Admit it, the flaming swords are cool

Admit it, the flaming swords are cool

they would've been cooler if they were even somehow addressed and explained
>muh blood magic LMAO
cmon, atleast try to address how it works


My sister loves it; I think it's pretty cool, yeah.

>cmon, atleast try to address how it works
didn't he do this shit like 3 seasons ago, why the fuck is anyone surprised and now clamouring for a fucking play by play?

but that's how it works in the books too... how do you expect D&D to explain it if GRRM didn't explain it either?

I thought they did explain it in the books

he was a really cute voice
what's his name again

lord of light does it

It's literally magic. He ain't gotta explain shit.

Kek, I bet Melly fucking hates this guy.

She has to burn children and get creampied for any LoL magic and Thoros get it for free.

>oil in sheathe
>flint on glove
woah so compex

some user was wondering in an old thread why he couldn't use the sword to keep them warm and somebody said it could possibly work sort've like Sting and only work primarily when in battle

does that sound like a decent explanation for at least some plotholes?

I thought he had some sort of kneading stone bound to his inner side of the glove and that the sword was covered in some sort of oil, so the friction of his hand (with the stone) could cause sparks and thus the sword would be set ablaze.
>tfw it's fucking magic

but he doesn't spark it he does does it smooth. like swoosh and it's on fire

>some user was wondering in an old thread why he couldn't use the sword to keep them warm
You mean you? Shut up with that shit

IIRC he uses blood on his hand to activate it when he found The Hound a few seasons back

>baw it's not realistic

a guy lighting his sword on fire is even more retarded if it's not magic

tormund was pretty cute all throughout this episode

no homo

Thoros soaks his sword in wildfire to make it burn. He has no fire magic, it's just to impress the locals.

Melisandre also uses various chemicals to give the impression of fire magic to impress crowds.

no? because i don't care about autistic logistical questions like that when this season alone has literally hundreds of more pertinent questions? YOU shut up with that shit you retarded nigger

Why does this need more explanation than "lol it's magic" when shadow assassins made from impregnating some Red whore's cunt exists?

>because i don't care about autistic logistical questions like that
Yet you mysteriously bring it up, really activates my flametongue katana+1

>oh god, guys we gonna freeze to death.
>Oh shit that one dude already did
>let's light him on fire cuz we can just make fire at will
>Ok now lets walk away from the bonfire we just made to talk some more about freezing to death

because reeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

>the topic of the thread is in direct correlation to my post

this isn't a thread about cunny that i've just taken over with my own piece i've read on the swords, it's relevant to the topic you actual autist, blocked and muted

>Thoros recites a prayer to the Lord of Light while Beric cuts his hand with the sword in order to set it ablaze

>They both activate the flame with the flick of a switch!

It was cool but it was silly

every new webm i see makes me glad i dropped the show a couple of seasons ago. so goofy

Thoros died from his wounds tho

>spoondeef me please

detect the post century turn born

>can summon fire whenever you want
>let your buddy die from the cold

They're like the lightsabers in the prequels - just there to remind the viewer of when the show had interesting events.

A cool weapon should be used to emphasize, not to define. Before, Beric was a fanatic in conflict with himself - is he fighting for himself if he can't remember who he is?

Now he's just a boring Mace Windu character who missed his chance to save Catelyn.

>does that sound like a decent explanation for at least some plotholes?
No. They were surrounding by an army of zombies when that Thoros guy froze to death. The swords would've lit just fine.

Beric is turning into early season Davos showing his stumped hand all the fucking time

are you retarded

Now is this CGI or real. I can't tell.

Anyone notice the inconsistency here?

What I dont understand is that they try to make the flame sword seem so cool but the hound cut straight through the flame sword easily

Because metal expands when heated, and contracts when cooled. So all theyre doing when using the flame swords is using a blunt blade.

exactly, so its pretty much useless?

tfw ywn yell at Thoros for fucking up your sword when he puts fire on it

Yeah but it still looks cool.

I think it's real. idk how the fuck they do it

>this kills the sword


ALL WRONG. IN the books they were coating their swords with a layer of wildfire. It wasn't magic. It was science... Of course they were happy to have the Plebs believe it was magic from the Lord of Light.

So I do take issue with the fact that they just run their hands across it and POOF it's lit.

Game of thrones, despite being fantasy, is still one of the most realistic fantasy series today. Magic plays a very very small role and very few people are capable of doing it.

>Alright we want you to put the flaming sword in the snow to extinguish the flame. JUST the tip of the sword though! Putting the whole sword in the snow wouldn't look stupid enough!

>how do you expect D&D to explain it if GRRM didn't explain it either?
It's explained, it's just a trick, he has a little bottle of flammable liquid he puts on his sword.

Did the rest of them all have dragon glass or valerian steel blades? Coz they were cutting them down left and right. Or is it only the pure whit walkers that cant die by just any blade?

But then how does he light it?

> how does he light it?
>So I do take issue with the fact that they just run their hands across it and POOF it's lit.
Probably flint dust on his glove, so when he rubs his hand, it makes a little sparkle. Whatever, it's just a trick holy shit don't be this fucking dense.

With magic

Here's what I'm thinking. Those gloves have a layer of sandpaper-like grit on the outside of em that strikes against the steel and ignites wildfire, that would explain how wiping your hand on the blade would light it.

Honestly, it's probably pretty close to how they really did that stunt (although the flammable is probably kerosene or something like that).

Anyone else like the banter between the characters beyond the wall?

Jon and Jorah talking about Longclaw. Jorah and Thoros talking about Pyke. Tormund and Glegane talking about Brienne. Berrick and Jon talking about the Lord of the Light. Berrick, Thoros and the Hound picking on Gendry. Tormund picking on Gendry and talking to Jon about Mance.

All that shit was cool as fuck. Made it seem like everything was connected.

it's CGI

I love how they light it with a woosh of the hand, looks cool

Maybe they got better with practice

Pretty sure a bear had something to do with Thoros death

You can tell this sword is pumping gas out halfway. The swords in the last episode looked way better

Do you know that as a fact? I know in the Dany vs Lannisters/Tarlys fight, most of that fire (including people burning) was real. Prior to this virtually all of that would have been CG but it did add another dimension of realism.

If CG, they did brilliant at it. That's igniting exactly how something soaked in kerosene or diesel would

Well its certainly not as sharp, so not as useful..

Not when roasting marshmallows

GoT is just full blown anime at this stage

mfw billy bones is literally dead now after getting incinerated so badly he exploded

these method actors do take it a BIT far sometimes

Tbh I thought it WAS kerosene.

The flaming sword was never used to enhance the blade other then against the wights, it was always used as intimidation. Not hard to understand

>Thoros uses it to leading the charge at pyke
>Beric uses it against the Hound who's afraid of fire, backfires
>Actually useful against walkers

>no giant bouncing tits every 5 minutes

How is flaming swords and zombie dragons anime?

Yeah, the scabbard held oil which could be released, and he worn a ring which had a small spike coming from it to rub against the blade which caused sparks.

>>Actually useful against walkers
Yes because its dragon glass.

Just deal with that fact that its a useless gimmick to make kiddies think its cool to wave around a flaming sword.

A wound infection from being bit by a dead bear is more likely. The episode was fucking retarded but this is the one thing that wasn't.

They had that in the earlier seasons

Oil can't melt steel swords senpai

If GoT really was anime would Can't have drill hair? Or would she be more kind of mahou shoujo protagonist?

>Anyone else like the banter between the characters beyond the wall?
No. It felt like I was watching Suicide Squad.

But it is cool :)

Can't is meant to be Dany

Suicide Squad you say?

why didnt he use it to keep the group warm?

He is not, but you might be.

didn't have enough mana

>lights blade on fire
>blade melts

wildfire is bright green

>So I do take issue with the fact that they just run their hands across it and POOF it's lit.

Easy fix: Fire striker hidden in glove. Run it up the sword, strike spark, ignite wildfire coating. Boom, flaming sword for the plebs.

wildfire is highly reactive, it explodes. You can't hold a steady flame with it
and thats completely ignoring the fact wildfire is green

My wife laughed at its absurdity.

so they're Jedi now?

no it only explodes if there's large enough quantities of it in a confined space like a barrel. Bronn shoots the trail of it and it burns like oil.

Big E does it better.

So is the army of the dead finally gonna attack the wall next ep?

Big E does everything better

literally felt like I was playing WoW

everything in the entire episode is in WoW

Wtf season 3 looked so much better than this

Why did they burn the dead guy? They should tie him up, in case he gets ressurected, that way, they have two zombies to show to Cercei, or they have one more, if first one got away.

Sentimentality? No one wants anyone they care about to actually turn.

It's hinted that it's R'hllor magic, that's why it requires blood

yeah and everyone jacks off thoros, they talk about him charging through the breech with a flaming sword in like episode 3 of the first season

I dont want to sound edgy, but he is dead, and they are at war. And excluding John, no one in that group looks like they care for sentiment

lord of light is real you faggot

They had a video explaining it in like season 3 or 4

When dragons return to the world magic grows in power, specifically fire magic. In Essos they are doing crazy magic shows now etc etc. Maesters are noting that dragon glass candles are a thing now. But that's all book stuff