So what does this mean?

>Whedon is being devoured by the same swjs that once stood by him
>Retards cant separate the man from his creation
>Fansites shutting down and calling to ban his works
Is he JUST?
Is it over for everyone?
Do all the good things he once did die with him too?
Is Buffy banned from existence too? Will the sjws burn all copies of it, forbid any network from buying it and declare it illegal content and nazi propaganda? Are Buffy fans on the run now?

Other urls found in this thread:

Ah, the irony... Too funny to be true.

I thought he was gay...?


>>Whedon is being devoured by the same swjs that once stood by him
SJWs don't give a fuck about Whedon. No one outside of manchildren from Sup Forums and China cares about capeshit

Couldn't be happening to a more insufferable faggot

Good riddance

Right now, the only people that care about this topic are on twitter and Sup Forums. If that changes...if he is fired from Batgirl, then it is JUST-city for Joss.

I don't understand the fury. Is cheating on your wife a big deal to twitter now?

They'll forgive him like they did after throwing their shit fest over Avengers 2. Liberals don't have any morals to stick to, they just like to feign being outraged.

Not really but cheating on your wife by fucking all the young pussy on your sets is shady as fuck when you act like some staunch feminist respecter of wimminz in public


Anons... I'm getting worried here...
I like comfy Buffy and Angel threads, but this implies the entire fanbase out there is a burning corpse
And there is more involved if swjs are calling to boycott justice league for their faggotry
This would mean a major blow to capeshit fans which is currently about half of Sup Forums
This thing has repercussions...

And I agree hes an insufferable faggot, but I do separate things, unlike the raging armies of sjwism.

barely anybody on twitter is calling to boycott justice league. God do you retards actually just believe any screencap of a tweet with "X is trending!"


DCcucks just can't get a break.


Life has repercussions, bud.
If you are a bad person, bad things happen to you (and the things you're involved with) eventually.

They're retards or Sup Forums, perhaps both

>when you act like some staunch feminist respecter of wimminz in public


Yeah, I never followed any of the twitter/social media shit he did. I know of it because people post about it on Sup Forums but I was never really interested in that bullshit. Over the years I have enjoyed his work. I think it would be odd if Whedon lost work over this...right now I'm not convinced this is anything more than a tempest in a teapot.

And why is the info about him cheating coming out now? Why didn't it come out years ago?

What did he do

His wife got buttmad over something

He was using feminism as a front to front to bang SJW's and starlets giney's behind his wifes back while she had cancer

He fucked a lot of Sup Forumss waifus
Cheated on his own wife
And obviously "used a position of power" to fuck, which makes it "rape".
His ex called him a hypocrite for calling himself a feminist.

He objectified women by cheating on his wife for fifteen years and used his influence and authority to sleep with young, impressionable women (which is rape by his own definition).

LOOKS LIKE "Firefly is a good show" IS BACK ON THE MENU, BOYS

I wonder which of these fine young women he exploited and degraded

I wonder how much cock did they already take before Joss.

>No one outside of manchildren from Sup Forums and China cares about capeshit
Capeshit sells a lot in USA, either you're ignoring that our you overestimate the amount of people who browse Sup Forums

Summer was a virgin until she got married a decade later

The three on the left, based Joss "One Man Klan" Whedon would never sleep with a nonwhite.

>All those waifus
>On one ship
Why do people dislike this show?

I love my waifus used as fuck so I hope it was Morena

Morena is already a open slut, so...

My guesses are Morena Baccarin and Eliza Dushku.

No one has ever disliked this show besides contrarian edgelords.

Funny how none of the women who went through his couch are now coming out. It's not rape if they're still cashing the checks, but as soon as he's out of business, they'll eat him up. He really should an hero

>Why do people dislike this show?
Because they want to be contrarians because Whedon became a massive retard.

>Everything i don't like is Sup Forums

None of them are coming to his defence either

>Implying she didn't "Carrie Fisher" some of her fans
Oh to be young and naive again.

Nice fake. Disinformation is also Sup Forums.

Probably depends how he responds.

If he express guilty, hurts himself and cry about the fact that he born maybe he will get some work.

I prefer if he just rejects his self-cucklord mode and embrace freedom.

>Funny how none of the women who went through his couch are now coming out.
Yeah who would have thought that victims would come out after it becomes clear that they would be sympathized with and receive justice rather than be harassed and called a slut for BEING RAPED. You Sup Forums fuckers have said a lot of disgusting shit, but how do you sleep at night after defending that monster Joss Whedon?


They've turned on him before. he'll win them back.

Yeah who would have thought you'd misread my post entirely and go on a rant about FUCKING WHITE MALES. They have NOT come out, repeat they have NOT. Rewrite your post to show how enraged you are by that.


this needs an update

That's the problem with SJWs- they can't compartmentalize and end up devouring each other.

All your heros are assholes. The more that people realize this the less shock they will have when their false image evaporates. Walt Disney - total a-hole. Picasso - total asshole. Jerry Lewis - total asshole. Etc. etc. etc.

Since when was sex anti feminist? Half of the feminist movement was all about sexual liberation.

Did he actually rape somebody? Like "the actual definition of rape" somebody? Or was he just getting laid more because he's famous? It's not cool to cheat on your wife, but its not misogynist.

Walt Disney was a true American hero like Henry Ford, fuck off

That was whining about a plot that didn't involve the female character being a completely independent part of the team

This is literally rape

Yeah, where are Felicia and Anita in all this?

>That's the problem

Problem? That's their best trait! It's always beautiful to see how they fight with each other and trying to blame other groups at the same time. It also reveals how putrid they are inside to spit on a previous "ally" at the first opportuniy.

He's still liking tweets on his Twitter, so at least he hasn't completely disappeared yet:

based men, truly Sup Forums hero

>trying to appease the mentally ill

>Since when was sex anti feminist?

Since everyone on this board gets their definition of feminism from Sup Forums.

>Since when was sex anti feminist?
Andrea Dworkin's heyday was decades ago, bro. Sex-negative feminism is dominant now, haven't you noticed the New Puritans all have pink hair and hoop earrings?

>one of the tweets he liked in the last hour is of a painting of a naked woman

The absolute madman.

>named Sup Forums
>not "known as Sup Forums"

ya blew it


All of the above and i'm just sitting here with a cuppa, laughing my sides off at all the sjw scandals. From my, thirdworlder, point of view, it's the best comedy series up to date.

>Since when was sex anti feminist?
Since he used his influence to coerce women into having sex with him.

Jesus I've been actively involved in feminist and transgender movements my entire adult life, but this is fucking stupid. Some women and trans people are so jaded that they even attack men who are their allies. This joke would've been A-OK if a trans person said it.

Good thing this behavior is mostly limited to the internet. Real life feminists and trans activists are actually great people

There were weird elements all throughout Buffy, Angel and Firefly but do any of you remember how incredibly creepy Dollhouse was?

It was like the most thematically perverse show ever made. "Hey guys I've just been kidnapped, sold into slavery, brainwashed and repeatedly raped, check out how many cool and fun adventures I go on!"

>Daily Nolan hate threads
>Planet of the apes started to be shit on for no reason even though it was one of the best movies of the year
>Whedon recent hate threads after being hired by WB

Fucking MCUcks, you faggots were kissing his hairy ass but after avengers 2 you started to worship the hack Feige the same producer of elektra

>make joke based in truth
>mentally ill take offense
>try to appease mentally ill
>doesn't work

Here's the proper approach
>fuck off, women don't have dicks you fucking retards

gas yourself if not troll


That's what he gets for siding with the SJWs. They're the most intolerant group on the internet, who will brand anyone a traitor if anyone unintentionally makes a false move that can be interpreted to be against their beliefs.

Whedon was and still is hated by many Marvel fans for what he did to Black Widow: her character was revealed to be sterile as part of her training, and as a result she considers herself less human for it.

How did the SJWs react? They claimed Whedon was sexist and transphobic for insinuating that women and transgenders who are unable to have children weren't really human. I'm not joking. These people that.

He made the mistake of displaying an honest thought of any kind on twitter. Any business entity should only ever use twitter for passing off insincere statements to attract customers aka marketing. His job was to separate feminists and SJWs from their Starbucks money not interact in any way even resembling honesty with them.

With the power imbalance between an executive producer/showrunner and an aspiring actress there is no such thing as a 'consensual relationship'.

It's even worse than a relationship between a boss and an employee, because she feels the pressure to have sex with him just to even get the job. With such a dramatic power imbalance even if she consents it would still technically be sexual harassment in California, and possibly would even qualify as rape under the new laws.

He raped those women.

>yells about being a god and takes shits on young extras that he forces to wear dog collars

Is he, dare I say it.../our guy/?


>You're a progressive guy. What's the role of TV writers and filmmakers in Trump's America who want to push back? And how do you deal with the fact that the left can often come across as patronizing?

>The left is never patronizing. Let me explain it to you, young man ... [Laughs.] Don't get me started on the left. The only thing the left knows how to do is attack the other left.

>mfw Joss is slowly getting red-pilled

They're not interested in going down with the ship, Anita certainly isn't going to risk her income.

>being this new in feminism

nice b8 m8

Unpopular opinion time though:
It's not morally right to take advantage of someone using social or economical power, that could be harassment under certain circumstances, even if they consent, it's also his fault for it, but from that to "rape"...
He can be accused of being a sleazeball and a lying manwhore, but sjws would have his head as a "rapist"
On the other side he's guilty of the crimes of being a raging sjw and pushing PC to the retarded boundaries it has reached today, that go way beyond respecting minorities and diversity, and into the land of a PC "alternative" dictatorship, and for all those things, he deserves a lot of hate.
But that's just a man, not his works. And as crappy as his "crimes" are, he deserves some hate, not a fucking public execution


SJWs - The Wet Blanket of the Internet

Modern day feminists themselves can't even agree on the definition.

So happy this happened to him. Why are white women so easily fooled by white men pretending to be 'feminist.' You could smell the bullshit coming from off of him.

I get that we are all trying to fuck Joss over and getting him fired(which i will help out when i get home) but you can stop for a second.

Not all sex between actresses and directors is rape.
In fact if an actress is fuckin her way to improve her career she is no different from a gold digger and she is not owed that starring role in that tv show.

If he had said "i will kill your character unless you fuck me" then thats different though.

>When I was running ‘Buffy,’ I was surrounded by beautiful, needy, aggressive young women. It felt like I had a disease, like something from a Greek myth. Suddenly I am a powerful producer and the world is laid out at my feet and I can’t touch it.”
what did he mean by this?

he meant attractive young women wanted to fuck him to get time on the show

I just think it's poetic justice since it's the same side and group of people he has been defending that are not butchering and devouring him. Say what you want about the right, but at least they don't kill their own.

>Say what you want about the right, but at least they don't kill their own.
You don't think someone from the "right" who'd end up being a "leftist" would get shit for it?

>far left:
>do all this work to promote their ideals
>do one thing they don't like
>ostracized from the group regardless of the severity of that action

>far right:
>do all this work to promote their ideals
>do one thing they don't like
>no one cares and accepts you even if you do something such as murder someone

Until the far left can just stop creating schisms within their ranks they will never overcome the far right who will remain unified even if the members don't always agree on certain ideals. It's hilarious how much the far left acts like zealous Christians who do the same thing to their own members when they fall out of line.


It's ok, he makes outlandish angry trump tweets so he'll be forgiven.

They're mad at him because he blamed the patriarchy for cheating on his wife.

So jelly right now. He is living Sup Forums dream.

used to* now he's just a pathetic mess


>Alyson, get over here, It's time for your daily dose of Joss Sauce hehehehe! Where's Amy Acker, my sweaty ballsack isn't going to lick itself hahaha! That's it Summer Glau, keep licking my asshole, it's so filthy you'll probably get a second mole. Hahaha I love being a feminist!

she was the hotness in them days.

Is he really a fedora if he slept with women?

he isn't suddenly on the right. He just failed one of their tests

>"when you're a feminist they let you do it, grab them by the pussy" - Joss "casting couch" Whedon

Nobody ever forgave, they just forgot.
The reason Whedon is such a great punching bag is that he has no backbone. He will roll over and admit fault and guilt immediately. He mistakenly thinks acting like a kicked puppy will save him through pity.
Angry mobs love a victim who doesn't fight back. But they also have short attention spans. Whedon thinks the few times he was allowed to get away were because he "did the right thing" by confessing rather than his tormentors just growing bored. Now they've come back around and it's worse than the last time.


What went wrong?

she became a Drumpfo