These are the people who watch Game of Thrones

These are the people who watch Game of Thrones.

>Derp no evil.
>Hear no evil.
>Say no evil


Do you think they'll let me smell their chairs after they get up?

This is the result of a generation being fucking coddled throughout childhood and far into adulthood. If these people are like this from a tv show may God help them when they encounter some shit hitting the fan event they got no chance.



Do you think they'll invite me for after-GoT cummies?


God no

Are you telling me there's people out there that LIKE shows and WATCH them?

Do you think I could sit next to one and sniff as hard as possible without being asked to leave?

>These are the people who watch Game of Thrones and unironically think it's a masterpiece.
I watch GoT as well, but I'm not a sycophantic normie about it. It's more fun making fun of the shitty writing.

She works there as a server. Met her during one of the screenings. I've actually fucked her a few times. ... she's actually a nice person once you get to know her. She's actually not as fat as she looks... doesn't have an over-hanging gut, although her midsection is by no means in shape. Gives a hell of a blow job and she let me tit fuck her (actually pretty choice tits...areolae kinda big for my tastes though... had to ice-cube them to get the nipples harder so it would contract a little).

the absolute state of GoT plebes. Downright embarrassing desu


PS: The gal on the left reminds me my calculus professor. Only younger.

You're a monster

I want to date middle girl

It's not my fault that women smell good. This thread has only made me depressed now.

>That fat cum dumpster every single time

How much of an attention whore can you possibly be?

Post the webm.

>these are people who watch handegg

She works there

>typical handegg fan

Outta my Dany fucking shits

I bet you've fapped to her

imagine being so pathetic you have to write a fanfic of yourself banging the SJW at every screening of Game of Thrones in some shitty hipster bar

imagine being so pathetic you warch handegg

She works at some shitty bar so she feels entitled to hog the bar and get in the shot every time? Give somebody else a chance, get a life

Oh fuck you just reminded me, ha anyone got that webm of that guy sniffing the seat of a girl that was sat ext to him during a video game convention? Crazy shit.


I feel sorry for him, he was literally reaching to get a bottle and Sup Forums ruins his life by making him a seat sniffer. Honestly makes me even more introverted, can't even go out now without a camera recording you.





I watch handegg
Should I post my bbc?

Yes... Bottle...

It's funny how you can tell to avoid these cunts just from the way they dress.

>these are the 70% of Sup Forums

what did you expect

Jesus fuck

>Why do women tend to cross their legs while men sit with them open?

Men have dicks, how do women not understand this



>why do I keep meeting men with commitment issues

Because thats the type you like/attract


I for one welcome a nuclear apocalypse

These are the people that browse Sup Forums.


This is good

>Bane has the biggest following

literally the Atlas of Sup Forums



>Using Reddit as an insult

you have to go back

No u


They're mugging for the camera.

If you seriously think they screech and gurn like this when they watch tv alone...

and yet you keep stalking them. you are literally less worth than that fat whale's shit.

These people are just showing off for the camera. Their reactions couldn't be anymore disingenuous.



>imagine having an entire folder about fat football watchers to justify you yourself liking GoT and being equally if not more fat

woa raly made me tinker ;)

he could've just used his feet to move the object forward or just stuck to leaning in front of his seat instead of stretching all the way where her ass was

>searching for intricate ways not to look like more of a pervert
How much of an omega are you?

If I could bend reality I would kill Dany in some idiotic manner just to watch their reaction.

Like stray arrow hits her neck.

t.chair inhaler

>You must look attractive to watch a show.
>The appearance of it's viewers has anything to do with the actual quality.

GoT has many valid criticisms but Sup Forumstards can only worry about some fat legbeards in a bar.

I am sexually attracted to these women. Guess it's time I finally get around killing myself because there's no turning back now.

>muh Sup Forums

Have you never been around guys during sport season? Grown adults have acted like this while watching TV for a long ass time.

>Thread is balanty Sup Forums
>not Sup Forums

le obsessed

>highlighting people overreacting to shit tv
>Sup Forums

ok my guy

The hell is this from?

>Implying anyone else give such people attention
>Implying ugly legbeards SJWs don't give Sup Forumsacks hardons

Kek, I bet you look worse than the people in Op's pic,I'm leaving this shit thread.

>can't spell
>laughing at fat retards is Sup Forums
Go back.

>cannot defend his obsession so flees thread

>Reddit of Numales
No thanks

stop using the word actually in every sentence if you want to write erotic fanfiction


>he hasn't dropped got yet
Give one valid reason.