Is this the greatest character arc in tv history?

Is this the greatest character arc in tv history?

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What arc lmao

Yeah the arc of the blade coming down on his sword hand was pretty great

only seasons 1-3

All hes been lately is cerseis bitch

Hell on Wheels, The Swede

it would be a great one if he also didn't do retarded shit like smash his cousin's skull in and rape cersei

What arc?

>season 1 I LOVE FUCKING MY SISTER AND being her boy toy


Can someone enlighten me, how did Jaime feel about Ned in the books?

I was triggered by him raping his sister too. I had to stop watching this shitlord show.

Couldn't finish the first season, it was so damn slow. Is it worth it Sup Forums? Does it deserve a second chance? I guess it just looked bad after Deadwood.

Seasons 1-3 was GOAT Jaimie. If the leaks are true, Jaimie will turn against his sister (not telling you what happens but what I read is so not Jaimie so it will surprise everyone).

>Couldn't finish the first season, it was so damn slow. Is it worth it Sup Forums? Does it deserve a second chance?
PLEASE listen. I 100% agree with you. Season 1 was a bore but believe me, Seasons 2 and 3 are some of the best seasons in tv lately. I love them.

My friend said the same thing to me; that he began season 1 and didn't like it and doesn't wanna continue but believe me the show gets so good.

Love the Jaimie and Brienne bits in season 3

he already did that on the last book, it's literally confirmed


Like that other user said it does pick up. It has great casting and its unironically one of my favorite shows.

Not to mention the ost is 10/10

lmao the creator of that video was trying so hard to be deep


The actor is talking shit about Jaime's character in this season. Kek

>objectively the best character in the book and show
brainlet cucks will deny this

I wish they would make those compilations in S8 right before someone dies. And then kill everyone off. It would be the most autistic yet beautiful thing.

Thanks for the advice friendo, and thanks for being passionate enough about it to take the time to reply.

Pretty much exactly like the show.