what's her fucking problem

>Why don't you like Jon?
>He's too small
Why is manletshaming allowed?

She is a literal teenager with a developing power complex

>yet when Stannis says it all the white male autists here start cheering

daily reminder that these threads only mean that white males feel threatened when a woman gets positive representation

Reminder they have been hinting at her being unstable for like 3 seasons now, the fact that nobody has noticed just demonstrates how low IQ the fanbase is.

>thinks everyone on the planet is too proud for not bowing before her
>she's the most proud entitled cunt ever born, even more than her brother
I'm going to laugh so hard when she dies.


This isn't books.

she has dragon toxoplasmosis

Danyfags used to make fun of the Stannis supporters about the "bend the knee" thing.

She's a white blonde girl leading an army of coloured eunuchs. Manletshaming is the last of her offensive behaviour.

>tfw she likes jon because he doesn't need to bend the knee

She stopped doing this since like two episodes ago, last time she asked him to do it was episode 4 for fuck sake

>first encounter: BEND THE KNEE SNOW
>second encounter: yeah get my dragonglass I don't want it, MANLET
>third encounter: hehee~ jon snow reminds me of all the guys I wanted to bang really hard
>fourth encounter: pls jon snow be safe and hold my hand forever

and I thought the ravens and gendry were fast...


she the queen u dig? fuck off if u aint gettin it

>be Jon
>stay the entire season talking about how he will not bend the knee
>finally convince the dragon bitch about how the white walkers are real
>she agrees to help him
>he did this without needing to bend the knee, he got what he wanted
>bends the knee anyway and surrender the North to a foreign bitch

What is his fucking problem?

Reminds me of someone...

Happy now, Stannisfags?

Poor guy just wants to get laid leave him alone

He's a white male feminist

Maybe it was after a half-dozen characters hammered home the point that pride's gotten every king killed from Mance Rayder to Robb

Targs can't resist at the prospect of incest.

>surrendering sovereignty is a good thing
Eehehe good goy, remember, global village.

She's insane just like Aegon and wants to burn anyone who isn't 100% loyal to her.

Why didn't she fuck her brother then?

>implying that she didn't

At least, unlike one of these 2 ancestors, he gets some pussy in the process.

They better be setting it up so that she is the final villain. There's no way anyone but the cuckest of numales and the thickest bespeckled tumblerinas will accept this smug cunt as a good guy in the end, least of fucking all the Queen of Westeros and yadda yadda.

She will die but will die as a martyr. The last scene will be her and Drogo riding away happily into muslim heaven.

Jon and Daenery's relationship had romantic
undertones almost from the very beginning. The relationship and growing attraction is much better executed than any of the others from the show.

manlets arnt people.

she saved him

Dany for the last few season has been all "BEND THE KNEE" and "I AM DANY STRMBRN, UNBRNT, KHALSSI, BRKR F CHAINS ETC ETC ETC ETC"

Which is why she's gonna die. She's become so goddamn annoying that someone gonna stab her in the face just to shut her up.

Tho, that last scene with Jon was nice. Great acting by Clarke.

I've started to like her ever since she became a cock-addicted tsundere in the past two episodes

She didn't. Because she had to be a virgin. You can't marry off a sullied woman after all.

Maybe anal.

>Dragon you've raised from birth and is basically your child gets murdered right in front of you
>Blank stare, no reaction

>Guy you just met last week got hurt some but is ok
>Cry your eyes out

Fucking women.

I'd bend the knee and eat her pussy like a pig would eat potato peels with load of spit and making growling noises.

Patrician tastes.

She wasn't crying just for Jon and they didn't meet last week, dummy.

Can someone please post the pic of Night King holding up the Blue-Eyes yu-gi-oh card?

Sorry, two weeks ago.


for the retards who agree with this:
>it was at exactly the moment when he had what he wanted, so he had absolutely nothing to gain
>also, it's not just a pride thing, he may lose men in the North who don't want to surrender their land to a random whore who is daughter of an old enemy of them

Explain this jonfags, it was really stupid.

t's all right up to the eyebrows, then it just goes haywire! Look at the eyebrows. These are attack eyebrows. You can take bottle tops off with these!

Completely understandable desu.

he was the rightfull heir and had charisma
she has the presence of an oyster and is a stupid cunt

That's the big twist; They brought up a long time ago how it was suspected that every other Targaryan had "the madness" and we were all supposed to think it was Viserys. Turns out he was just a jerk and Dany is the actual insane one.

Tormund told him to bend the knee to Dany

Because her brother needed to marry her off for his own gain. They would only engage in incest if he was on the throne.

A message to everyone ITT

I wouldn't call it the big twist. It has always been obvious.

>positive representation
What are you on about

She was too young

Do you masturbate to this?


They did say all Targs are insane but their dragons allowed them to gain positions of power.

I'll have you know there's no PUSSIE in the north


Ha anyone shopped the Hound throwing the stone at Viserion bringing the dragon down?

>Jon and Daenerys shared nothing but bad times arguing about Jon talking the truth.
>Jan falls in love with her.

What the fuck guys? How is not everyone mad at this? Jon doesn't even know her. Just because she is pretty?

Jon falled in love with Ygritte because they lived things. Now Jon falls in love with Daenerys just because some stupid fans want it. It doesn't fit in the character.

I'm so mad. If they end up being king and queen I'm going to want to kill myself.

because D&D wills it

Targaryen are drawn to incest

dumb dumb, the blank stare was shock in the middle of a highly tense battle. People don't necessarily breakdown after watching they're friend shot in battle till afterwards.

>But what was Bilbo's nephew fucking policy?

He doesn't want to be a ruler and I guess he finally decided Dany was worthy of being his queen after she literally saved their ass?

A lot of shit wrong with the show but I don't think this is one of them.

She's destined to be the mad queen. They will spell it out for the retards if they have to.

"Don't tell anyone"

Mance raydar convinced Jon of the heritage of his people and how their culture would be perverted under foreign rule. Watch the scene of Jon and Mance in the prison cell.

I think they're more worried with the fact that women make poor emotional choices. And giving her that much power is more of a detriment

>had charisma
you're literally talking about autism: the character

>autism: the character

he didnt bend the knee idiote, theyre getting married

hail satan

Can somebody post sam hyde, subway guy, bane or frogposting thread already everything on tv sucks right now.

That scene was pretty stupid and she quickly did the apoligizing crap too quickly. If they wanted to go down that cringe route they could have at least showed Tyrion giving a look or something. Also Jon is King of a united north, not small.

na they will probably pull a fast one at the end of the season. everything seems like its finally turning around for the humans. they got proof of spoopy shit and a excuse to stop fighting each other. they got a ton of dragon glass

but the long night comes and mid battle danny will lose another dragon and the wall will fail and then shit goes dark and the humans collectively shit themselves and blue fire at night looks cool so thats what the night kings dragons will spit all over the humans and it freezes shit

all hell breaks loose and many run for their lives leaving jorah and jon to do most of the fighting with dothraki to help. the mountain tries to take johns life and fails. when its over nobody takes westros from cerci because every one elses armies are fucked up

>implying that women mature past 16

She is a tsundere.

He did it for the dragon mother poos

Johnnys man skirt really impressed her.

No real an would wear that shit when meeting muh dragon queen

She'll be bending two knees to Jon pretty soon if you know what I mean


>Nelson "Bomb the white children" Mandela
>Good guy

What the fuck are you talking about? There is no reason for this relationship. There was some kind of stupid stare at the cave and nothing more. Is this enough for Jon to fall in love? wtf

This is only for the stupid fans who wants them on the thrones because they are "the heroes".

>dragon bitch is nearly over the edge into love with you
>give that final little push by "bending the knee"
>become king of Westeros with a queen that's head over heels in love with you

Jon's winning the game of thrones.

low IQ

>Jon and Daenerys shared nothing but bad times arguing about Jon talking the truth.
>Jan falls in love with her.

It's like you didn't even watch any other scene between the two except the first one.

Tell me then. Tell me will Jon falled in love.


>What the fuck are you talking about? There is no reason for this relationship. There was some kind of stupid stare at the cave and nothing more. Is this enough for Jon to fall in love? wtf

Yes, just keep saying "no u" over and over again, and you will win any argument. Why don't you actually rewatch the scenes between the two before you bitch about their relationship.

Jon and Daenerys's relationship was more well developed than any one that didn't exist prior to the start of the show (i.e., not Jaime's and Cersei's, and that relationship has outstayed its welcome).

She paid attention to him. He's only spoken to like 5 girls in his life.

Fucking hate euron for this

Is Jon Snow reverse Kelly C and have immune to ice powers?

Tyrion did give a look but not too obvious

Ygritte is average and wonky-looking, the only way anyone would fall in love with her is her personality. Daenerys is the Most Beautiful Woman to ever live, theres literally no other reason needed to fall in love with her.Also, youre conveniently ignoring how much Ygritte used to bully and be mean to Jon, hes a manlet bastard with mommy issues, hes attracted to bossy women like Based Queen Dany

>Ygritte is average and wonky-looking
Bitch I will cut you

They have numerous things in common; she has shown the capacity and willingness to do good for Westeros; she actually started to listen to him and help him, to her detriment--she's lost a dragon to his cause and he lost nothing to hers; and she's stunningly beautiful (to him).

Her control over dragons is also a plus.

>he isn't familiar with the lovers hate eachoter then gradually love eachoter trope
It's like you never watched anime

What was Stannis's problem?

>not imagining your life together with a girl after you make eye contact for the first time

go back outside normalfag

Small dick syndrome.