Going to my plastic surgeon tomorrow. i want to look like this but i don't want to show him a picture...

going to my plastic surgeon tomorrow. i want to look like this but i don't want to show him a picture. how should i go about describing this look to him?

Just say you want to look like one of those goblins from Harry Potter

Tell him to just fuck your shit up.

you should as for a cucked look

Get this look instead, faggot. Same style but better.


It's called "the starting position"


>wat you want senpai
>i went to films

Ask him to show you his feet, then wait 3 minutes and 17 seconds before you rip ass. He'll understand.



give me the jew please

>whad'ya want famm?
>just set all the sliders to max bro
>I got'ya man

>"I want to look like Quentin Tarantino in New York 28th April 2017 during 25th anniversary"

Ask for the foot

Just tell him you want the Uno Justo look.

give me the kike, senpai

Which one is the doppelganger?

Just go to him and ask him for The Argus Filch


look at this dude

Just tell him you want to look like a fucking faggot and he'll realize there's no work left to be done.

Just say "Issa balck male thang"