Why are you squirming then if you're not ashamed, fatty? You just got BULLIED hard, go cry to your fat mama

This is like goodfellas, right?

>Haha. I'm fat. Nice one.

>Go away?!!!
>Like Hitler made the Jews "go away" in the 1940s!??!?!?!?!!

you're in the wrong neighborhood, goy

How can you properly make a comeback when you're being insulted in another language?

he's fat fuck and gets bullied by frogs on tv. if he did what you suggest he would be fat fuck getting bullied by frogs on tv but also crying about it, which he sort of did by showing his butthurt later on.

>Audience laughs and starts chanting FATTIE FATTIE