How do we actually know it was Russia behind the chemical attack and not a US or Israel false flag?

How do we actually know it was Russia behind the chemical attack and not a US or Israel false flag?

Attached: BucketVarg.jpg (1920x1080, 190K)

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The chemical attacks happened in the UK and guess who founded the modern state of Israel, the UK


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because it was Welsh seperatists

Would the Russians really use a substance as distinct and reckless as that?

Is there no chance that (((someone))) did it rust to provoke a reaction in the already cold British-Russian relationship?

I reckon Theresa May did it to divert attention from the fact that she still hasn't returned all the money she and her bloody eton tory cronies stole from the victims of the Grenfell Tower fire.

>How do we actually know it was Russia behind the chemical attack and not a US or Israel false flag?
You need to wait for the investigation to complete.
Also the UK must being actively cooperating with this organization:
However, they've failed. The UK neither want to cooperate with Russia and share a sample of the nerve agent, not cooperate with international/intergovernmental organization which exists specifically to handle cases like that.

>Would the Russians really use a substance as distinct and reckless as that?
Just relax and enjoy the show.

Attached: ex-russian-spy-vs-1500-raped-kids.png (1170x622, 37K)

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Dat filename

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Well brits went balls in and bought the hype.

Do you know that Novichok nerve agent isn't recongized as a WMD by OPCW organization?

Also you can buy a book of defector (Mirzayanov who provided anecdotal info on that agent to the UK) for like under $10 on amazon kindle? The recipe for Novichok agent is there.
The book is

The recipe for Novichok agent is there.

You can learn how to make a nuclear reactor online but your average jackoff couldn't do it.

That said if they were state actors, it would be a different story.

It was al-Nusra

> The agent [Novichok] was planned to be in its spec easy to make, so no factory, no state required.
It's claimed to be way more toxic and existing agents, yet it's not recognized by international organisation which is charge of WMD.
I don't understand.

Didn't this coincide with a Saudi visit?

Who are the Sauds against? Iran.

Who supports Iran? Russia.

>Saudi Arabia is a key ally in the global fight against terrorism as well as a key trading partner. In the wake of Brexit it is hoped Riyadh will pick London for the planned floatation of state oil company Aramco, which could be as high as $1.5tn (£1.1tn).

makes sense, 1tn pounds is shit ton of money

Serfs are gonna serf. Nothing new really

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Because the Russian reaction to getting found out is having autistic fits.
Just look at the doping scandal during the olympics. We will see the russian stages of fucking up (denying, anger, bargaining, admitting) soon enough.

>Because the Russian reaction to getting found out is having autistic fits.

They haven't said shit about this?

Because US and Israel are the good guys.

funniest post on Sup Forums i've seen all week

Have you been paying attention? They have had a UNSC meeting on this, where Moscow basically employed whataboutism and blamed London for the "break down in relations".

They're been going ballistic mate.

>where Moscow basically employed whataboutism and blamed London for the "break down in relations".
Asking for a sample to analyze isn't "whataboutism" at all. Please educate yourself:

We dont. The Brits are losing it.
The UK gave Russia an ultimatum demanding an explantion on why "their" nerve agent was used on British soil without a shred of evidence or providing any samples to analyze. Basically the UK is chimping out.


modern world is gay as fuck, about 40 years ago they would have just riddled his body with .22lr instead of this gay chemical substance that won't even kill

Russia was most likely behind this incident, but it's just one of many similar incidents in the grand scheme of things.
The real question is how many things like this happen on a monthly, if not daily basis all across the globe but without people knowing?

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Unless of course it was all a deliberate false-flag to set someone up..

> doping scandal
Which one of the stages is going to the courts and clearing athletes on case-by-case basys?

>y-you can't prove that were were using illegal substances since all the urine samples have been tampered with! By us!

They are just trying to dump the blame for the attack on Russia because they can hurt its reputation. Its ridiculous that the UK expels the Russian diplomats only out of its speculation that Russia's behind the incident

I dont care wether the Russians did it or not, I just want Russia to burn tbqh

you're going to burn as well Philippe

What about winning those cases? Does that reverses the progression or continues it?

They used fucking polonium to kill litvenenko.

We are cooperating with the OPCW fully. We're not obliged to send you shit, what we WILL do is send it to neutral nations so they can verify our findings. Do you send a murder weapon to a suspected murderer to take a look at? Fuck no. This is the same.

Ivan please.
I don't know how it works in Russia, but in the civilised world courts use evidence. Now, there is evidence that samples have been tampered with. However, we don't know which samples. So if a Russian athlete comes forth and said he dindu nothin' and there is no evidence that his sample sprcifically has been tampered with, he doesn't get convicted.
However, you are still bargaining. The tempering has been widespread, sanctioned by the government and done so badly it only could have been of Russian design.

Because it was never actually declared by your government.

That UNSC meeting was fascinating. Watching a top level Russian diplomat ask for proofs like a retard here, it's amazing that this is the world we live in.

I'm sure you will understand nothing but I'll try anyway.

1) Porton Down has acknowledged in publications it has never seen any Russian “novichoks”. The UK government has absolutely no “fingerprint” information such as impurities that can safely attribute this substance to Russia.
2) Until now, neither Porton Down nor the world’s experts at the Organisation for the Prevention of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) were convinced “Novichoks” even exist.
3) The UK is refusing to provide a sample to the OPCW.
4) “Novichoks” were specifically designed to be able to be manufactured from common ingredients on any scientific bench. The Americans dismantled and studied the facility that allegedly developed them. It is completely untrue only the Russians could make them, if anybody can.
5) The “Novichok” programme was in Uzbekistan not in Russia. Its legacy was inherited by the Americans during their alliance with Karimov, not by the Russians. (C) internet

It does seem suspect. It's a perfect excuse to urge the world, particularly the Western world, to be even harsher with Russia.

Sadly, mrs. May, who was in charge of that investigation, made its results secret.
Oh, well.
>If we say it was Russia then it was Russia, fin.
Chauvinistic patriotism: the post.

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>They used fucking polonium to kill litvenenko.

Still not so convinced they did that.

My trustlevel towards Russia is higher than towards Britain especially with retarded James Bond assassinations. That's something brainlessly arrogant british Lords would do.

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>it's amazing that this is the world we live in.
Hopefully you'll understand what is evidence and how courts works.
Until that happens you better quit watching news and looking into current affairs. And focus on homework. You need to finish the school.

Again, we're cooperating with the OPCW fully. We'll provide neutral nations with samples they can collectively analyse, then we'll see that they agree. We're not cooperating with you because you're the country that carried out the attack in the first place, what possible fucking reason is there for us sending you samples when it's well known you'll fuck with them?

If you have faith in the OPCW like you say, you'll be happy to see neutrals make a judgment. If not, maybe it means you've got something to hide.

Besides, we've shown our evidence to our allies already, why do you think the US has come out so and agreed with us so strongly?

>Hopefully you'll understand what is evidence and how courts works.

I do. Beyond reasonable doubt is enough to find someone guilty, and you're not obliged to give a murder suspect access to the evidence.

>Watching a top level Russian diplomat ask for proofs like a retard here,

It's fascinating that retarded Anglos expect a terribly retarded forced meme to somehow come irl and be accepted as the opinion of masses of people.

>you're not obliged to give a murder suspect access to the evidence.

But his lawyer needs access and can appoint neutral experts to examine the evidence.

Isn't that common practice?

Absolutely. Which is why we're cooperating with the OPCW. Notice that nobody at the OPCW or UNSC have any problems with how things are being carried out. Except one, who keeps claiming that the rules aren't being followed. Even though nobody else is claiming that.How interesting.

Well, you are just as retarded as I've expected.
Until the investigation is completed and the results is verified by a 3rd party organziation (as we are dealing with international/multi government case) no one should jump into conclusions and act premature.
So far all published reports had works like "likely", "possibly", "chances are", "may be", "had opportunity". It's truly weak sauce. It's too bad it's you aren't able to understand that.

Beyond reasonable doubt is enough for a conviction.

>Again, we're cooperating with the OPCW fully.
When did Britain share the sample with OPCW experts?

>Kiwi historian

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Sounds like the story about WMD in Iraq.
No evidence found but who cares, let's drop the bombs

Keep in mind that we gave Russia plenty of time to respond, and they had every chance to discuss it with us. Instead of taking reasonable action to work with us they decided to fuck around and offer no help. If they had offered to cooperate properly we would have shared evidence. Instead they refused entirely and then had the audacity to claim that we weren't being reasonable.

>Keep in mind that we gave Russia plenty of time to respond, and they had every chance to discuss it with us.

It's been only 11 days and Britain already wants to sentence Russia.

Smells fishy all over the place.

They made a veiled nuclear threat from what I understand.

>what is british mandated palestine
>what is the balfour declaration

They did, yeah. Clearly the action of an innocent nation

>One should be mindful that the chemical components or precursors of A-232 or its binary version novichok-5 are ordinary organophosphates that can be made at commercial chemical companies that manufacture such products as fertilizers and pesticides.
You have 24 hours to explain where that agent was made! You will not give a sample, if you need to know what was it buy a book for $10 and study it.

Maybe because every single piece of evidence points at them.

That's not really how the history of the area played out. The British in the Mandate were loathed for being too pro-Arab and there was a low level conflict of sorts with some of the more aggressive settler groups.

That explains why Jews are often involved in sexual violence against children.

It's their noble british heritage.

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>Maybe because every single piece of evidence points at them.
Solid point.

No, you moron, there was tons of doubt surrounding Iraq. The inspectors said they didn't find anything.

Russia is guilty and it doesn't even matter. Like this is your first action that warrants more sanctions.

Name 1 time that Russia admitted to assassinating someone.

Including all those time where we found irrefutable evidence like 20 years later.

>The inspectors said they didn't find anything.
Precisely, no solid evidence to back up the claim yet bombing the country.

>The United States asserted that Saddam's frequent lack of cooperation was a breach of Resolution 1441, but failed to convince the UN Security Council to pass a new resolution authorizing the use of force due to lack of evidence.[6][7][8] Despite this, Bush asserted peaceful measures could not disarm Iraq of the weapons he alleged it to have and launched a second Gulf War. Later U.S.-led inspections found out that Iraq had earlier ceased active WMD production and stockpiling.

>Maybe because every single piece of evidence points at them.

What will the next assassination in London be like?

A brown bear drapped in a russian flag ripping a nobody apart who was a useful source maybe 30 years ago but is now completely irrelevant?

>No, you moron
When a kid spits tons of insult to back up his argument it only makes him look funny. Why are you doing that? You act like an under-aged twat. It's hard to take you seriously.

get back to china ping ling

You don't understand English very well. Maybe you need more lessons from the Kremlin language Centre.

Exactly. Thinking Russia had nothing to do with the gassing is as stupid as saying America invaded Iraq in self-defense.

Same goes for Crimea, shellining Manilia, all that shit you've done to ruin your reputation over the decades. Why should we believe a pathological liar?

>Name 1 time that Russia admitted to assassinating someone.

Name one time... what the fuck is wrong with you?

How is that sentence and argument for anything or evidence for anything? Are you a fucking cunt? Are you menstruating or something?

You bots sure got lazy.

Because clearly there are no proofs

t. Kremlin

Do you have brain damage?

There is proof. As mentioned earlier, beyond resonable doubt qualifies as proof.

Technically you can't prove anything. Russia can't prove that Britain accused them of the gassing. That might just be a plant job, an American in their midst twisting their words. That's how you think like a Russian.

He's essentially right even though just partially.

It's interesting to mention though that the majority of Jews who founded Israel were of Russian origin... so this could go both ways.

>he think it matters who did

The narrative is already set.

>You don't understand English very well. Maybe you need more lessons from the Kremlin language Centre.
Hhmmm. makes me think, most brits are fluent in irony and sarcasm, but yet you've managed to fail. Looks like you have no idea what banter is.
Are you a refugee?

Nicholas II was one of the top 5 richest men who have ever lived, so I'm pretty sure anyone and everyone was out to dethrone him. Jews, communists, russians, anyone there when shit went down took a shot.

...That's not what I was talking about

I apologize. It's true, though.

This is exactly the kind of attack that Russia does, clear enough that it is from them to send a message, but dubious enough they can shrink back, cry out for proofs and deny accountability.

>He has confirmed the UK will submit a sample of the nerve agent to the Organisation for Prohibition of Chemical Weapons for it to carry out its own tests but will not provide a sample directly to Russia.

Happy now?

We will see how this investigation is handled.

When all sides have equal access to the finding and can see how they work and see that they act neutral, then yes. Then it's ok.

I just don't trust Anglos.

You'll still claim there's no proof