White people are disgusting

White people are disgusting.

Attached: TAXIDERMIA_09-2000-2000-1125-1125-crop-fill.jpg (2000x1125, 131K)

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>216 replies and 59 images omitted


What am I looking at here

big if true

I thought stuffed humans didn't exist

A piece of fine Hungarian kino, my friend.

Attached: FA2A997E-F5B6-4DC5-BA8E-AD3A15045DDD.jpg (500x737, 100K)

78% Blacks in USA are morbidly obese

Not from south Belize where the real white people are.


You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about.

Morbid obesity (BMI 40+) is different from being simply overweight (BMI 25+), or even clynical obesity (BMI 30+).

The national rate of obesity in the USA is 37%, and the rate of morbid obesity is ~3.2%. This is 12x lower.

For blacks, the average rate of obesity is 42%, going with the same drop as the national average, as I could not find the actual percent, the morbid obese number is ~3.5%.

As for the overweight population of blacks in USA, it is 72%, while the white one is 64%, Native is 71%, Hispanic 70%, Asians 42%, and other 62%.

Am I the only who looked at the thumbnail and thought that this was an obese version of George Washington?

Attached: nervous pepe.png (320x303, 102K)

You just got BTFO you dumb monkey

This "72% overweight" figure is misleading IMO. A BMI distribution graph would be much more enlightening. A 200 lb 6'2 man, although technically overweight, probably wouldn't look particularly fat to most people.

BMI is misleading in general

I've heard stories of people that look fat as shit, but are only like BMI 25.1

But other stories of people who you can see their bones, but are BMI 30+

Oh shit I remember watching this a while back. Guy subsists on eating massive amounts of butter.

>But other stories of people who you can see their bones, but are BMI 30+
Stories, being the key term here.

>Stories, being the key term here.
True, maybe that's far fetched, but I was just trying to use it as an analogy

So basically amerifats are fat in general

>it as an analogy
Using analogies to prove/disprove something is borderline stupid and should be avoided.

Please put in the oven.


Attached: 32.png (224x217, 4K)

Do NOT do that.


this movie made me depressed and disgusted


Attached: 491fd89f5bda69edd90623ff6ec942ae.png (620x354, 608K)

Pic related is average white american

Attached: 1520622864042.jpg (537x720, 64K)

God I wish that was me

What are you implying? She is pure beuty...

Attached: 7865877687987.png (122x299, 90K)

EXCLUSIVE: American person tries to communicate with human beings: vocaroo.com/i/s02CEGUH8lBm

Sharp looking bunch
