*Fucks your Waifu*

>He used his relationship with me as a shield … so no one would question his relationships with other women or scrutinize his writing as anything other than feminist,”

>he said he admired and respected females, he didn’t lust after them. I believed him and trusted him.

>On the set of “Buffy,” Joss decided to have his first secret affair.

> Joss admitted that for the next decade and a half, he hid multiple affairs and a number of inappropriate emotional ones that he had with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends, while he stayed married to me.


I hope so, he's going to prison for a long time if he did.

>mfw Justice League is not even out and he already became /OURGUY/ and a Based DChad

this isnt news. everyone in hollywood and los angeles fuck around and they all hate eachother. its a cesspool, the air is polluted there

>he's going to prison
lmao no

>this isnt news.
your viewing it wrong. its news because ((they)) are making him out as a bad guy. he did something to piss off the heads in hollywood. enemies of hollywood are usually enemies because they are about to name names.
now joss has death threats against him to not talk, his wife laughing in backrooms with jewllywood and now only 2 choices exist for joss, die or be the bitch

Does Joss have a small weiner?
Please respond.

Whedon's a weasel who should fuck off back to tv. Nolan, Snyder, and Ayer are too good to be associated with him.


ITT: Sup Forums sides with a crazy butthurt feminist in order to shit on someone they have a rageboner for.

They're both feminists though.

Disney send their regards

#Boycott Justice League

>"One of the things I like about the X-Men is they're not killing people. I miss the idea of... heroes who stop that kind of thing from happening. Here's why I'm not running Marvel: If I was, I would kill the Punisher. I don't believe in what he does. The Punisher just shoots up places. And if you're telling me he's never hit an innocent, then I'm telling you, that's fascist crap"

>turns out big joss is actually a red-pilled alpha dark triad sociopath MRA PUA who was just playing the long con to get pussy
JL is in good hands! DC is saved!

this couldn't have happened to a more deserving person

>emotional affairs

Thats every superhero.

>not hitting innocents is fascist crap

on that note i've never met a person outside polsci class that has even the slightest clue what fascist means

Hilarious isn't it
The doublethink contrarianism of these fucks is mindboggling sometimes

Any rational person would boycott all capeshit as soon as they learn how to drive

>Ridiculously over eager and vocal feminist turns out to be a creepo

Gee. This never gets old.

>emotional affairs


he's losing it

The joke was that that user's waifu is underaged, because Sup Forums is full of pedos

She is right in this case, her personal views are irrelevant.

Don't forget the Russians.

>get divorced
>woman decides to try her best to destroy your character even if you have very little

every time. It's time to insulate yourself against the female menace

he hasn't tweeted since this news broke.

>using feminism as a tool to get what he desires personally.

I thought thats what being a feminist is about?

who the fuck is the Sup Forums guy? Do we even know?

From 300 to Justice League it's freaky how almost every Snyder film get caught in the crossfire of the 24/7 Social Justice Outrage Machine.

Joss Whedon is /ourguy/, fuck off alt-right betas

why can I not find that tweet?

We were warned.

Right how? What does him being a shitty husband have to do with him being a misogynist?
It's just a private issue made public by some butthurt bitch that wants to gather some negative publicity on her ex-husband right before he releases his next movie.

he deleted it

He is truly alpha and based

He's PC bro.

For a moment I thought that was actually Joss Whedon in your photo.

well that's rude

>The doublethink contrarianism
A feminist says the sky is blue, and people are "doublethink contrarians" for not disagreeing with her.

This is intentionally ironic, right?

Why is anyone surprised?
All male feminists are weasels. They're just trying to get into the feminist women's pants, it's nothing new.

it's an obvious fake. he hasn't tweeted anything yet

Wow so Joss is literally /ourguy/ all along
He was only pretending to be a feminist

Buffy was literally waifu heaven
can't really blame the guy for living the dream

Captain America doesn't like the Punisher. It's because the Punisher is not a hero. He's very much an anti-hero.

I don't think it should be weird if people don't connect with an anti-hero, even though I personally love the character.

Certainly did him a lot of good.

>What does him being a shitty husband have to do with him being a misogynist?

How can you preach respect for women if you can't even respect your own wife enough to not cheat on her for several years? A male feminist who treats the women in his life like shit all the while preaching for better treatment of women is a hypocrite and a bad person, I don't see how there is any way to argue that.

To bad that its no longer a private issue now his attitude towards females in general is in question.

Thats just how it works with leftism.

>I dont understand the Punisher

He's not supposed to be a hero. Punisher is an anti-hero. Most Marvel heroes don't like him either, he's a fucking psycho.

its fake you fucking idiot

Kek sure.

He also referred to Indians pajeets as the "Turd Reich"

Which is kinda funny actually.

No one said he's supposed to be a hero. The stupidity of Whedon's opinion isn't that he doesn't like or agree with the Punisher's methods, but that he said he would kill off the Punisher because of that.

>poo in loos
classic joss lol


What if we turn Joss into an alt-right icon with our meme magic?
Headline tomorrow: Sup Forums defends Joss Whedon

>not killing is good
>lol, I'll kill him instead of writing him differently

Uh huh.

So are feminists just mad at him because he cheated on his wife?

is that it?

so his wife was a literal cuck?

>DC made a Chad out of Whedon
How do they do it?

>man is a feminist so he can get laid
in other news water is wet

Perverts do great things. This is just a run-of-the-mill philanderer.

I thought femininsts were all about being able to sleep around with as many people as you want

don't feminists like polyamoury? what's their problem with it now?

He used his power to coerce women into sex.

That's pretty much rape, user.

I'll be happy to defend Joss "women are only good for their holes" Whedon

he abuses his position of power as a showrunner to get himself laid. He fucked many actresses and fans for roles for 15 years.

All while pretending to be holier then thou femminist

it's rape if they didn't consent, which they all did consent

by this logic any famous man or a man who is a boss who fucks a woman is a rapist

>he abuses his position of power
You mean went into consensual relationships

Boycott Zack Snyder's movie because of Joss Whedon, goy!

Power implies there's a threat of punishment if they don't agree.

This is more smear campaign after the fake news about reshoots were proven fake. It's hilarious because I like the guy more now

Seriously, marriage in this day and age is a mistake.

that's how it works tho

>threat of punishment
According to who?

Again, it was a private conflict. Cheating doesn't mean he's not a feminist, it just means he's a shitty husband/boyfriend and that's nobody's business but his wife and his.
Feminism has nothing to do with lying to your wife. Your attempt of making this matter into some sort of misogynistic thing is exactly the kind of shit /poltv/ always complains about the SJWs.

They're also against slut shaming but heaven forbid you make a comic book movie about slutty villains being slutty villains

>be cute young girl
>be trying to make it in Hollywood
>get a casting call for a Joss Whedon project
>be glad cause you liked Buffy and he's a feminist that won't abuse you
>go to his office
>Walk in
>see this

What do?

With the power imbalance between an executive producer/showrunner and an aspiring actress there is no such thing as a 'consensual relationship'.

It's even worse than a relationship between a boss and an employee, because she feels the pressure to have sex with him just to even get the job. With such a dramatic power imbalance even if she consents it would still technically be sexual harassment in California, and possibly would even qualify as rape under the new laws.

He raped those women.

>there is no such thing as
SJW detected

considering he wrote Alien: Resurrection, he's sure becoming very underrated especially when you hear how he originally wanted the movie to end

>"The first one was in the forest with the flying threshing machine," Whedon told In Focus magazine in 2005. "The second one was in a futuristic junkyard. The third one was in a maternity ward. And the fourth one was in the desert. Now at this point this had become about money, and I said, 'You know, the desert looks like Mars. That’s not Earth; that’s not going to give people that juice.' But I still wrote them the best ending I could that took place in the desert."

who was that other feminist guy that did this? he had an italian sounding name and was really obnoxious.


So calling yourself a feminist is just a hollow title to look enlightened and virtuous and you're not actually meant to act on those principles and beliefs you claim to believe in at all? Good to know.

Where did he ever say to not cheat on your wife?

If a cuck supreme like Whedon was banging Dushku and other hot starlets, imagine the life on set of /ourchad/ right here. Look his IMDb, he makes a point to hire hot literal who sluts for ALL his movies

Let me put it this way, if one of the Nazis who found Anne Frank in her attic had thought she was cute and asked her out instead of killing her, when she said yes would that have been a "consensual relationship"? I mean she said yes, that's all it takes right?

What a loser.

Snyder is a christian conservative family men.

>moving the goalposts
typical SJW

This. In order to get with a woman, you have to put on a pretend face and pretend you are this holy person while deep inside you are a pervert. Depending what type of woman of course.

Of course a lot of sluts out there like bad guys but in order to sleep with an actress if you are a director of course you have to pretend to be very modest

This is good bait. Should become a new copypasta if it isn't already.

>Feminism has nothing to do with lying to your wife
It is. If you claim that you respect women and you can't even respect your wife or even the women you cheated with, that says a lot about you,

I didn't move them one inch. Just trying to show you that a significant enough power imbalance renders consent meaningless. It's why a boss asking out his secretary is sexual harassment.

did he really nail the douche, i figure it was all interns or unimportant people.

lol i remember he deleted that tweet than got all mad because people didnt take it the way he was meaning

>multiple inappropriate emotional affairs with his actresses, co-workers, fans and friends

what did she mean by this?

>Right how? What does him being a shitty husband have to do with him being a misogynist?

He has failed to meet his own standards of what a Good Feminist Male entails. If nothing else, the disconnect between his brand and his actual behavior is entertaining.

>It's why a boss asking out his secretary is sexual harassment.

It isn't you dumb cunt.

The Punisher is like the Hulk. He uses super math to not kill innocents