Do you hate tourists?

Do you hate tourists?

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Catalan genocide when
The Castilian bull needs to put a stop to this


Of course, that's part of our traditions.

but refugees are fine?

I hate the French

Sometimes tourists make me irritated, desu. Tourists will go back to their coutries, but immigrants stay.

No, we hate them too. Only the gvt s

Spaniards = Christianized North Africans

>el goblino

Every fucking thread

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Tourists are the lowest of the low. I'd say American tourists are the worst, even in America they are despised. However, Chinese tourists have become the worst by a wide margin


Tourist go home!
Refugees welcome!

Hans raus,
Achmed rein


Is this related to airbnb destroying the local economy?

I hate asians tourists that scream a lot and don't give a shit to any sign or anything...

Did you forget British tourists exist, Americans sometimes at least attempt to behave themselves

Those are called chinese, franco

specially americans and chinese tourist are the worst

Only German tourists

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t. türk

No but i dont understand why Asians would spend allot of money to come to visit europe idk why bbut it feels weird why dont they go somwhere else like africa for example. Chinese please explain

Yes and I do more every passing day, yesterday I could hear several groups of French and English speakers in my city centre
Why is it called tourist season if we can't shoot them?

As long as they're not english I don't mind them at all.
English sub-humans who come to my city to "see a football match" but actually just spend three days being drunk, fight and throwing their garbage everywhere can go fuck themselves

Cause there is nothing interesting to see in Africa ?

The only time I wasn't a tourist was when my family drove to the grand canyon and we were watching this "history of the grand canyon" movie in this cinema and there was a german family close by who were wearing headphones so the movie could be translated and I remember thinking to myself hoping they were having a nice time.

the only tourists we get are snowbirds

Then we retake Aztlán, americano

What is the difference between German tourists and German terrorists?
German terrorists have sympathizers;

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But I dislike people like Logan pole desu.

My wife and daughter are both Mexican citizens
I'll just get citizenship as well :)

Snowbirds tend to live in canadian enclaves from what I've heard so are they even really tourists?

Yes. God damn asian tourists flock to Lofoten and litter the beautiful nature.

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Stop killing yourselves because of your crappy social norms first

Sometimes, but tourism makes up 20% of our GDP. American and Chinese are worst tourists.

only german ones they're very rude and dig holes at the beach

lol no

Kinda but tourists also opened my eyes. In the 90s and 2000s people here were obsessed with the West, Germans,French, Brits were thought of as Elves and we were the lowly orcs. After a couple decades of having the lowest, most vile subhuman trash tourists from Western countries over here we learned we have absolutely nothing to feel inferior about other than the economy which is slowly getting back on track. Really goes to show the country you live in has absolutely nothing to do with your attitude

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Only the 20 year olds from britain.

in my area theres not that many tourists so i have no complaints
i bet it was chinks. i hate when people litter in natural spaces.

No. My towns economy runs on tourists and they usually behave well. Except asians who can't handle their liqor but it's more funny than anger inducing

>lol no
lol yes. Large amounts of American Tourists are Chinese-tier in how they behave.

It appears my rowdy behaviour has led to some controversy

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Only the ones from Israel

t. Chile

Only if they're wh*te

lol Chilean manlet butthurt that we impregnate all their sluts

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I don't mind them

I'd just shoot them when they are taking picture with Pisa's leaning tower, is so annoying and stupid everytime I go there for the uni.

I've met some of the nicest English tourists in South Africa. My parents, my two brothers, and I where walking down a road towards the beach, when an old and rusty Fiat Punto pulled up next to us and the couple inside started talking to my mother. She could hardly understand them and how should she have been able to suppose that they were offering to give us a lift to the beach, given how small the car was, there even was some rubbish on the back seats. I came up to help with the talking and politely refused.
Despite its absurdity, it was a very kind gesture and makes me think fondly of English tourists

I remember once when I was pretty young, I had a bad accident beside the road. The car that stopped was being driven by an old German man and his wife.
Thinking about that always makes me conflicted about whether or not I really want gas the lot of you, honestly.


Can someone hit on me?

If I see another fucking Korean in Milan central station, I'm going to fucking throw him under the Frecciarossa headed to Naples

chink in italy . they are like a animal.

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Nope, Canadians are great people. Americans are...

Learn English, senpai.

depends on the tourist.
in most cases, yes.

These are Chinese quality desu

I do, but we depend on them, so what to do if not endure them?

Romanticism of europe. We're expecting this but instead it's

Jesus. Are you all this naive? It's like me going to Japan and expecting everyone to be dressed as samurais and geishas.

Only the ones from shit-tier countries like China or the US. We get good European tourists because it takes lots of money and lots of effort to come to Australia when you could be shitting up Spain or Croatia.

> It's like me going to Japan and expecting everyone to be dressed as samurais and geishas.
Aren't you?

Why in the fuck would you EVER visit Sp*in?

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Don't you have a lot of guys from europe doing travel and work? Had 2 friends who went down there for 6 months with less than a grand on them

what the fuck is wrong with you

I honestly have never had a problem with American tourists. They're a bit of a novelty for me living in Perth since we barely get any of them.
The vast majority of our tourists are South East Asian or Chinese and I really fucking dislike them. They fill up the city and make it look like we've been ZHANGED and they have no concept of western manners or politeness. They also can't get their head around the fact that you're meant to walk on the left hand side of the path, especially on shared bike paths with marked lanes, which makes my ride in to work each day annoying. They don't speak a word of English and just stare at you with a dumb look on their faces when you call out and ask for them to move to the side.

Yeah that's a common thing. Most backpacker hotels are filled with euros and not just poms

Chinks, g*rmans and goblinos should be banned from leaving their countries desu