When someone speaks with finnish accent near me

>when someone speaks with finnish accent near me

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We don't like you. You are not our "bros".

Then no one is your bros

>when i hear someone talking swedish in my uni

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A lot of eastern europeans are nice to us on Sup Forums

>when a girl (female) speaks with a finnish accent near me

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The average Swede doesn't think much about Finland but has a neutral opinion.

I've been reading what Swedes say about Finns on YouTube comments and it's not neutral


Ai tink uu arr gei

newer generations are oblivious and disrespectful. non-deluded swedes know we get along very well

I've been reading Finland is full of introverts and furries, is that true?

>What’s the difference between a Finnish extrovert and a Finnish introvert? The introvert looks at his shoes when he is talking to you. The extrovert looks at your shoes.

tooday on di hydrooolic prez chanul

It doesn't reflect what the average Swede thinks and is probably in response to some Finn saying something disrespectful. Again, the average Swede is neutral and doesn't think much about Finland. Probably a positive opinion if they have one.


and I've been reading online that the earth is flat, retard
Doesn't seem that way. Finns don't really think about you, but we don't hate you either. But for some reason you literally despise us.

t. different user

This whole Finland vs Sweden thing is just both of us being tsundere at each other

Nope. I actually dislike Swedes. Their arrogance is on a whole other level.


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They don't think about us at all, Swedes are living rent free inside your head. Stop embarrassing us, this whole sweden hate belongs to elementary school

>s-stop embarrassing us and s-suck swedish cock p-please!

Back to ylis brat

he's right. most finns don't think about swedes, but you do. you have an obsession. is it some kind of an inferiority complex and WHY? i swear to god i think we are better than swedes in most ways, if we compare the countries.

>and WHY?

We were their bitch for 600 years.

I’ll just leave this here and then abandon the thread while these autistic keyboard warriors keep on flinging shit at each other.

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It's a reaction towards the Swedish racism against Finns I've seen here and elsewhere
Swedes live in a fantasy world where Finland-Swedes are ethnic Swedes and control Finland, when only 1% of them have anything to do with the old money elite.
When it turns out Nokia was founded by a Swedish speaker in 1870s Swedes jump in joy because they think it's another proof of Swedish supremacy.
They have no idea that Finnish speakers were still discriminated and excluded from everything back then.

is this what swedes really think? t. "Finland-Swede/Fennoswede/hurri" (I fucking hate that term. it makes no sense, how do you actually lproperly label a "fennoswede"?)

Does hurri mean fennoswede? I used to game with a finn who had that nickname

Yeah it's a degrotary term. It must be some kind of a failed divide and conquer tactic, it makes no sense.

This is what they think. Or how they want it to be.

They think that theres a lot bigger swedish influence than there is and all fennoswedes are bättrefolk and there is some kind of apartheid going on where finns are the knife fighting drunk subhumans :D

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