
Inherent vice.
What was this supposed to be about?

I Didn't get it.

From what I understand you're supposed to be just as confused as the MC through the movie. It was pretty meh, and I didn't quite understand it either but it was comfy and I got a few good laughs out of it.

>dude weed lmao


It's basically just Joaquin's character being used as a pawn while trying to figure out what's going on.

Some of the plotlines were never finished.

The duality of American capitalism. The smart money is in both the disease and the cure. &God bless Reagan for privatizing mental health in California.. such good things came from it.

A Scanner Darkly did that better

It's all to do with maritime insurance.

the promise and failure of the '60s counterculture. it's pretty much spelled out in the "greed and fear" monologue

You're supposed to watch it stoned

i'd tell you what it's about, but the Golden Fang is watching.

maybe get high and watch it again. Isn't that what Doc would do?

sure thing keanu

I remember when critics tricked us into seeing that piece of shit. But The Master is an amazing movie.

The smell of weed smoke seems repulsive to me.
Tell me how does weed smoke taste? better or worse than cigarette smoke?
I have no problem with cigarettes.

It's Fear and Loathing, except made by a HACK without a single clue

watch the long goodbye, it's like inherent vice, but better

getting small glimpses of a yuge conspiracy and not making sense of it, it's like life dude lmao

it's not that hard to understand?
it's just a drug ring operation with loads of people involved?

>this many people on Sup Forums can't even wrap their heads around a PTA movie
Why are you niggers even here?

It's based off of a book by a guy who's famous for his themes of paranoia.

Tastes great, my sister is the only person I've ever seen not like it. Once you smoke a few times you start to enjoy the smell too.

In fact is about how Counterculture depended on Police Violence and how much Police depended on Counterculture hippies, both are "addicted" to each other, and also how our relationships will always suffer some "inherent vice" (some things will break no matter what).
In the book the ending Doc is realizing he's becoming pretty much useless, since he solved every single problem, computers were more effective than him.