This woman has done nothing but pure Kino in movies, tv shows music and interviews

>This woman has done nothing but pure Kino in movies, tv shows music and interviews
>Only worth 2 million net worth
We need to do something

XXX3 was pure garbage

Go watch capeshit then faggot

Would you let her peg you're boipussy?


>if you don't like X you must like Y
Imagine how much you must HATE being you

is this the new funny tee vee mee me that we spread around beat into the ground and will always remain funny to the point where it gets ported to other boards?

Fuck off memebot

The only thing new here is you friendo

Good since I can appreciate kino, rather than literal capeshit michael bay

Just fuck of redditscum

t. Reddit

But you watch capeshit, you are by definition redditscum

No you watch capeshit faggot

Adleast I didint come from the backwaters of reddit
fuck off back there

Prove it redditor

Do you have brain damage?
You said a literal kino movie was shit

There are 4 posters in this thread you absolute retard


They made more than 1 movie?

>memeing faggot
>memeing faggot
>(((you))) also memeing faggot, and faggot

Stay mad retard

Before I finally dismiss you as a retard you are,
Why dont you like ruby rosegod?
Why didn't you like XXX3

The masses are stupid.

Didn't you get taught lowest commen denominator in basic algebra, you fuck?

I already explained that I'm not him you LITERAL retard.


>The masses are stupid.
^^^^^^^ This +1000

And why should I believe you? or him?

I honestly don't care anymore. Live in your delusion retard

i'd pay for it desu

itt: op goes full socially needy

she's not attracted to guys you virgin

no joke i can pull her if we were in the same room
i have this power over lesbos

Her girlfriend would smash your face in

no one is surprised lesbians are mentally broken

>Woman defends her girl from man trying to take her
>See? lesbian women are violent!
Any mamal species defends their young or their females from twisted malfunctioning possed animals like yourself
Chimpanzees would break your neck
Wolves would gnaw on your legs
Grizzly Bears would cave your head in

Where do I find an androgynous gf to watch kino with me?

oh sweet summer child, its still not surprising to anyone that lesbians are mentally broken

she has nudes you know

Why do suddenly so many movie cuties turn out to be lesbians?

it signals to the wealthy who would be willing to buy her as a high class prostitute ass that she is willing to do some girl on girl

Its almost like they get raped by old jewish executives in order to get roles so they no longer feel comfortable being sexual with men.

return of xander cage was 10 times worse than any capeshit movie, it was even worse than the recent F&F movies

Why do so many Anons like these boyish lesbians like Cara Delevengne and Karlie Kloss? Is it because the Anons are latent homosexuals?

If it wasn't for her tattoos she'd be incredibly hot.

its actually underage females falling for the lesbian meme. if you think this is 2006 and everyone on the net is a male, you need to join the rest of us in the future. Sup Forums itself is underage users with most being edgy teen girls who got indoctrinated to behave how tv shows portray males. get with the times, gramps

>Only worth 2 million net worth

Could be a great Captain Marvel
Could be a perfect Lisbeth Salander
Could be a great Spider Woman

>tfw no gold star bodyguard gf

so is xxx3 actually good?