UK is the best country in the world

UK is the best country in the world

Attached: UK.jpg (570x369, 115K)

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Karen is the best girl in the world.

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>UK is the best country in the world
Ahhh…No thank you

No, the UK shall defend their islands whatever the costs might be. And I believe they will be free to flourish as nation state as it has done for hundreds of years. They are the true protectors of European values and freedom. God bless the UK.


I wish them all the best, but the future doesn't look exactly bright for them

Good post

has-been: the country

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The uk is a shadow of its former self. just look how different it is compared to 70-100 years ago. We are complete cucks.

we're all suffering from mass immigration, but no way the UK did this by herself, the EU did.

you have to be honest. They're better off than all of us. Our fate is still in the hands of Merkel, Juncker and Schulz...

too bad you didn't want to build a new Empire with your fellow Europeans

no. race mixing is wrong

Is it opposite day in Colgate land?

I see,then all Europe is shithole

the UK is shit

Schulz is out of politics, and Junckers term is almost up (not that he ever had much of power in the first place)

Uhhhh.... I mean are you truly confedent about that statement? Do you honestly truly believe uk is number 2 for best?

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Actually hear brits refer to their nation as an "immigrant" nation unironically now

fuck off nintenyearold soyboy

Wait! Uk is the best country i-i-in the world…?
No no no no no!!!!
Uk is the best country in the middle east


Just a reaction image cool your jet sonyfag and take a break from /v

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>not that he ever had much of power in the first place)
He's the head of the legislative organ of the EU, where 80% of our legislation comes from.

Probably it's reason that brits are so arrogance and annoying people.

still, all the decisions are made in european council

and boring people

>no way the UK did this by herself

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Attached: great britain.png (1192x1670, 1.34M)

Here's crazy Klaus back again with his vast hoard of questionably sourced jpgs

>muh bbc makes anti-british propaganda
yeah yeah britain is absolute heaven on earth amirite, full of beautiful, wise and civilized people like elves from lord of the rings

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>UK is the best country in the world if you are a pedophile paki and have a lust for little blondie girls

fix'd that for you

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Germans are just as ugly and have shit cuisine. At least we dominate TV, movies and music whereas all you dominate is scat porn and shit cars

you do realize that the guy you are responding to is a russian immigrant, right?
you just insluted a whole country (one that is rather found of Britain, I must add), just because your emotions got the better of you

Has never been:the country

i hate to admit it but the brit is right

are you serious?

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Italy has never achived anything of note

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Hate Britain
Love the British


>He thinks Rome is Italy
>He thinks that the Romans are in anyway related to the Italians
Thank you for revealing your brainlet levels to me

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If Italians can't claim Roman Empire then British can't claim British Empire

Holy shit this country is fucking lost, even though we have our history I kinda feel bad for them.

Never before have i seen an abhorrent post you cannot be a German

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rome is a city in italy, my dude

Does the UK take refugees from the The Netherlands? Or do i have to go to Calais?

Nice bait my lesser being, you almost got me

You obviously haven't been around many Germans.

Majority of the German posters on Sup Forums are dispora which you can tell because they are stupid, the German posters are actually decent

You seem upset

yeah,Britain is over

The political correctness in the Uk is insane. After watching BBC News for 30 minutes i always have vomit in my mouth.

>That one former lawyer sheikh who skirted the law regarding inciting violence who got put away last year
Yes, how relevant to today, much like how Japan is constantly undergoing Fukushima electric bugaboo 2 rn

Neoliberalism (or better, Thatcher's political kids serving as MPs) killed the UK after the Cold War.

British aircraft carriers are sexy

Attached: British navy.jpg (1014x487, 144K)

Ignore the "German" poster. It's actually a Russian who has been anally devastated over the UK taking a hard-line with Russia over this recent spy thing.

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I hope Brazil could buy one in in the next 10 years.

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England is the comfiest place to live if you just avoid the cities and cherrypicked fox news articles posted on int.

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I don't think you won't though

feel free to use my oc