The Strain

The episode was actually good if you ignore the Zack part

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Based Eichorst
Only 4 episodes left and the night eternal is finally over.

Why didn't the Master kill Quinlan
Why did Charlotte wait until Dewey was dead to shoot Eichorst and then didn't bother to try to finish him?

>Eichorst this episode takes out a team of 3 armed men like nothing after being nerfed si that a stronk womyn could save the jew

i enjoy this show more than Game of Thrones.
Read the books when they came out and was hyped when they announced the series.

They didnĀ“t ruin it, its decent. Only flaw; Fed should be played by Ron Paulman.
Del Toro always described this guy as Ron in the books

Quinlan dies when he kills the Master, maybe the same happens when the Master kills Quinlan.

>if you ignore the Zack part
I want the master to just take him over already. They got rid of all the annoying characters in this show but that fucker is still there shitting up episodes.

Local child ruins everything from New York to a TV show.

Watched the first two seasons. Really liked David Bradley and the lore. Should I continue?

This show really is pure garbage but i enjoy it none the less.

do you have better things to do?

I'm on the same page. Found kinda boring the last season. Gotta catch up with hoc twin peaks and vikings.

At least he immediately killed off his not-girlfriend so we hopefully won't have to deal with that anymore.

The shit parts are worth suffering through for the Eichhorst scenes.

I really thought the master was going to scold him or something els

>actor that plays Zack is 14 y/o
>actress that plays Abby is 22 y/o

They had to kill her

How the fuck are they going to wrap up the whole series in just 3 fucking episodes? There has been no build up for a final battle. Just a nuke heist.

I hope the finale is just characters taking turns stabbing Zack. The kid is such a little cunt that if anything happens to him other than death, I'm gonna fuck some shit up.

Welcome to this show. 8 episodes of nothing, then two rushed episodes.

Honestly, is there a possibilty where Zack can walk away from this?

I thought it was pretty obvious that the master knew she'd reject him and hoped he'd kill her.
He wants him to be pure evil so he gets the perfect new vessel, wouldn't make any sense for him to encourage a romantic relationship that might stop Zack from continuing going down the road.

Though you really have to question how much more terrible you can get after "nuked New York because I was upset"

well, if you want to spoiler yourself you can read the imdb summaries/titles of the episodes.
There is enough to give away what will happen.

why scold him?
this is exactly what the Master wants

I fucking hope not. I watched 3.5 seasons of this just to see the retarded fucker die, they better deliver.
Also because of Eichhorst.

they're gonna go down the "muh redemption" route for sure

The Master doesn't really want to kill Quinlan, he wants to see him suffer.

Zack will kill the master AND Eichorst.

>Eichorst decides to go full commando when he could've turned 2 men, loaded them on the truck and have them ready by the time he reached the airstrip

They keep ruining his charactersm one moments he's smart and deadly and the next he's getitng caught by a retarded molotov thrown from 3 feet away

>it's a "villain rathers talk and do stupid shit instead of securing victory" episode

The only reason how Eichhorst could ever lose to the maincast without being retarded is if Quinlan isn't present.
So he has to be retarded from time to time if they want to use him.

why didn't zach r-pe the maid gf before he had his dragon bleed her?

Did eichorst run from NYC to north Dakota? He had to have a driver at some point, why didn't he just keep his own driver instead of asking the injun?

Also hopefully now the stories will start to tie together again. So far this shit has been all over the map

because he isn't really evil. he is just retarded as fuck.

>actress that plays Abby

he's a fast runner

he needed the curry guy to show him the way

>curry guy
he's not a poo indian, dummy

the actor that played him in season 1 was better but the new kid grew in the role over time

He found the airstrip on his own though after the driver bailed

>Nuke NYC
>Murder girl cause you got friend-zoned
>not evil

Liberal logic.

Didn't he got his knowledge by drinking him?

I rather meant that he always acts without thinking. It wasn't like he sat down and thought "nuking NY sounds like a great idea" or as if he intentionally sicked his vampire freak on her (he just didn't stop her).

In both cases he also seemed to regret it later.
The only scene where I can remember him doing something wrong with actual intent to do wrong was when he went to kill the tiger.

he's still just a kid m8 of course he's going to make dumb mistakes

>nuking NYC



I dropped this show some seasons ago, but I gotta say, it has some amazing ideas

>that whole story about Master stealing a giant-but-weak body and making it strong
>the whole body-snatching schtick of the Master in general
>angry old Jew hunting the strigoyim

yeah the premise is great it's the execution that's lacking

he's going to die jim

this episode and countless others have made him undeserving of redemption, even before the Master directly started manipulating him he has done nothing but being a petulant whining little shit that has watched others die protecting him and just walk off with no feeling of guilt whatsoever, after he let that choice piece of latina ass die to walk off with Othr mother I hope Eph shoots him in the stomach.


he's like 12 in the actual show m8

>go to check
>13 in current season
fucking lol. But seriously, even his age shouldn't be an excuse for his behavior

How are they going to end it?

No you don't understand it's going to get worst now. He's going to be hitting on her still.

Quinlan backstory scenes sucked too. Waaaay too late in the series to suddenly reveal his "tragic" backstory and pretend anybody gives a shit. As usual, every single good scene this show ever had involved Eichhorst, Setrakian, or Fet. Can't think of a single good scene without them.

What did he mean by this?

I am really sad that they never showed the masters backstory with him as a fallen angel, sodom and gomorrah. Wasnt this the point of the lumen and the biologic danger sign in it?

Also they use the sign the whole show and never explain its true meaning.

Do you think those experiments have turned Setrakian into Master Roshi so he can fight on Eichorst's level?

Sneed in german

I dont remember if they mentioned it, but what does it mean now that the ancients are dead? When they kill the master are the strygoi gone for good?

quinlan looked like a fucking poof playing dress up as that brit. I agree though way too late, for a basically useless payoff.

Arent there 3 ancients left in Europe/Asia?

no, everybody at camp nukacola was it

oh idk. I thought they all were together in that room. if they were smart they probably would stay a little spread out though.

But there were 6 ancients in the beginning, and only three got nuked.

were those 6 ever all together on screen? if so when did they get split up? because I think the only time we saw them was after they got to NYC

I think theres 3 ancients in the New World and 3 in the old world.


I quit watching after season 2. Is it still retarded and bad?

this season definitely seems like a step down from last season. I still like it though.

Yes. If you liked the lore and concept of the strigoi, just read the books.

I haven't watched this shit since like 2014

is it any good?

read la fucking thread

I haven't watched this season yet but I think that could describe any episode of the strain