I FUCKING HATE ARYA STARK! i cant be the only one can i?

I FUCKING HATE ARYA STARK! i cant be the only one can i?

What made you think anyone cares what you like, desperate young person seeking validation online?

lets read your over exaggeration and spastic view on why you hate her

her dialogue this season feels forced

This is because my theory is true: Arya died in Braavos and what we think she is a faceless man with plans of his own.

arya sucks now
bran sucks now
>what kind of house you want?
>just stark my shit up

that would be a pretty good plot point, got any evidence or references?

>Finally make it home with some small semblance of family still alive
>Threaten to kill sister a week later

Really jogs the noggin

maisie williams, """"""""""""""""""""actress""""""""""""""" extramediocaire

Nah, I've mentioned it a couple times here, just my own theory. I'm not even sure how plausible it is: 1) I didn't read books so that might rule it out; 2) Bran probably should have said something since he would know (but I can see him not revealing if he feels its a higher purpose). I just WANT this to happen. Been mulling this over since the waif battle at Braavos.

i wish they showed us Brans transformation into the 3 eyed raven (and actually give him a character) instead he just met with the past 3 eyed raven, went past the wall and BOOM weirdo

I don't hate her... I don't know why she's now become some thousand yard stare, monotone, operator, 3deep5me...

i honestly feel like i've missed a season. bran and arya are just completely different characters.

>just completely different characters.
they have no character this season, they're just there to slightly move the plot along

Because the actor is crap and monotonous also just written like a butch and a bitch

Also, me and my friends do a pool for every season and we get to pick 3 major plot points each, put them in hat, and then we get points based on if they occurred and the audacity of the prediction (as voted by the group). Mine were:

1) Ice dragon (I nailed that, and interestingly I was the only one to have that);
2) Jaime kills Cersei;
3) Arya died in Braavos and she is a faceless man. This is obviously low probability, but very high payout if I get that right.

>2) Jaime kills Cersei;
next season you called it too soon

Whats the point of putting them in a hat?

Indeed. I made a mistake and thought that the season included both this 7 and the next 7 (the final). Alas. It's allright, I'm the only one who has hit anything yet. Someone else had "a dragon dies" but it got minimal audacity votes due to vagueness, and mine was "one of the dragons is killed in a battle with white walkers and night king ressurects as ice dragon" so I got a shitload for that.

Arya doesn't even act the same at the start of the fucking season.

Bran isn't consistent between a few episodes either
>Literally nothing matters, i've seen everything ever, I'm talking so slowly like a souless robot, I don't care, so calm collected, the rape Sansa, the rape
>I'm a raven... I'm a raven Oh fuck the night king quick ravens!!!!

This way no one can leach off other people's theories. We write all three in confidence on paper, and put in a hat with out names so no one else knows what the others have put down. Then, we designated a pool master who takes everyones suggestions, records them, and makes definitive decisions on whether it technically happened or not. Then we vote on how audacious the vote was (more specific, more outlandish, more points, and vice versa).

if the spoilers are true and bran tells sansa/arya that littlefinger tried to kill him that would be the biggest asspull. bran doesn't even consider himself brandon stark anymore so why the fuck would be care what littlefinger does or did?

>complain about Arya for years to my roommate
>how she has little to do with the plot, is like a shitty self-insert in a teen fantasy series, how she doesn't work in this grounded world
>finally my roommate agrees that I'm right

Last night's cringe inducing scene was absolutely worth it.

>arya literally threatened to kill sansa


If she kills salsa all will be forgiven

D and D wrote this season like it was a word to word transcript from a bad D&D campaign

Literally a-maise-ing

As long as she doesn't kill Cersei I'll be okay. Jamie has to kill her, the pottery would be perfect.

>Potato face
>Shit hair
>Borderline masculine body
>Literally the worst actor on the entire show including extras

Shit tier waifu.

>arya's that one player whose character threatens to kill all the other player's characters and asks the GM if he can seriously do it
>brann's the autist level 2 wizard who thinks he's fucking gandalf the white
>littlefinger's the recurring villain who for some reason keeps bumping into the PCs even though he probably has better things to do

Daenerys is that character who thinks she has rolled a more powerful character than she actually has

>the rape Sansa, the rape
Still makes me laugh every time.

I'm half convinced that it has to be the Waif. I mean, nothing explains her cuntyness last episode at all. Even the line deliveries are strange.

>dude you were coerced into writing a letter now I want to cut off your face and become you LMAO!
I feel like she might have gone too far there

That twist is too smart for D&D, not gonna happen.

She's acting to make Littlefinger think she's really into killing Sansa and doing something stupid to blow his plan.

>on way to kings landing
>hears her family isn't completely whiped out
>goes to winterfell
>threatens her sister
whats the fucking point?

She's a faceless man GODDAMNIT!

If it's the waif would she have known Hot Pie, be able to talk about Arya's childhood with Sansa, recognize Nymeria, etc? Do the faceless men take up memories of the people they disguise as or is it just physical?


YES. YES. It's happening!

"a girl is Arya Stark"

I wish she would stab Sansa just so Jon wipes her head off her shoulders when he gets back. It's a kindness to kill her off rather than assassinate her entire character like this.

If she were the waif or any faceless man she wouldn't have gone out of her way to engineer revenge against the Freys for the Red Wedding

Although I agree, the easy out here is that said faceless man has some reason to pretend he is Arya. Perhaps due to Bran? I dunno. I think it could easily be explained this way

It's faceless person, not faceless man you chauvanist shits

Sansa is the one who is insufferable imo. At least Arya gives 0 fucks and has actually killed people.

Sansa is literally the biggest cuck, she just goes along with literally EVERYONE and everyone uses her for their purposes and she doesn't even realize it.

I vomited a lil bit when she gave her monologue story about her training in the art of the the bow and arrow. It must have been the worst line reading I've ever seen in a movie or TV series by any actor that's in the business for numerous years by now. How can they just film this and say: "yep. this is convincing. no need to re-shoot. we'll take it like this"


sounds terrible

Arya's dead. The Waif is wearing her face.

They spend 5 seasons training her up to be a brutal killer with a revenge storyline then just abandon it?

>Learns to water dance from Syrio
>Learns about armour and big fucking swords off the Hound
>Learns guile and stealth from the Faceless Men

Then decides to go to winterfell and just like, what, annoy her sister instead of avenging all who wronged her? What was the point in all that plot buildup if she's just gonna wander around Winterfell being a bitch to her sister?

She and Bran *snaps* suck now

>nice rape Sansa do you remember that time you were raped wow great seeing you again rape
>Sansa like oh my god you totally wrote a letter under duress against our family what the heck I would've killed everyone and survived everything you went through you suck lmao

But you don't understand, Sansa liked to knit and wear pretty dresses while Ned was clapping for Arya! For that reason she must die!

Yes having a social life has been dreadful...

Is Arya the waif?

I honestly feel like I could show up and act better than both of them, and I've never taken an acting class before.

It's like pulling teeth.

Who cares anymore.

Then who was mask that "arya" gave to the many faced god?

she looks like a fucking gremlin.