What the fuck is going on in New Zealand?

What the fuck is going on in New Zealand?

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maori and kiwi

sheep shagging

thinly populated

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That's like the size of Croatia but already highly developed. What's their secret?

>That's like the size of Croatia
Not for long.

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Flow on from economic reforms in the 80s and increasing Chinese/Asian investment and immigration.

a tourist must have dropped $20

>t. Richard from Perth.

high rate of exporting half white/coconut girls

also i'm fairly sure miss alice is literally 40% of their gdp

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>less population than nsw
>is still considered a country


Das Rite

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Come home Dalmatian man

>quarterly gdp growth annualized

Umm no sweaty

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I do love me some half-caste girls.


Basically OP is posting fake news

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the fuck is iceland doing

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I have heard New Zealand is rule by sheep.

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end urself prozzie

says the commodity/banana country

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T. Jelly discount new zealand